
Emperor of Mankind

Wishing to become the Emperor of Mankind, the MC is allowed to consume some Essences which grant him the abilities of the man. As he grows up, he will journey to the Star Wars, DC and/or Marvel universe, in between the terrible Age of Strife, to begin his preparations before he returns to Warhammer 40k and unleashes the might of Humanity on the Universe. This is an AU and some if not quite a few things will be wrong. Don't take this as an offence, but as for me simply not knowing something and making it up as I go. If you have something to add or give me things to implement, please do.

DaoistWDfd8h · Book&Literature
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12 Chs

The first Battlefield III

(3rd Person POV)

The fight between the newborn Imperium and the Ancient Aeldari cultists continued. Neither side would give in. The Adeptus Custodes didn't have the vocabulary of giving up and the Ancient Aeldari were simply quenching their thirst for blood. The psychotic Xenos wore smiles that would give the Joker competition. This was what they were looking for. This was the solution to their boredom, finally, someone could somewhat challenge them and fight. They weren't thinking about their losses or the well-being of their comrades. They didn't even care about the outcome of this fight ... it was all about shedding blood.

On the other hand, the Adeptus Custodes were fighting at their limits. This was their first fight. The first time they could prove to the Emperor their capabilities. They were by no means new to this. Centuries of fighting mentally had shaped them already. But no matter what, virtual reality is not reality, and only the hard gory truth of a real battle could truly shape them into the terrifying, deadly efficient machines they were known for. 

Their job was to kill all the Xeno Aeldari. As the battle was going on, the Custodes were growing. Their minds became clearer, their movements swifter, their strikes more powerful and their skills deadlier. When they managed to find the weakest point in the enemy armament, without having prior knowledge of them and managed to keep up with the swift Aeldari warriors, the Custodes knew one thing ... the Emperor protects. 


On the Emperor's battlefield, the Aeldari were shocked. The use of their amped-up Psyker abilities, which could change and decide fate and see through time ... had just been shattered by the Emperor and he had killed one of their strongest Warlocks, using 'Blood Boil'. Normally, this particular use of the Warp would make their dark cultist hearts, jump in joy. However now, they can't find any joy in what they have seen. This is far too serious. This ... Mon-keigh ... had just shattered the fate that the Warp had set for him. 

For the first time, the leading Farseer had another feeling except bloodlusting joy. Something else was slowly knocking at the door of his heart. Something he had never felt before. But what was it?


Raw, unbridled fear of the creature that stood before them. Blood and guts adorned his entire armour. Witchblades, Mirrorswords, Power Blades and Singing spears were still lodged in his body and should have killed him long ago. But he was not dead ... Not by a long shot. 

The Aeldari Farseer had every reason to be afraid. The emperor had undergone a great change. His physical abilities had developed so enormously that he no longer had the slightest problem keeping up with the 'sub-relativistic' speeds of the Aeldari warriors. That's right, the speed of the Aeldari cannon fodder had been multiplied even more, reaching 'sub-relativistic'.

His aura began to glow golden and his simple presence caused pain to the warp-sensitive Farseers and Warlocks. The Emperor no longer dodged attacks but swung his sword faster than even the Aeldari could see. The scene was reminiscent of the beginning of the battle when he mowed down the normal Aeldari warriors. These, however, had their capabilities multiplied several times by the Warp. 

The development was frightening for the leading Farseer. In his state of fear, he gave a mental signal to his colleagues. The strongest attack had to be used now. Getting the affirmative, the Warp-sensitive fighters got to work, while the Aeldari warriors tried to slow the Emperor down, somewhat. 

Once again, the Warlocks and Farseers amplified each other's powers, bringing them to new heights. 


The emperor's eyes shone golden and with pure power. Although he did not use his psychic powers, his ever-increasing strength had the effect of increasing his other abilities as well. What was only an illusion in the original was now reality. 

He grabbed a sword before it could hit his face. He looked into the distance and saw what the Farseer was about to do. The sky began to change and power built up. He clenched his fist and broke the sword, which had been made stronger by psychic energy. His heavy footsteps echoed through the battlefield. 

His sword was only an afterimage of where it was actually, spilling blood left and right. 


He picked up his speed slowly. From walking to jogging, to full throttle. The Emperor was like an unstoppable force killing everything in his path, and causing blood to drench the ground. As this was going on, a vast psychic storm was manifesting in the sky. It was a storm like no other and it was clear, that should someone get hit, he or she would get killed instantly and their souls would shatter due to the vast psychic power. 

The next moment, the Emperor was in front of the leading Farseer, swinging his flaming sword with power that seemed to split the room. 

However, before the sword could make contact, all movement of the Emperor stopped ...

The reason for this was another application of the Warp, 'Temporal Wave'. This power allowed the Farseer to target the Emperor and remove him from time itself, essentially freezing them in place and making it 'impossible' for him to interact with the Aeldari who were still inside time. 


But who are we talking about here?

The Aeldari Farseer who was about to breathe a small sigh of relief, suddenly felt a chill run down his spine. The eyes of the Emperor suddenly ... moved!!! He was looking the Farseer in the eyes. 

Please remember, that the emperor is not using his psychic power and only his physical body with his increasing capabilities and skills. He was literally 'getting used' to being out of time. Any moment now, he would break out of the hold and kill them all. 

So he had to work fast. 

The storm in the air began to grow in intensity and power. Psychic lighting started to manifest and strike down on the battlefield, painting the sky red and pink until it was finally ready. 


The power of the storm seemed to condense until ...


One giant bolt of psychic energy shot towards the ground in a devastating burst that resulted in a giant explosion.





"Haaaa ... haaaa ...", the Farseers and Warlocks were all panting heavily. This took all of their power to do. The only people who knew what the result of this explosion was, were the Custodes. They could still feel their lord and Emperor loud and clear through the psychic presence. The Emperor's psychic presence was not diminishing, not at all ... it was increasing. 

In the giant crater that had formed, the Emperor was lying looking at the sky. Half of his face, the entire left side of his body and his lower half had been disintegrated and the rest of his body was charred black from the head and energy released by the attack. However, he wasn't showing any pain, he was waiting and taking this chance to grow more powerful. His regeneration had already kicked in and was growing everything back before he could blink. 

The Emperor calculated that the last attack could have heavily damaged if not destroyed a Reaver-class Battle Titan.


The reason for this was the unconventional way the Warlocks and Farseers enhanced the capabilities of the leading Farseer, making his attack many times more potent and powerful. And yet here he was, having shrugged it off and standing back up, ready for more. His armour was mostly destroyed, but he had an idea of how to recreate it and maybe even make it better than it was before. 


As the dust finally settled, the Aeldari watched in shock and fear as Neoth walked out of the crater, with his sword in hand and an aura that threatened to crush them at any moment. Even the seemingly dead and unfeeling Aeldari warriors, were trembling for some reason. At that moment, the Emperor was a mountain, a sun that shined across the battlefield and purified that which was impure. 

His eyes suddenly shone golden again, filled with an idea. He waved his hand through the air and the Warp listened. Psychic shackles manifested themselves as the Emperor plunged into the Aeldari's minds, trammelling their souls, crushing their will to fight on and stalling their advance in its tracks. But that wasn't all, he had another plan.

His powerful presence within the Warp was used to achieve something else. Something that he hadn't thought about before, but seemed like a much better option now. He clouded the Aeldari's perceptions, tricking them into feeling that he is someone to be trusted implicitly, reacting positively to interactions with him. They turned their allegiances and became docile ... his dogs so to speak. 

But one among them, the leading Farseer and the most powerful among them, tried to resist the Emperor's grace and shouted as loud as he could. The shout wasn't just one that could be heard with your ears, but within the Warp and in his desperation, the Farseer used one last attack. A desperate move, to try and salvage the situation. 

Mind War. The Farseer invaded the Emperor's mind and attacked it directly. Mind War typically results in the foe's brain exploding. It can also render them slow and dumb, or nullify any psychic powers they may have attempted. 

However ... there was one small problem. 

What would happen if you try to read the mind of someone, that has not one, not two and not even three, but Infinite trains of thought? How would he react? Would he appreciate it, or would he scream like a banshee? 


- Scene Change - 

- Inside the Emperor's mind -


Because of the violence in this scene, we prefer to show you a documentary about crayfish.

"Contrary to popular belief, lobsters feed exclusively on seafood. However, this does not prevent them from remaining very human..."]









Inside the Emperor's mind, the infinite trains of thought attacked the mind of the Farseer at the same time. But they didn't kill his mind. No, that would have been far too lenient. They cleansed the mind of any and all negative things. The Farseers mind was broken down into the fundamental pieces and then rebuilt back up, as the perfect slave to the Imperium and the Emperor. 

That was his plan right now. Why kill all of the Aeldari, if he can turn them into perfect slaves? He could turn them into undercover spies and have them act in the Imperium's interest. Send them through the Webway, sabotage the Aeldari strongholds and have them bring back any new and powerful technology to help the Imperium's advancement. 

With that in mind, the Emperor 'recreated' the minds and even the souls of the Aeldari Farseers, Warlocks and regular warriors. All of them were turned into slaves and devoted one at that. They would forever kiss the ground he walked on and praise his name. They would be a good source of power to him.


With this, the first battle of the Adeptus Custodes and the Emperor of Mankind against a powerful enemy like the Ancient Aeldari was finished. Resulting in Mankind's victory. 

On the Custodes' side, some were rather badly hurt, but not one of them had died. It had to be said, that the Emperor did help them somewhat, but not much. This was as much their victory as it had been the Emperor's. 

After the Emperor had turned all the remaining Aeldari into slaves for the Imperium, he called the thousands of workers on board the Imperator Sominium and had them collect every piece of technology they could find there. The Aeldari spaceship was taken as well. The Emperor was pleased. With this, he could speed up humanity's advancement tremendously and his fight against the Xenos and other threats of the Universe would come along nicely.