
Emperor of Mankind (Naruto X Justice League)

Journey to a new world to prepare for an inevitable fight and prepare for the conquest of the Universe as the Will of Humanity, the Emperor of Mankind. Disclaimer: I do not own anything. A.U. Naruto with proper training and ninja mindset.

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Chapter 28

Silent Hill was in West Virginia, not too far for Centurion. Using his powers, he could become invisible and avoided any kind of detection.

After getting into a fight with the JL last time, he had become very cautious. Another reason for his cautious behavior was the emergence of the Emperor.

He had never heard of such a being in his life and didn't believe a word that was uttered by the creature. Nonetheless, he was careful since the man was handling the JL lightly.

Playing around with Superman wasn't child's play.

Landing inside the ghost town, Centurion found the place abandoned with no life in it. But, he already knew about that and he could feel the spiritual wave.

The giant man wearing red and gold armor started walking casually on the streets. He wanted to see if the spirit would appear.

"Come out Alessa, or I might have to destroy this place." Valkus muttered in a commanding tone as his feet left imprints on the road.

He wasn't there to recruit, as he was there to make her submit.

It didn't take long for the world to be enshrouded in fog as ashes rained down, and a little girl with long black hair and pale skin stood in front of him.

Alessa also known as Dark Alessa stood in front of Valkus wearing a purple dress. She was the dark part of Alessa formed from her suffering.

"Good, now come along little lady before I get violent." Valkus smiled as he stepped forward to catch her tiny little form while releasing his spiritual aura to suppress her form.

Alessa looked at him with a dull expression. She could feel his spiritual power and the ghosts around him.

It wasn't the first time someone had tried to make her submit.

She was waiting for her good part to return and these things were an annoyance.

Stepping back, the world started to shift again. Reality seems to peel away releasing a nightmare realm. Silent Hill was the town that had become Alessa's territory and it was a place with three realms, the normal world, the fog world and the nightmare realm.

Valkus increased his pace to catch the little brat while fully unleashing his presence, but she disappeared and he was forced to dodge a slash from a giant cleaver.

Standing on his side was a man of similar size wearing a giant triangular metal mask. It was Pyramid Head, one of Alessa's guards.

He represented the faceless guardian that protected Alessa from harm.

And, he wasn't alone.

There were two figures that took shape from Valkus, representing his fears and trauma.

One was similar size to Pyramid Head, and he had a large buff body and wore a cloth bag on his head while spikes covered his head.

He wore simple white clothes and over them he wore dark leather armor.

In his hand was an oversized battle axe that also served as a hammer and there was a chain connected to the hammer section.

It represented his fear of being executed for treason. It was a figure that had haunted him from a young age, as he had watched people get beheaded.

The other one was huge, and with size it also represented his biggest fear.

The Yellow Emperor

It was a huge figure that stood two stories tall and had tentacles instead of legs.

Its face was covered by a white mask and its eyes were a deep pool of darkness. It was a dark skinned figure wearing a yellow robe and a golden medallion along with a floating golden crown.

Its hands were large and pointy while more tentacles came out of the arm section of the robe, and even its abdomen.

The figure represented his fear of being ruled by another, a higher force that makes him feel powerless. It represented his deepest fears of futility and weakness.

The tentacles were the limbs that extended forth to control its subjects.

Valkus thought he had never experience fear, but at the moment he could feel his heart beating fast. Alessa had awakened his fear and the presence of the two creatures caused him to remember the horrible past.

"Fucking whore!" Valkus roared as his ghost army was summoned, everyone that had died serving him was summoned along with his new slaves.

Thousands of soldiers on horses rushed at the nightmares while he scanned the area.

"Find the maggot, now!" Valkus turned to Sadako along with Kayako and growled his order while quickly dodging the Yellow Emperor.

Sadako had space manipulation skills while Kayako went further as she could mark people, and follow them.

The two ghost women were forced by the collar on their necks to follow the command.

Sadako connected to all the Televisions in the town and found a target. Emerging from the TV, she was forced back in by Dark Alessa and confined into the digital realm.

Kayako was also about to start working, but Valkus put a stop to it.

"Stop, just help me with this abomination." Valkus commanded as he lost connection with Sadako.

Angon was a giant monster that stood 5 meter tall, it could shift its red blood like body any way it wanted and could poison people.

It fought against Pyramid Head while Angelica and Ace fought against the Executioner.

Angelica was part of the Terror Titans gathered by the clock King to fight against the Teen Titans. She was killed by the man.

She was a woman that hated other women. Regardless, she was a powerful being with the power to disrupt gravity and negate kinetic energy.

Following that, she also had energy projection.

While Ace Masterson was an old man called the Human Dynamo. He wasn't a villain but a man that wished to be a crime fighter so he ended up experimenting on his body.

He was transformed into a living battery capable of absorbing and manipulating electromagnetic radiation.

He got his dream but realized that he had dementia and could become a threat so he hired DeathStroke to assassinate him, giving him a warrior's death.

The two were stuck fighting one his nightmare's while the rest fought against his biggest fear.

Abin Sur was an alien being that protected the earth region as a green lantern before Hal Jordan became the Green Lantern when he died.

Zatara was Zatanna's father who had died in the line of duty, fighting against The Darkness. He had said his farewells to his daughter but his death was also the reason for Zatanna and John Constantine's break up.

John was the only one to survive the battle and some other people handled the problem with the darkness.

Regardless, Zatara was an exceptional magician but now he was stuck into servitude.

Everyone was focused on the giant monster and avoiding its tentacles.

The Yellow Emperor could dominate the mind by coiling its targets and its body was hard to harm. To make things worse, it could heal instantly.

Valkus couldn't calm his heart around the monster and flew around the battlefield avoiding its touch. He could feel it smiling at him, looking down on him.

"Vanish!" Valkus screamed as he unleashed a beam of light. Just like Moon Maiden, Valkus also got powers from the same source.

Valkus could get power from the sun, though it wasn't like Superman. He could just manipulate light for attacks, not grow stronger from it.

Y.E extended its hand and a dark barrier appeared, blocking his attack.

At the same time, the others attacked.

Sur used his lantern powers, though they had been weakened without the real ring. Creating a beam canon, he blasted the target.

Zatara spoke his spells and unleashed fireballs while also creating ethereal chains to catch their target.

Finally, Kayako used her space manipulation to appear inside the robe of the Y.E. She tried to take him into her dark realm.

But, all of it was futile. Y.E. was his biggest fear and it was feeding on his terror along with Alessa's powers.

She was happy with Y.E. and decided to keep him.

Y.E. smiled as he blocked Sur's attack with the other hand. His tentacles destroyed all of Zatara's attacks and pierced through him.

His head turned around and stared into Kayako's eyes.

Kayako was a human woman that had been killed by her husband. The current form was the grudge left behind in the moment of her death along with all the dark spirits her human form had consumed before death, and the continuous consumptions of souls after that.

Any other person staring into her eyes would experience a heart attack before getting their soul devoured.

Y.E. smiled before more tentacles appeared from its mouth that coiled around Kayako, trying to drag her inside.

It became a fight of who could eat first.

"Converge my loyal slaves, let us become one." Valkus announced as he saw that they weren't making a dent on the thing.

He needed to calm down, so he had all the loyal soldiers gather inside of him.

With those spirits, he felt calm and could think clearly.

He was covered up in ethereal armor and carried a long lance along with a shield, riding an ethereal horse.

Gathering all of them, he saved Kayako from getting devoured while also getting all their abilities in one body.

He left the others to engage the minor distractions and fought against Y.E.

With a command, ethereal chains appeared from the ground and the air to trap his foe.

"Finish him." Alessa commanded and Y.E. raised his hand to the sky, in his hand appeared a sword.

Valkus didn't stop his attack, and threw his lance after focusing his powers on it. It was an attack that should destroy all his obstacles, but it disappeared with the slash from Y.E.

Valkus quickly retreated to avoid the attack, but chains coiled around his legs.

Looking back, he realized that Pyramid head was the only one on the battlefield at the back. He had devoured the Executioner along with his slaves, taking on their qualities.

The enemy dragged him down and slashed down with his giant blade, Valkus blocked the attack with his shield.

The impact caused him to get smashed into the street, causing a crater to form.

The short fight had destroyed the whole area, but it mattered to none.

Seeing the two nightmares walk towards him, Valkus roared in frustration and pushed through the nightmare realm to escape Silent Hill.

Dark Alessa wanted to take him out, but Alessa was tired and needed to rest.

He was lucky and escaped to the real world. Looking down on the accursed town, Valkus shivered before escaping.

He hated Alessa and he hated the Light for their betrayal.

They had not told him everything and he was not told to expect such level of power.

'You worms will pay for this sacrilege.' Valkus took an oath as he retreated to heal up from the battle. He had lost much and almost got corrupted by Alessa.

Just as Valkus concluded, The Light hadn't planned to take him in. They were just using him to test Ai Enma and Alessa.

Their target had been these two ladies.

Valkus was an old villain and The Light had no desire to keep such traitorous scum within their group. Valkus had killed his Emperor when he got his powers and backstabbed everyone that had worked with him.

His loyalty was in the negative, he was a poisonous snake that couldn't be trusted.

None of the members were blind to his desire of dominating the group.

He was strong but the two ladies were stronger. The Light wanted to check their powers and see what they could do to convince them.

Alessa seemed to hate humanity as a whole, and that needed to be fixed or she would need to die. The Light worked towards making humanity becoming a dominant force in the Universe. Though, their means were immoral and they didn't really care for the citizens.


Getting back to Silent Hill, Naruto walked into the town. One of his clones had sensed an invisible figure moving and followed.

Naruto followed and saw that it was Centurion so he decided to focus on him. The man was powerful and would be troublesome for him.

Naruto decided to inform the JL about the foe and let them handle him. It was unfortunate for Valkus, but his battle didn't end with leaving Silent Hill.

It just started another round, as he was faced with Moon Maiden, Hawkgirl and Martian Manhunter.

Naruto walked around but was unable to enter to the fog realm or the nightmare realm. His power over space wasn't good enough to open portals to other realms and Alessa didn't want him to enter.

Naruto had no fears, so the nightmare realm would have a low impact on him and she didn't want to fight pointless battles.

"I know you are there, and I will come back for you. Don't lose hope and never walk the wrong path, the world is filled with the good and bad.

Don't drown in the darkness for the select few that surrounding your innocent existence, Alessa." Naruto muttered as he disappeared.

He got the name and data from Gaea. She seemed to help him lightly at different points, and he had yet to know her goal.

She wanted him to kill the Olympians, cleanse the planet or just watch him perform.

He didn't know for sure, but he didn't mind using her for his benefit and one day she would submit like the rest.


A.N. The game lore was confusing, so I just used the movie version plus somethings from the game.