
Emperor of Mankind (Naruto X Justice League)

Journey to a new world to prepare for an inevitable fight and prepare for the conquest of the Universe as the Will of Humanity, the Emperor of Mankind. Disclaimer: I do not own anything. A.U. Naruto with proper training and ninja mindset.

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Chapter 27

Leaving Konan to collect herself, Naruto visited schools in the poor regions of Gotham. There were many issues in society and one of them was education, and within education there were other issues.

In the US, the quality of schools depended on the area they were located in. The rich neighborhood got the good schools with quality education and higher budget while the poor neighborhood got the low quality schools with small budget.

It seemed that the system wanted to keep the status quo, and deliberately worked against people on the lower scale.

Giving people lower resources insured that majority of them would never move up from their current level.

The schools in poor regions, meaning with people that paid less tax, had lower budget allocation, this meant that they didn't have the proper facilities and resources.

Having such a system also caused irresponsible teachers to appear.

This kind of problem was majority of the countries, but the rich countries didn't have an excuse for such a problem.

Developing nations or underdeveloped nations didn't have the financial power to support such a system, but nations like the US could easily do so.

Children were the future of the nation. When a nation wanted to continue its growth, it invested in education for the future generations and facilitated them on all levels.

But, it had become a money making machine in the current world.

The education system charged horrendous amounts and didn't even insure that the student will get a job or that they are catered for properly.

Having a degree meant nothing, as it could end up being just a piece of paper unless the student personally worked hard for it.

The teachers in most of these institutions just did their job of giving lectures and nothing more.

When students tell them that they all understood, anyone with basic logic would know that is complete bollocks.

Teachers were students once and they know the tricks. Many students are childish until reality hits them hard in the face.

They play around in school and college, without learning much.

The problem is the result of three people, the education system, the parents and the students.

Parents consider the education system the caretaker that will equip their children with everything needed, which is totally wrong and a destructive mindset.

The students were not at the school the whole day; as such part of the learning process is the responsibility of the parents.

The school system should be aware of such a thing and include the parents, and the society into its steps. For a proper education it needs to stop strangling curiosity and innovation in the cradle with proper steps.

Students were shaped through those experiences, and if they don't question anything throughout their academic life then it was difficult for them to ever change in their adulthood.

Habits were not easy to break, and most of them will end up as servants to the system.

Innovators were not a result of any education system, those children used the system's resources and found their path or some proper teacher came into their life.

The system should encourage curiosity and creativity from early ages, with just such a step the world would transform.

It was easy to say such things, but Naruto understood the difficulty of application.

The cost would increase and the workforce required for such a thing would need expert training, and screening.

Teaching was a noble job, and the world needs to start giving it the proper due. In the old days, teachers were considered something grand unlike the current times.

In some nations, teaching was the job of those people that couldn't do anything else with their degrees. Teaching had fallen to such low levels, such disrespect.

It was much easier to just go with the flow, and as such the world barely moved from the starting point when it came to education.

The system understood but it didn't care as it invested when it needed pawns, and the rest were of no concern.

It wasn't just the government owned institutions, as it was also the private ones. The private ones charged huge amounts but the services given didn't reflect the cost. They knew and they could improve, but they had no reason to.

If the parents and society allowed them to continue profiting with minimal effort then why should they say otherwise to such an easy world?

Naruto understood such things as this was something basic to his studies on empire building. At the moment he couldn't fix that problem, but he was going to start his other plan.

He was going to become part of politics, and for that he was going to do good deeds using his identity as George.

Naruto visited the schools, talked to the teachers and students. He even took some classes where he talked about life with children in the senior classes.

Once he was done with that, Naruto gave donations to the schools after having meetings with the principals. He made sure to fix up the teachers and the management before leaving.


While his real body was moving around the city visiting schools, Naruto's clone finished with the Pokemon game and disappeared.

Another clone activated and visited one of the big Pharma corporations. These companies were giant parasites in the US along with other giant corporations.

Business was good. Profit was good. Capitalism was a good system. Sadly, anything that a human touches turns to dust.

Ideas were good on paper but the human factor changed the outcome all the time.

The greed of people was limitless and sadly only the greedy rose to the highest levels. In an ideal system companies would compete and things would be decided by supply and demand.

But, that was a dream. Reality didn't work that way. People at the top team up and eliminate everyone else, and control the market.

When it came to Pharma, it was the sad reality. The companies held on to patents and slightly adjusted them when the time came for expiration.

They barely innovated but released propaganda that without money, innovation was impossible. People seemed to feed into the lies when many things came into being because of a need.

The people that brought insulin to life sold the rights for nothing, but these companies sold it for an enormous amount when the cost was minimal.

In their eyes money was more important than lives, and as such people died in droves and many more were put into debts because of medical costs.

These companies had done more to stifle innovation then create it.

They charged large prices for their products citing research costs when government ends up funding the research.

The cost of making the medicine didn't change and most of the time was minimal compared to its final cost.

The prices given to the customers were a result of corporate greed as the salaries and bonuses of the management continued increasing, leading to higher prices.

The medicine didn't change but the prices kept on increasing, it was easy to see the reason by following the trail.

It was quite unfortunate, but everything happened for monetary gains. It could happen in short terms or be a long term plan.

Pharma companies sometime even went further by helping in the production of diseases or mutations to sell more medicines.

These companies used advertisements and tricked people into buying medicine even when they didn't need them.

The government knew about such practices, but they didn't care since they were all good friends. It was legal for businesses to fund politicians, and the end result would only be a surprise to the mentally challenged people.

Nobody gave millions for no reason, as they would always get something in return.

In the ninja world, this was also true on some level but the ultimate control was in the hands of the Shinobi.

Focusing on these was necessary as businesses hired people and covered everything required for existence.

Naruto didn't make a scene and met up with the CEO, tortured him for his crimes before fixing him up. Got the list of people on the board of directors and met up with them, to show them the way.

It was the first time Naruto had taken and without being in complete control. Just like the rest, Naruto was also watching the results. Though, he was extremely confident in every step.

With that, one of the largest Pharma in the world was given morals and became humane. It led to lower prices and more research as Naruto fixed their heads.

Act like a bitch, and you will die like a bitch.

Naruto didn't stop there and fixed the rest, even though he did want to see a fight with large corporations. It was a waste of resources and time, so he got them on track to fix up problems instead of swimming in untold amount of dirty cash.

Profit was good, but when it led to human suffering then it was wrong and questions should be raised.

The thing about administrations costs rising leading to higher product cost was also a problem in Hospitals.

Health should be a human right, living in a society one shouldn't worry about dying on the road and getting no help because he couldn't pay for the medicine.

Such a society was accursed and heartless, and it went against the reason why humanity gathered together.

There were things that a human being needed to live, and a proper system should cover those needs in an efficient manner.

Beyond that were wants, and those were up to the people.

But, it seems corporations were intent on redefining what was a human right and it wouldn't be strange to hear air becoming a product since some corporations don't consider clean drinking water a human right.

Nonetheless, Naruto wasn't going to force them to treat patients for free since the costs had to be covered in a way. The government wasn't going to cover them for now.

Most of it was already inefficient and pointless to Naruto, but he had to play along for the moment. Once things were settled, majority of the minor diseases would disappear from the world.

For now, Naruto just needed the Hospitals to lower their prices to an appropriate level. It was an easy process after having a nice talk with the management.

The people listened to his kind words and quickly got to work to make the world a better place.

The Pharma, Other medical equipment suppliers and the hospitals were covered, leading to a large change.

With Naruto's words, none of them dared to hesitate or delay anything. Everything was done posthaste. Once that was done, Naruto's clone exploded and released an energy wave that covered the whole city within a second.

It cleared the pollution and brightened up the hearts of the people, healing them from all kinds of physical and mental illnesses.

Naruto was unfortunately not an expert at healing physical diseases but his energy gave the people stronger immunity to fight the problem.


While Naruto was dealing with his things, Moon Maiden's nemesis was in full gear. The Centurion was a large man with a buff body and an intelligent mind.

He had been fighting to take over the world for centuries but all plans had failed. Even the device given to him by Darkseid was gone.

It seems the device had limitation on what it could erase, so strong beings on his level could come back eventually.

Getting back, he was extremely angry and wished to indulge in extreme violence. But, the logical side of the brain stopped him in time and he held it back.

Using his powers to control souls and make them his slaves, Centurion gathered data and understood the changes.

Things had become worse for him and he contemplated for a time on ways to succeed. For the first time in his existence, Centurion decided to work with others.

He made contact with The Light and they gave him an assignment to complete before he could join.

It angered him but he endured and went about gathering up souls to serve him, this time he decided to gather powerful souls instead of wasting energy on combining souls to make a powerful abomination.

Many powerful beings had died on the planet, he just needed to find their corpses to summon the soul into submission.

With that plan in mind, he found the green lantern Abin Sur, Giovanni Zatara (Zatanna's father), Ace Masterson, Angelica Smith and Angon.

Along with these, he even managed to locate powerful dark spirits hiding in the human world.

Kayako also known as the Grudge had escaped from Japan after a battle and was hiding in one of the ghost towns.

Sadako, the ghost that gave seven days after watching a video, was also located and subdued once he got information about her from the Light.

There were two other powerful ghosts, Alessa in Silent Hill and Ai Enma in Japan. He was given data to grow his powers as he needed all he could get.

His task was to kill Batman and Aquaman. With Batman dead, the JL would lose its strategist while Aquaman's death would lead to a chance that Atlantis might fight the surface world.

Ignoring the ghost living in Japan, Centurion flew towards Silent Hill with his army of souls.

'Just you wait Moon Maiden, as your life will be a living hell. That is a promise that I intend to keep with all seriousness.'


A.N. There will be a battle. There will be a time skip.

Yeah, I just watched Silent Hill again.