
Emperor of Mankind (Naruto X Justice League)

Journey to a new world to prepare for an inevitable fight and prepare for the conquest of the Universe as the Will of Humanity, the Emperor of Mankind. Disclaimer: I do not own anything. A.U. Naruto with proper training and ninja mindset.

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Chapter 25

Kara arrived at the Titan Tower within moments with her exceptional speed. The tower shaped like a giant T was on a small island given to the Titan's by the Mayor in return for their services.

Titans Island was located in the East River off the Shore of Manhattan Island.

They were the official guardians of the city and one of the strongest hero teams in the world. The Tower was protected heavily with tech and magic.

The tech was handled by Cyborg, original Teen Titan that had become part of JL before returning to his friends when JL made wrong moves on Raven.

Magic side was handled by Raven, one of the strongest beings on the planet and one of the best magicians in the world.

Unlike Gotham, the city was mostly peaceful and rarely had problems. It was the reason that the Titan's operated outside the city most of the time.

Kara liked the Titan's and they had invited her to the group. Clark had also invited her to the JL, but she declined both to stay solo.

She wished to stay out of this game and think without outside influence. Kara was still unsure of her path in life.

The world wasn't just the Earth and Kara knew about it, so her options were vast.

She had been thinking of leaving on a galactic trip to find her path but the talk with Emperor made her reconsider that option.

With thoughts about Emperor, Kara flew inside the Tower as she was authorized to enter. Arriving inside the living room of the Titan's, Kara found Starfire watching TV.

Starfire was an alien, Tamaranean from the Planet Tamaran. Her name was Koriand'r in her language, which translated to Starfire.

Kori was a beautiful young woman with orange skin tone and long red hair. She had green eyes and she was tall, 2 m.

She wore a purple top with purple shorts. It was her favorite color and she showed a lot of skin because she liked skin ship and it helped her powers, she absorbed light.

She the second princess of her people but had been banished and sold into slavery, going through horrific experience of experimentation and torture of all kinds.

Nonetheless, Kori was one of the most positive heroes in the world and she was a very social person with a bubbly personality.

Though, things hadn't been going well these days with her relationship with Nightwing. Before being involved with him, she had already gone through political marriages and even other relationships on earth.

She understood earth culture, but it was hard to stay in control when emotions were involved for Kori especially when they were not sexually compatible.

"Good morning Kara, this is a pleasant surprise. Come, come, take a seat and let us catch up." Kori heard Kara fly into the room and turned around with a huge smile.

She was a bubbly girl, but she was also a no nonsense warrior that was never totally off-guard.

Flying off the sofa, Kori hugged Kara. Kara had gotten slightly used to people getting touchy with her, and it made her feel warm.

Getting dragged to the sofa where Kori had been watching a fashion show, a show where she had performed as a model.

Starfire was stunning, not just gorgeous but exceptionally so even among the sea of good looking heroes.

"Sorry for the unexpected visit, but can I meet with Raven first."

Kori was sensitive to emotions in a different way than Raven, it wasn't exact but it was good enough and she could notice Kara's state.

She had known Kara for two years now and even fought against her multiple times. The girl was lost and confused, stuck with grief and loneliness.

Kori could sympathize with those emotions in a way but had been unable to help the younger girl.

"Of course, let's go meet our friend and get her help." Kori didn't mind and smiled as she flew towards Raven's room.

The dark girl was stuck inside her room most of the time.

"Go back, and I will meet you outside." Raven's voice rang inside their head and both girls found themselves back in the living room.

"Friend Raven is shy." Starfire chuckled as she went to the kitchen to get some snacks and drinks ready. It was early morning but that didn't matter to any of them as everyone was an early riser and didn't need much sleep except the human members.

"Star, I will turn you into a butterfly next time you try to barge into my room." Raven muttered as she walked out of a dark portal.

Raven was a charming woman with very pale, graphite skin with short black hair and blue eyes. She was a Halfling, human and demon. Her superhero outfit was mostly made up of her favorite color, Navy. She usually wore a hooded navy cloak, matching ruffled ankle-boots with blackish-gray soles, and a long-sleeve leotard that is a dark navy color with cuffs at her wrists of the same navy color of her cloak. On her cloak, she had a circular crimson jewel set in a gold plate that attaches the whole thing together; it covered her T-communicator and it's fixed to beep/glow when there was trouble. The jewel also sometimes had a raven head shape in the jewel. Around her waist, she had a red and gold belt with the same jewels around it, while her legs were exposed. The belt was tied at the back like a cord. She had a red gem that was outlined in black inlaid on her forehead that she always had.

Raven is one of the most mysterious heroes. She was quiet, troubled, brooding, grim, moody, seemingly emotionless, intelligent, studious and sarcastic. She could always come up with a smart remark, specifically in reply to most of the Teen Titans' antics and attempts at humor.

She was the strongest person in the team and no matter how distant she acted; Raven loved them more than anything else.

When the world had abandoned her and the darkness seemed to be drowning her in its embrace, the Titans brought light to her world and became her family.

She was connected to her father Trigon, a powerful demon that wished to take over the Universe. Trigon could corrupt Raven through the connection and wanted to make use of her, it was the reason why she controlled her emotions.

Dark emotions and wild emotions both allowed her father to corrupt her further and fed her demonic side.

Regardless of such a heavy destiny, Raven fought for her existence and freedom with the help of her new family.

The Justice League distrusted her because of Zatanna's talk about Raven being a demon and Batman's logical stand point.

They decided that banishing her or sealing her was the better option.

"I will keep that in mind. Strawberry or guava?" Star smiled as she asked what flavor of milkshake she had like to drink.

"Apple tea, take a seat Kara." Raven rolled her eyes and turned to Kara. She always had tea in the morning so Kori was just having fun with her like usual.

Kara took a seat opposite of Raven, taking in the sight it seemed that she was doing fine.

"Thank you for your time, I just had an interesting encounter and wanted to double check." Kara extended her hand and showed the earrings.

Raven looked at them and could feel the energy from them. She was an empath and the item resonated with her more than others.

She could feel that the item was filled with positive emotions and desires for Kara. It truly embodied Naruto's feelings for selfless and good people.

It was further enhanced by the feeling of nature.

Unlike Kara, Raven wasn't overwhelmed by it. But, she also liked it.

"Who gave it to you?" Raven asked as she took it and examined it.

It wasn't bad looking either but seemed to have been a product of magic of some kind. The energy was mixed with nature energy, Gaea's presence.

Divine energy, would be the first option but it didn't seem like it.

It was a new type that she had never felt.

"Emperor of Mankind, he gave it to me. Told me it will help me get through the pain. Do you know anything about him?"

"We do, Nightwing told us. He looked very serious and broody. Here your apple tea and chocolate cupcakes, coffee and pastries for our guest." Kori replied as she landed beside Kara and put things in front of them.

"He is too cautious, can't track him. His signature is mixed with Gaea, meaning he is everywhere. From the interview he didn't seem bad, but only time will tell. What about you, you met him directly?"

"Not bad, he seemed like a kind person that truly cared. I felt his care and appreciation."

"Ooh, did you fall in love?"

"Kori, zip it." Raven waved her finger and using magic caused Star's mouth to zip up.

"The item doesn't have any problems. It is totally safe and does what was told. Though, it could be used as a locater."

"That won't matter if he has connections to Gaea and is the Will of Humanity."

"Yes, it won't matter so you can keep it."

Kara looked at Raven and took one of the earrings, "Keep the other one, I think you also need it."

Raven smiled at the kind gesture but gave both of them.

"These were designed for you, and I think he will meet all of us at some point in time. I will talk to him about it personally."

Just as the earrings left Raven's hand, a seal activated on Kara's body and Naruto's illusion showed up in the room.

"I look forward to our meeting, Raven. Do not give in. Do not fear. Do not lose hope. Everyone might give up on you, but I shall provide you protection. For now accept this humble gift."

With the words finished, emerald bracelets floated towards Raven.

"It seems he likes you more. And, he forgot my gift." Kori was free of the curse and teased Raven as she held the gift.

"He has a way with his words. I can see why people might follow him. He touches the hearts of people and seems to understand what we desire." Raven muttered slowly as she put on the bracelets.

She could tell that they had more power put into them for her sake. Seeing that he could use magic without her notice, Raven felt compelled to go back to her room and fix that issue.

Gaea's presence was messing with her senses.

"I think he is real. I like his voice and his emotions were really nice." Kori commented as she felt that Emperor wore his emotions outside and didn't lie like others.

People of earth were used to hiding their emotions all the time. Kori liked people that were honest and positive.

She didn't dislike Raven because of her kind nature and knowing what the other girl was going through.

"I have no problem with him. That is something for others to decide." Kara put on the earrings after seeing Raven and gave her opinion.

"What about his invitation?" Star questioned, as she didn't really have a problem with Emperor's method of doing things. Star didn't kill people because she was following the hero rules or she would have massacred the lot of them according to her upbringing as a warrior princess.

"I might think about it." Kara replied after a short silence.

"The gift is nice, but we might get into a fight. JL will definitely get into a fight with him, so keep that in mind." Raven broke the positive line of thought and brought them to reality of the situation.

"Thanks for the reminder and for the help. I can understand JL, but why would you fight him?" Kara asked as she understood that Nightwing was open to such methods.

Kori was also curious and tried to think of the reason for the conflict.

"Emperor will torture people that we would not harm. Remember what he said and you will understand that he considers people indulging in greed and corruption as criminals.

His method most likely relies on fear and not everyone in the group is onboard with such cruel methods. Nightwing might agree but not everyone is okay with his violent methods. Plus, he is too suspicious. I question his reason to delay our meeting. He is just too good at talking, maybe he is purely manipulative." Raven replied as she picked up a cupcake and ate it while taking a sip from her tea.

Kori bumped shoulders with Raven and fortunately magic was there to save the tea, "Don't be so negative Raven, manipulative doesn't mean bad."

"I didn't mean he was bad. I just wanted you to keep in mind that he might be playing with you. His actions could have multitude of reasons and outcomes. That also seems to be Nightwing's conclusion about him.

He isn't a bad person, but his actions lead to his desired outcomes."

"I also thought about that. But, it seems to negative. We are all doing things for a desired outcome. He already announced his desired outcome, so his actions fit into that line. Giving us these gifts to build a bond with us and talking to us to further establish it. They had a purpose and they were genuine, or were they not?" Kara spoke up as she didn't agree with that line of thought.

It seems Raven had a bad experience with Batman and it was being projected on others.

"It was genuine. No lie in his words or emotions. But, it doesn't mean that he might not use you for things you might not like. I didn't intend for you to hate him or anything. Just be careful with him and analyzes his words before acting on them."

Kara nodded as she didn't want to continue arguing about it and she kind of agreed.

"Okay, break it up. Let's stop the serious talks and go out together. It's been more than month since we saw each other." Kori preferred a positive environment instead of a depressed and serious one. She also wished to have some fun after the recent battles and events.

"Will you join us?" Raven asked as she stood up. It was a rare moment, as rarely agreed to such requests. She was feeling a lot better, and agreed that it had been some time.

She needed some fresh air after being cooped up inside.