
Emperor of Mankind (Naruto X Justice League)

Journey to a new world to prepare for an inevitable fight and prepare for the conquest of the Universe as the Will of Humanity, the Emperor of Mankind. Disclaimer: I do not own anything. A.U. Naruto with proper training and ninja mindset.

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Chapter 24

With much fanfare the duo walked out of the Diner and a crowd gathered in the parking lot. People went crazy on their phones and attracted more people to the humble location.

Some started recording on their phones and taking photos.

Naruto walked outside while his armor covered him up. He preferred wearing his armor while inside hostile and unknown territories.

The talk with Clark was going well and his actions were planting the seeds of change, and cooperation. Fighting was fun, but he didn't want a real fight with good people.

"Can we do this somewhere else?" Clark asked as he saw the crowd and remembered covering the Pokemon game release, these little creatures were supposed to be destructive.

He was finding it amusing and entertaining. But, there was also uncertainty and unease. Emperor had just created a creature in front of him.

What was the limit of that power?

"Relax, I have everything handled." Naruto replied as the ground rumbled and people found themselves in a stadium.

The crowd was seated and protected behind a barrier while the duo was in the center. It wasn't a big battlefield, but it was enough for a small show.

"My Lord, can we see a Groudon?"


"Mega Rayquaza"



The crowd was in an excited mood and wanted to see their favorite Pokemon.

Naruto allowed it and various Pokemon appeared in the battlefield.

The crowd went wild with joy.

"For now, a small treat and I will let the rest be a drive for you. Improve and this world shall enter a new era, these creatures can be part of it." Naruto spoke to them and smiled as all the creatures disappeared except, Two Pikachu.

Clark had a normal one while Naruto's Pikachu had a red ruby on his forehead.

Clark saw many powerful creatures, even Dialga, Palkia and Giratina. Those creatures had power over time, space and black matter.

Extremely powerful and destructive, it was quite worrying. Emperor could create without any sign of difficulty.

"I didn't think you had the power of creation. Why don't you make powerful human beings?"

"I can't make human beings, just monsters. Humankind powers me, don't you that would be too easy? I could indefinitely increase my power if that was possible."

"I suppose you are right, that would be too easy." Clark agreed and looked to the side. He saw some of his companions.

Flash heard the news and ran to his side.

Batman was watching from afar while Hal was also visiting and was seated with the crowd for their safety.

Supergirl was intrigued and decided to make a visit.

She was sitting on top of a nearby building with some vanilla and chocolate ice cream.

Naruto also noticed them and waved at them.

Looking at Kara, Naruto paused for a moment before moving back to Clark.

"Your family seems to have been blessed with the good look genes." Naruto said as he found Kara attractive in multiple ways.

Her appearance and her aura, she had that rough edge that he liked. Naruto could sense her pain and loneliness. Unlike Clark, Kara had actually lived on Krypton and with her family.

She was supposed to be older than him but because of time shenanigans, Clark was older and Kara was just 19.

She had been on earth for two years now but still hadn't been able to adjust. Kara was different from Clark, as she didn't really care too much for the planet or the people.

To her, Humans were just another alien species and nothing more. She was friends with Barbara but that didn't change her opinion about the rest of humanity, especially since they had tried to make use of her countless times.

Kara had even fought against Clark multiple times and had to be stopped when she got angry. She had tried to kill Lex Luthor and other criminals at times.

So, she wasn't really liked by the government forces either. It was worse than Clark in that regard, and they had attacked her multiple times.

All that was present in the public realm and some came from the head of others.

Naruto didn't get distracted by her presence and put her to the back of his mind within few seconds. He was still not ready to get manipulative with such a character.

Kara's problem was her family and the Kryptonian's. Bringing them back to life wasn't impossible, but Naruto would like to avoid touching that field at the moment.

"What moves does my partner know?" Clark asked as he stood with his Pikachu. He had a very strong mind and could recall anything that he had seen, so he remembered things about Pikachu.

"Thunder shock, Thunder bolt, Thunder, Quick attack, Agility, Iron tail, Growl, Volt Tackle, Charge, Tackle and Double Team. Do you want me to explain?"

"No, I remember." With those words, the crowd cheered as their hero also knew about Pokemon. It really made him approachable.

"Good, let us have a fun battle." Naruto gave a nod as he lightly patted his Pikachu clone. It his shadow clone transformed into the Pokemon.

Naruto knew about Creation skill that the Sage of Six Paths possessed, but he didn't have it. Yin and Yang mastery along with the mastery of the other primary elements was necessary for such arts.

At the moment, Yin and Yang wasn't strong enough while the field was completely unknown and mysterious.

Only way to go forward would be to increase mastery of the Yin element and summon the soul of the Sage, or get the knowledge from the Kyuubi.

With those words, screens appeared on all sides so that the spectators could see clearly.


With that announcement, Naruto's Pikachu jumped from his shoulder and landed on the ground. He growled and his speed increased, showing usage of agility.

The aggressiveness of Naruto's pokemon was enhanced by the sight of the red crystal.

"Use Quick attack" Clark commanded and his partner locked on to Naruto's beast.

The little creature the size of a puppy charged forth with insane speed, disappearing from sight for normal human beings.

Through the screens, they saw the little creature move.

"Iron Tail"

It was one of the basic combo's from the anime.

But, Clark didn't realize that Naruto used agility. Naruto was communicating through the mind while Clark had to give verbal commands.

Ruby Pika moved to the side and used Iron tail.

"Brace for impact, move back with the hit." Clark commanded and his Pika was hit on the side, sending it flying.

"Use Thunder Bolt" Clark commanded to avoid his partner getting hit.

Ruby used charge and took in the lightning attack before charging forth with quick attack while stocking up on lightning that it looked like a Volt Tackle.

"Use Quick attack and move to the side" Clark commanded while the foe rushed forth with a powerful move.

"It would have been better if you could command with your mind. This is a one sided battle, don't you think?" Naruto teased as his partner stopped and used Volt Tackle, dragging Clark's partner and crashing into the wall.

The crash was horrendous and large amount of electricity was released.

Clark ignored the words since saying things wouldn't matter at this point. He was at a clear disadvantage but that didn't matter either. This was just a game, and there was no need to take it seriously.

People seem to be having fun. It was their first time watching a super battle without fearing for their lives.

"I give up." Clark muttered as he didn't want his partner to suffer. The little beast was dazed and Ruby was about to finish him with an iron tail.

"I am happy that you are so caring." Naruto smiled as he had both pokemon disappear and the crowd cheered.

The energy was addictive.

"This isn't over yet, I will give you a chance to play." Naruto announced and people saw Celebi appear. The tiny cute pokemon nodded to Naruto and flew into the crowd before stopping near a little child.

It was a boy of 13 and Celebi made him fly, taking him into the battlefield.

The boy was over the moon and people went wild.

The boy was mesmerized by the Celebi but chose Infernape as his partner and Naruto used Houndoom.

Clark watched with his team as Emperor let some lucky individuals get a chance at Pokemon battles.


While part of him played with the people, Naruto extended his hand towards Kara.

"Do you want to try?" Naruto asked as he appeared behind Kara.

Unlike Clark, Kara backslapped him for doing something like that. She recognized by his voice even before turning around.

She went with the attack to know what she was actually facing.

"Haha, I wasn't expecting that. So, what did you find?" Her hand passed through Naruto because Naruto's clone body was made from chakra.

Chakra was connected the Universe through the Sage mode, so no matter how fast she moved it wouldn't matter.

The Sage mode's connection to the world made it impossible for him to be taken by surprise unless someone broke that connection or messed with it.

Physically Naruto would be unable to follow through, but the chakra could move once he connected it to the senses.

In this way, Naruto was almost impossible to hit even in his real form. The real form would automatically teleport when he was in Sage mode, without it he would get caught.

It was only because of this skill that Naruto was moving around so confidently. He had the skill to escape and still act big.

Kara looked at the armored figure. She had heard everything from the JL and even heard the conversation on the news.

From the way he carried himself, he was kind but he also felt like one of those people that used others.

"You aren't a physical being. So, what do you want?" Kara was usually kind these days but there was days she had nightmares that ruined her mood. It was one of those days so she was in a depressed mood.

Naruto could feel it and it seems the show hadn't made it better.

"I thought you looked lonely and sad, so I wished to lighten your soul and brighten your day. You are a good girl that deserves happiness, not sadness.

You may have lost your loved ones, but you still have people that love you. Your loved ones would want you to be happy. Drowning in sorrow is bad for you, and disrespectful to those people.

Remember them with happiness, not sorrow."

"Keep your words to yourself, you can't understand is mortals." Kara felt her annoyance flare up as she was once again met by a preachy bastard. These people don't get tired of bull shitting when they haven't experienced a thing.

"Is that what you think? Unfortunately, that is false. I know very intimately the feelings of your heart. Remember, you are not the only that has gone through such an ordeal. People on this planet have experienced worse and I have felt everything that they have felt.

Do you want to try and see what is worse?" Naruto stepped forward and came face to face with Kara. She stood at 1.7 M while he was 2.2 M.

Kara looked at the darkness in his left hand and glared at him.

"Fine, but words don't make things better. The mind knows but the heart doesn't follow, or is that too much for you to understand. Do you have miracle cure for me or are you here to waste time?"

"I do have a miracle cure, but do you want it? You might feel it being too intrusive and take it the wrong way."

"Mind manipulation or emotional control?"

"Nothing like that, it is just an aura that increases positivity." Naruto replied as he released his aura that was utilized when talking to people he wanted to help or influence.

Supergirl was a delicate target. He could help her, but time was required and constant communication to develop a good relationship.

She had a very weak connection to humanity and wouldn't really put her life on the line for them, except for the few or if she felt compelled.

Kara was bombarded by the aura and she couldn't block it. The Kryptonian body could reduce physical damage drastically but when it came to spiritual and magical things, it didn't really block them.

Her body was directly hit and Kara didn't have abilities to cancel or block it.

Regardless, she didn't feel like stopping it. Kara felt relaxed and at peace. It was the first time since she woke up that she felt so relaxed.

It had been two years but the pain hadn't disappeared. It was always at the back of her mind even now.

Looking at Kara closing her eyes and just feeling at rest, Naruto was pleased.

He didn't go further like usual as that would cause multitudes of problems at the moment, Kara might be able to resist him and someone might take it as an attack.

"You have done well Supergirl. I am grateful for your service. This is a humble gift for you, and I hope it pleases you." Naruto presented earrings with emeralds, simple design but they gave a peaceful feeling.

Kara was feeling calm, "Sorry about acting up and thank you for your help. I did what was necessary, nothing much."

"Take it, you need it. Pass it to someone else when you feel that it is unnecessary, if you so desire. Let us meet again on good terms, Supergirl. The offer is also open to you." With that Naruto disappeared leaving the earrings in Kara's hand.

Kara didn't know what to feel about the gift. She did need it. She also felt nice getting some acknowledgment for her actions, instead of hearing negative comments.

"I should get it checked first." Kara looked down to the stadium and saw that Emperor was letting someone else fight while watching things from the side.

Taking flight, Kara headed for the Titan's tower to meet Raven.