
Emperor of Mankind (Naruto X Justice League)

Journey to a new world to prepare for an inevitable fight and prepare for the conquest of the Universe as the Will of Humanity, the Emperor of Mankind. Disclaimer: I do not own anything. A.U. Naruto with proper training and ninja mindset.

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Chapter 22

With all that work done, Naruto cancelled most of his multiple minds and most of his clones. He left some clones hidden in each base using seals, so they didn't take his chakra.

Using the seal, the clones would activate when he wanted them and the energy would be trapped in place.

Leaving one active clone with his mind inside, Naruto went to sleep. The clone dove into the planet to create a place that was only for him, where he could get the best training.

Using the earth fish projection technique, Naruto passed through the ground without any resistance and flew towards the center of the planet.

Going deeper, he could feel the presence of the being that had taken him. It felt warm and safe inside. Extending his senses, Naruto found that there was something near the core of the planet.

It was a Hi-Tech lab and there was something very wrong with it. It was trapped in that place with unusual space elements involved.

Naruto opted to stay away from it to avoid getting caught in an accident as mastery over space wasn't good enough at the moment.

Keeping distance from the lab, Naruto made a small base for use where he sat down in meditation to understand his new power up and increase his connection to the universe. He also had to digest the new scientific and other information received from his victims. There was a lot to go through and understand, especially from the scientist under him. He was sure that he would be stronger the next day because of what he had just learnt.

No matter what happened, Naruto never missed a day of practice.


The next day, Naruto woke up at six-a.m. It was the default time for him and some time he would wake up earlier or not sleep for at all.

He was woken up by four females entering his room. The whole of Kain family, mother and all three daughters. Chloe and Candice were joined by Mana and Maria.

Mana was a voluptuous blonde with blue eyes and short hair. She was a high school teacher that rewarded and corrupted her students with sexual immorality.

Maria was similarly attractive with short brown hair and purple eyes. She worked at finance firm and corrupted everyone in it, slept with everyone and broke their families.

Before going to sleep, Naruto had fixed everyone in the apartments owned by George. He had erased the bad and fixed the people that he could.

Those that had children with George, Naruto studied them carefully before rearranging them. Some of them weren't bad, so he just made it that they had never been corrupted.

Only few women among the many were already problematic, Naruto fixed them by making them understand the concept of shame while helping their husbands to get away from them.

He helped the poor guys avoid getting heartbroken and even found them partners that matched them. He did the same for the women that were being cheated. It was a disgusting thing done by both genders and Naruto intended to make sure that it never happened under his rule. Such things destroyed society from the inside and compromised the future of children.

As for the children, he didn't have to change most of them except three of them. Those girls were completely corrupted by George and the succubus family. Naruto fixed them and changed people's memories about them. Naruto was careful and thorough since he wanted to help these people. Just erasing their memories was pointless because other people wouldn't play along, so he had to change everyone around them.

Among the many things Naruto had learned, he had been taught about family and society a lot. Everything was dependant on these two things.

Naruto was careful about families and wanted to make sure that they were perfect, so that society as a whole could be perfect.

Nonetheless, Naruto also enjoyed getting woken up in such a manner and he hadn't done anything for more than a month. He had been going through some intense workout.

The sleep had brought him a lot of peace and with these succubae around him, Naruto unleashed his carnal desire.

Finishing up with bath, Naruto got ready and went to the dining room for breakfast.


"Good morning, Master." Roberta greeted him while Konan was sitting on the other side of the table silently, eating her meal.

"Morning Roberta, hope you had a good night sleep." Naruto responded with a kind tone as he took his seat while the girls also took their seats around him.

Seeing him talk this way wasn't unusual since George was always civil most of the time, he just had sick tastes and hobbies.

Plus, Naruto had shifted all their memories so he didn't have to act like George.

"George, you were so good today. I can't believe all of us were taken out so easily. Please say this isn't temporary." Candice asked in a sweet tone as she sat to his left. Naruto had made her stop calling him father as it made him feel uncomfortable.

"Haha, thanks for the compliment. Don't worry, this will only get better." Naruto chuckled and patted her head.

"Really, damn can we go at the whole day? Or, how about you join me at school today? You can even get some high school girls, how about it?" Mana asked as she started feeling horny, her desire was still not completely fulfilled and as a succubus the desire just grew.

"No, no, how about visiting my firm today? You could get some nice mature ladies, instead of little kids." Maria offered as she kept on licking the spoon proactively and squeezing her tits.

"Darling, how about just staying home today and we can relax along with some girls from below. I can feel that you are still very hungry." Chloe whispered seductively as her hand rubbed his thigh.

"So unfair, I want to stay with George today." Candice stood up and sat on his lap.

Naruto wasn't new to such shenanigans and it put a smile on his face, reminding of the normal days at his home.

It wasn't exactly the same but there was an element of familiarity.

Naruto denied their requests as he wasn't interested in playing around with women, especially weak women. He did engage with many women but all of that was a purpose. It was a good stress relief. He enjoyed it. He needed it for political powers or for loyalty. Finally, he needed good women to repopulate his clan with the best genes.

Konan looked at him with a dull look as he conversed with the loose women. She was just grateful that Naruto had used sound seals and not disturbed her with the mad howls of these females.


Finishing up with the breakfast, Naruto left on a drive with Konan while his clone visited the Daily Bugle to give an introduction and explanation to the citizens.

Daily Bugle was one of the biggest News outlets in the USA and its HQ was in Gotham. It was owned by John Jonah Jameson.

J. Jonah Jameson was raised as a child by Betty Jameson and his stepfather and Uncle David. David was an officer of the United States Army, a war veteran decorated as a hero; at home, however, David regularly abused his wife and son. As a result, J. Jonah Jameson grew convinced that "No one's a hero every day of the week" and "Even the real heroes can't keep it up all the time." Jonah was a Boy Scout during his childhood. In high school, his interests were mainly boxing and photography. He met his first wife, Joan, when they both joined their high school's photo club. When the school's three top athletes started bullying him, he fought back and beat all three of them to a pulp. This impressed Joan, and they started dating. They married as soon as they finished school.

Jameson began his journalistic career by becoming a part-time reporter for New York City's Daily Bugle while he was still in high school. In college, Jonah started a rivalry with Barney Bushkin, the editor of a campus newspaper who rejected Jonah. Barney would grow up to become the publisher of the Daily Bugle's rival, the Daily Globe.

Eventually Jameson purchased then financially floundering Daily Bugle, with money obtained from his personal assets and large inheritance. Hence, the Bugle was now owned by Jameson's own company, Jameson Publications. Jameson served as the newspaper's publisher and editor in chief, and revitalized the photograph-dominated tabloid format. In 1990 Jameson's company purchased the Goodman Building on 39th Street and Second Avenue in Gotham and moved its entire editorial and publishing facilities there. The building became known as the Daily Bugle Building. Jameson's wife Joan died at some point under unrevealed circumstances. She and her husband had only one child, John, who became an astronaut for NASA.

For decades Jameson used his newspaper to crusade in support of civil rights for minority groups and against organized crime. His efforts in the latter area led to his nearly being killed on orders of the Prince Crime. However, Jameson's brush with death did not frighten him away from publishing attacks on, and exposes of, organized crime.

He was a man of integrity and guts. He criticized everyone in a non-bias manner and made sure to do his job of informing the populace of what was really happening.

That was until the Government had enough of his interference and gave him a reason to bend. For his son, Jonah stopped being the warrior of true justice and could only speak freely when the people above didn't mind.

Because of such restrictions, Jonah had become dispirited and rarely took part in the interviews personally unlike the past.

Fortunately, he got help from the heroes and using his power he got the government and others to back off. Regardless, he had toned down a little bit and it was hard to get the right facts with such powerful forces stopping him.


Naruto arrived at the top floor of the Daily Bugle and found Jonah going through reports in his office.

The man was in his fifties with white hair and some black hair. He was tall and had an average body frame.

"Good morning Jonah, I hope you have some time for me."

Jonah was used to have secret visitors and just looked up from his desk while taking of his glasses, as he had trouble seeing things close to him.

The armored figured didn't ring a bell.

"Who are you?"

"You can call me Emperor." Naruto took a seat in front of him and introduced himself.

Listening to his introduction, Jonah found it a new experience. He thought it was just another hero or a villain.

He wasn't afraid for his life and listened calmly while analyzing his guest through his speech and body language.

"I see, and you want to let people know through my channel." Jonah said as Naruto finished. He was intrigued and his mind was thinking of the questions about such steps.

"Yes, I want you to help me spread awareness. I am not a tyrant, Jonah. I want people to question me, but in a proper manner. You are such a person, I trust that you won't waste my time and spread lies for an agenda. I would have to delete you if you dared such a thing." Naruto said in a calm tone while taking off his armor, showing his Indra look to him.

It was a surprising step as Jonah wasn't expecting him to reveal his features.

"You won't mind answering hard questions. Hmm, what guarantee is there for the safety of my people?" Jonah asked as he was worried that the man might have the building disappear when he was annoyed.

"Trust me, as I will never do such a thing. And, look." Naruto smiled as he pointed to the side and Jonah found that there were cameramen recording them.

"I know it is hard to trust me since you don't know me, but you can trust your heroes to keep you safe. This is a live show, Jonah. Come on, play your part and ask away."

Seeing that everything was taken care of and he received the go from his employees, Jonah was assured.

"Is this your real appearance? I thought you mentioned being the will of humanity. And, what does that mean exactly?"

"This is just one of my looks. I can shift as I desire." Naruto responded as his form shifted to all kinds of shapes and colors.

"Will of humanity is exactly what I meant. I represent humanity as a whole, just like Gaea represents the Earth."

"You mean that you are a conceptual being. Is there any proof of both those claims?"

"Everyone at the top is aware of the existence of the Olympians and the rest. It is just the normal people that are unaware of such a thing. Look outside, and you will see that the world supports me. From this day forth, the will of humanity and the planet are one." Naruto responded and Jonah saw the weather change in Gotham from sunny to freezing cold. It happened across the planet for a brief second.

Naruto's body became like energy and reformed back into human form.

"These are questions that you will not comprehend the answer to. So let us ignore what I am, and focus on my intentions and actions."

Jonah agreed, this was something he couldn't really verify but he could get expert opinion to confirm his words.

Wonderwoman came to mind when talking of such things.

"Right, so what is your purpose?"

"I desire to lead humanity to a new frontier, stronger and smarter than ever. Humanity as of now is slipping because of many factors.

We have allowed humanity to move freely but after so long, we concluded that direct intervention was necessary.

Human beings today are weak, emotionally, physically and mentally. That is against what I stand for.

Human beings are social creatures that can't live outside of society. But, this society has become corrupted over time and no one has made any progress in fixing this issue.

People have become extremely selfish and self centered that they are causing the collapse of humanity while living in their delusions.

Look outside and you will see that there are people who actually trust blindly. Can you really trust a politician? Can you trust a business?

Can you trust anyone blindly?

No, that is wrong. Question and fact check always when you have the chance. But, this simple and basic thing escapes the common man.

They follow media and politics blindly, not knowing that those in power have personal interests and those interests don't have to align with the people. You curse these politicians but actually expect them to not actually kill you when it serves their interest.

It doesn't matter where you go, as people in power work together and act like they are in conflict to keep you the normal people at bay.

They are paid by the other people in power to trick you and get their objectives completed.

How can you trust large businesses? Are you people even aware how much waste these people create? There are millions of tonnes and gallons of food products, and even other products destroyed every year.

Do you believe that all products just get bought or they disappear by magic? No, they get destroyed instead of being sold at lower prices or given to the needy. These people do not care for anyone's well being and all their actions are calculated.

The world can easily support everything, and it is the people in power that increase poverty and depression.

Humanity doesn't exist to just work and this is an inefficient system that has increased the amount of human beings that are like robots. You don't really have any real opinion. You just parrot what has been fed to you and it is easy to see, because you will fall apart once questioned.

I want to change all of this and lead people to a better future. I want people to become stronger in all manners and innovate, grow stronger to reach the heights of all those other alien species.

I become stronger as you become stronger. I am the Will of humanity, so our lives are connected from birth." Naruto replied while controlling light to create his presentation. He had collected data from multiple people and was aware of many more things that humanity was part off.

Jonah could see that his guest was prepared for this talk. He also agreed with his words and proof. He knew about the immoral acts of large corporations like Nestle, Amazon and many more.

Even grocery stores would discard food that was good for consumption but wouldn't give it a lower price or free to the needy because it would affect the level of demand and price.

The companies would artificially control the supply and price by destroying the products when they saw that it was higher than demand.

These companies would destroy million dollars worth products to keep their hold on consumers.

Grocery stores would even post guards on garbage bins so that people wouldn't take things from there.

Jonah hadn't expected Emperor to open about such a topic at all. It was easier to handle the politicians than the business community and their immorality.

"That is kind of you, but how are you going to fix this? Do you really have a plan in mind?"

"Of course I have a plan in mind. Jonah, I never move without a plan. I could easily just start the process with a big step like killing of every weakling on this planet and get a head start, but that is contradictory to my existence and it is not just.

I want the people to love me and follow me by their own will. Judge me by my actions and really look in to it, if you want to be real humans and not just some mindless drones.

I will become your ultimate leader for all eternity. There have been Empires but they fell and got corrupted once a new inheritor took place or the Emperor wasn't a man of morals.

I will never bend my rules for anyone and I will listen to your criticism before responding in a just manner. Know that you have the right to question my actions.

Getting back to topic, the things I have planned are many. Just yesterday I cleaned out most of Gotham. I tortured the criminals according to their crimes and gave them a second chance at life.

None of you were aware of my existence and currently, I don't rule this planet. The second chance is because of that reason and if you try to play with me, you get erased.

All the criminals got a warning and I put them to work to repay their debts to society. For the low end criminals, I have even given them knowledge so that they can do something in life.

Furthermore, I have strengthened the police force and cleaned them up as well. Remember, I am the Emperor so it is beneath me to fight little crime.

This is the first step and it should clear out the air, and start the journey towards a better life.

The next step would be educating the people. All this evil doesn't just appear out of thin air, society is to blame for such a thing.

You people are accountable for what you are going through. People living in a neighborhood have no care for others, and might not even know each other.

You have to understand that alone, you will fall but together you will succeed. Civilization is built upon team work and not by a single person. Throw that out of your mind that you as an individual have no obligation to society.

If that is your thought, go and live in a jungle away from society where you are independent of others.

Society has started to celebrate the worst in humanity, selfishness, immorality and other vile acts. It is society that actually believes that being good is wrong and helping others is wrong.

No, it is not wrong. It is wrong that those people are treated in a vile manner.

There is no reward for good, other than good. That is how I operate and this is how you should operate, if you don't want humanity to continue sinking.

The only reason you are alive is because not every one of you is a vile being, and that you have been blessed with selfless people that give up everything for your survival.

I intend to encourage humanity to become closer to each other and clear themselves of the negative things in life, through various means and fear is one of them along with rewards. Yes, I will reward good deeds. I am always watching and for all the good you have done, I will reward you appropriately.

I will make this a beautiful world and take over once people accept me, the government doesn't matter as they don't represent anyone."

Jonah couldn't help find himself pulled towards the man. His words were just too powerful. He could see the image being painted and there was desire to see it.

"How can you decide if someone deserves to live or not? How do we know that you are being just and fair?"

Naruto smiled and tapped the desk as he put his right leg on his left.

"The answer is very simple. I know everything about you. You are an open book to me, and remember I am will of humanity.

You can trust me or ask for the reason for their deaths. Though, you don't have to since I will inform everyone publicly why someone was killed.

Just like this, I can show what I read. You can base the rest on my actions in other fields and what you have seen of my character.

I will slowly transition to becoming a public figure, so you will see me in everything and know everything about me."

"How are you going to handle the heroes and the government forces? Are they evil in your eyes if they fight you?"

"No, I don't mind if someone fights against me. Though, I prefer avoiding a conflict that has no reason. I intend to get everyone on my side and kill only when necessary."

"This all looks great and all, but what if you fall? What if someone kills you? What if you become corrupted?" Jonah was getting heated up now and the show was being watched by hundreds of millions of people.

Naruto voice was too magnetic and his features attracted people along with his words. Plus, Jonah was very much respected in the world for his honesty and he had influenced people to create change.

"That is a valid question and the answer might not satisfy most people. You just have to believe in me and keep me in check. That is the reason I desire to have strong and intelligent people on my side.

I stand with open arms to welcome such people. I want to you to question me and remind me of my purpose whenever I am influenced.

I can't die unless all of humanity vanishes. I am your will, an eternal will as I will not allow you to disappear.

Corruption can happen as humanity is not strong enough at the moment, meaning I am not invincible. But, it is a difficult job and it can be easily avoided by you becoming stronger in all fields.

We have a symbiotic relationship people, grow stronger and I will grow stronger. This is a continuous process and we will go higher and higher."

"Where will you stop? What is this new frontier?"

"Hmm, that is up to you. What do you desire? This solar system, this galaxy, the whole Universe or the Multiverse as a whole, it is up to you to decide where we will end up.

I am your will. I am your Emperor, alone we will fall and together we will fly." Naruto ended with those lines and stood up while the recording went offline. The people became silent and contemplated his words, it was the magic involved.

Gaea was helping him and Naruto had noticed it, so he was very much confident in his step.

"Emperor, this was a nice show. I feel enlightened and filled with fire. I am unsure where you will go, but I will support you according to your actions. I hope from the depth of my heart that you have spoken the truth. This world needs a leader, and I don't mind if it is a monarch." Jonah stood up and spoke his opinion. He was truly impressed by the words spoken and what he had seen.

The man in front of him didn't force anything and explained. He gave examples and proof. He was a man of action and it was time to watch things unfold.

"I appreciate those words and I hope you will keep this strong spirit. Keep on questioning me so that I will remember that there are people who won't just bend to my whim.

Take care and we will meet again on a later data." Naruto shook his hands and gave him a hug, giving him a boost in power.

Jonah reached peak human level in strength and his mental abilities were boosted. Naruto gave his protection as seals were carved into his bones.

With that Naruto left the man to contemplate and watch just like the rest of the people. Leaving the Bugle building, Naruto came across his guest.

Superman had flown directly to daily bugle once he heard the news.

He already got the information from Batman and he also listened to the whole conversation. Clark Kent was a survivor from Krypton and raised as a human unlike his cousin, Supergirl.

He represented hope and will power. He was a kind and gentle soul, raised up on excellent morals by his parents.

With the power to lift the planet with utter ease and destroy the solar system by just diving into the sun, he held the ultimate power to rule the world.

But, he didn't. He didn't desire such grand things and loved his simple life as a journalist.

He was a handsome guy with strong muscular frame, black hair and blue eyes.

"How can I help you, Friend?" Naruto greeted him in a kind manner, no arrogance or discrimination.

Naruto liked the guy for his selfless attitude, simple desires and his power.

Unlike Batman, Superman had many reasons to avoid killing people with his hands. He was an outsider, and could be easily painted as a villain.

"Care for a cup of coffee?" Clark replied as he saw that the man didn't mind being civil. It was rare for people in their position to act in a friendly manner. He was one of the rare ones along with people like Flash and Hal.