
Emperor of Mankind (Naruto X Justice League)

Journey to a new world to prepare for an inevitable fight and prepare for the conquest of the Universe as the Will of Humanity, the Emperor of Mankind. Disclaimer: I do not own anything. A.U. Naruto with proper training and ninja mindset.

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Chapter 21

Naruto watched the meeting to better understand the people around him. The scene allowed him to plan his future steps with better understanding.

He intended to win them to his side, so he had to study them. Naruto loved conflict but it was better to avoid conflicts when possible.

Though, at this point it was clear that JL would fight against him. Batman was clearly too far gone at this point to change suddenly, and it was a mental condition.

Naruto had many things planned for him so he could end up having JL under his command in the future. Having his companions join was only the start of the game.

Batgirl and Catwoman would join very easily, while Nightwing could be problematic because of the power he held. Titans were too strong for Naruto to actually control.

Raven being the main culprit, she was too strong and she could end up reading him. To get the Titans on his side, he had to convince Raven as the others weren't really a problem once that was done.

Red Robin was part of Young Justice, another team that could take him down in a fair fight. Superboy, Wondergirl, Kid Flash and Miss Martian were a big problem even alone, together they would take him out.

Nonetheless, Naruto was happy to see that his words had an effect. Batgirl was friends with Supergirl and other girls in the Birds of Prey group, and he could end up recruiting them if Batgirl joined him.

Birds of Prey was a group made by Batgirl when she had been incapacitated and it was mostly composed of weaklings, but then there was Vixen and Powergirl.

Powergirl being the alternative Supergirl, rarely helped and wasn't very active.

Vixen had interesting powers that Naruto wanted to learn about and finally there was Katana who had the cursed blade that got his attention, making him think about souls and weapons.

What if the weapon could grow by devouring souls? Could he make a weapon tied to his soul? All these questions popped up when he saw data on Katana from Huntress who was also part of the Birds of Prey at occasions.

The world was dark, but there was so much out there to learn. Learning and experimenting was something Naruto liked a lot, so this fulfilled his desires spectacularly.

Moving on, he had done a lot in a single day but it wasn't over yet.


"Hello James, I hope you don't mind some company." Naruto greeted the man called James Gordon, Commissioner Gordon.

It was late night and the man was on the rooftop of the Police HQ in Gotham. He was an old man nearing his sixties and an ally of Batman.

He had fought to fix Gotham for decades and it had cost him everything.

Only his adopted daughter Barbara brought him some joy these days and he was worried about her safety as Batgirl and an active officer.

He was watching the city with a cup of coffee and a cigarette in his mouth when he heard those words. His reaction would have been to drop the cup and get his gun but he didn't make such actions because of the influence.

Instead, he looked to the side and saw Naruto in a calm manner.

James didn't have any idea about Naruto since they hadn't caught any criminal that had come across Naruto.

His appearance didn't shock James, as the old man was used to seeing the wackiest of stuff.

Seeing that he couldn't fight the man and the man didn't seem to have any intention to kill him, James went along with it.

He knew how to play the game and understand the situation.

"I don't mind, mister…"

"You can call me Emperor." Naruto introduced himself properly so that James understood the situation and even told him about his actions.

"What do you think James, will my actions bear fruit or is Gotham actually cursed?"

James was truly shocked to hear all these details. He was really tired now as heroes won't kill and the government was acting evil majority of the time.

It was really hard to kill these powerful criminals when they had everything in their bags.

James didn't blame the heroes for their actions as he knew what would happen once they started such a thing. Those folks were selfless and doing so much already, taking this step would put them against countries completely.

Normal people were extremely gullible and ate up everything that was told to them without fact checking or applying logic.

The heroes would not just have to kill criminals, as they would have to invest time in PR and whatnot.

Regardless, the steps taken by Emperor were different. James hadn't really thought reeducating people and looking at the man, and listening his voice it was hard to deny him.

"I am unsure, but it does have an element of success. Do you have any success stories in other places?" James answered honestly and wanted to know how sure he was about these steps.

Naruto smiled, "Yes, I do. This isn't the first time. I have applied similar methods in multiple cities before Gotham and all them were a success. Humanity likes to speak a lot about freedom, but you are never truly free and sometimes it is better to not have complete freedom.

An evil King can ruin the whole but a good King can fix all, all systems are the same in this regard. I can assure you with my actions that I am just and since I am Immortal, you never have to worry about a failed inheritor.

I am confident that Gotham will start changing in a week and fully transform in a month or two."

James nodded and agreed with his words, all systems were the same in the end and it just depended on the people inside of it.

"Why are you actually here?" James decided to get to the point. He knew Emperor wanted something from him, but what.

"James, I like people such as you. You are courageous and righteous man. As for your question, James I am the Emperor. I don't indulge in the lower world, as that is for others to handle. I am not like your heroes that I will fight crime when I can have others do it for me.

I will have the Police become competent enough to handle all problems in Gotham. Only big problems will be handled personally."

James didn't expect those words but they made sense in a way. It also told him that the name wasn't just a name.

"I wish we could do that." James took a puff with a heavy tone. His department lacked weapons, training and information to handle the current criminal world.

"You can do that, as I will make sure of it. I have fixed your men all around Gotham, not just the criminals. I have given them a boost in courage and morals while giving them fighting skills. Some of them, I have even boosted to peak power so that not even Batman could beat them without his tech.

Now it is your turn, James you will lead them and make sure that Gotham doesn't fall back down." Naruto turned to him and placed his hand on James shoulder.

This was another shock. James could have never have seen this step coming.

"Do you really trust us with such a thing?"

"I don't. I trust my power and that is enough. I have taken the safety measures in account, so you will never be a source of corruption.

To give you a boost in morals, I fixed your son."

"What? What do you mean?" James lost his calm as James Junior was mentioned.

"I fixed his mind, he was mentally and deceiving you about taking the proper medicine. He was still torturing people and killing without your knowledge."


Barbara Eileen and James Gordon conceived James Jr. shortly before arriving in Gotham City while they were still living in Chicago. Gordon quickly attracted the wrath of mobster Carmine Falcone and a Hitman named Johnny Viti was sent to kidnap his infant son. James Jr. was thrown off a bridge and only rescued by the timely intervention of Batman. Due to the incident, James Jr. and his mother left Gotham City.

A few years later, James Jr. was kidnapped by Arnold Flass, the former member of the GCPD, who wanted revenge against James' father, Jim Gordon. James Jr. was taken back to Gotham where he was tied up inside a sack that was then hanged on the edge of an abandoned bridge. James Jr. was rescued moments later by Batman

From a very early age, James Jr. showed signs of being different. He would kill animals and take them apart as a hobby. In one particularly disturbing incident, he was implicated in the disappearance of one of his sister's friends.

While their family was on vacation, Barbara's friend Bess Keller teased James Jr. and was never seen again after wandering into the woods.

When James Jr. returns to Gotham after many years, he begins secretly following his father. Barbara warns Commissioner Gordon not to trust him, but James Jr. confronts his father in a diner. He explains that he has started to take medication for his psychopathic tendencies, and is trying to turn his life around. James Jr. announces he is planning to get a job helping the other mentally ill at Leslie Thompkins' clinic, and asks his father to set him up with a recommendation from Dick Grayson.


Naruto showed him the illusion about his meeting with James Junior and where he had found him. He showed him the insides of his mind, showing the tired old man very disturbing things.

His only blood related child was a complete mess and was responsible for deaths. If Naruto hadn't interfered, this would have led to a father and son confrontation.

James was devastated seeing those images. His heart hurt and he clutched his chest. He had failed as a father.

He couldn't stop tears from falling.

Looking down for several minutes in silence as he digested the ordeal, James looked towards Naruto. He didn't what to actually think, but he owed the man for what he had done for Gotham and his son.

"Thank you, thank you very much."

"James, you don't have to thank me for this. I didn't do this so that you would owe me a favor. I would have done it regardless as my purpose is to save humanity. And, my motto is that a doer of good deserves only good.

Yes, I will reward good deeds and transform this corrupt society that is walking the path of destruction. I intend to teach them that being good is the only path, so a selfish bastard has no right to exist. This is a society where everyone is getting the advantages from team work, so none has the right to act like they owe nothing to society.

Do you understand what I mean, James?" Naruto helped him stand properly as the man was tired from the job and now he had gotten shocked many times.

Looking into those red eyes, James should have felt fear and oppression but he felt hope. The man was just too good and convincing.

James couldn't stop his heart and mind moving towards Emperor.

'Even if he ends up being evil, he didn't ask me to act evil. I will just be doing my job, but better.' James could find no reason to deny him anymore.

"What do you want me to do about the people you forgave?" James wanted to ask to be sure and not make assumptions.

"Don't worry about them and let them free. They will die if they break my rules. Your job is to handle things from now on, observe and react." Naruto replied while filling him with energy, increasing his life force and strength. James body seemed to go back in time and was given a new peak. His wrinkles lessened, his hair became black and his body became muscular.

James had become a little bit superhuman and Naruto modified his weapons, guns, bullets, vest, and clothes while passing him a dagger.

James was almost overwhelmed by the changes but didn't let it distract him.

"Will I be able to contact you?"

"I am always watching, so just call out to me in your mind. And, I don't care if you share it with our friend….Batman." Naruto turned around and started walking away. James was confused by the last words and only understood when Naruto said it directly before vanishing.

James understood that he could hide nothing from the man, and he could read him easily. Looking towards the bat signal, James hesitated.

He had been partners with Batman for two decades now. He owed Batman so much, but now he also owed the new player.

James shook his head and decided to contact Batman. Emperor didn't mind and Batman was a dear friend, even if he was crazy.