
Embers of Resolve: Rise of the Unyielding Hero

This is a story about Jack, a good person at heart, who gave his life so that someone else could live. He thought that was it, but then a goddess offered him a chance at a new life if he was ready to accept the task she offered in exchange: to defeat the Demon King in a fantasy world full of magic. This is a story about a good guy slowly being molded into something else as the world tramples on his morals. Will he be able to stay true to his beliefs? That's up to the lively and quirky group of people he became friends with.

Burningnova13 · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Independent Endeavors

As Jack stood before the guild's receptionist, she looked at him with a concerned expression. She was eager to offer advice and guide him towards forming a group for safety.

"Listen, newcomer," she began, her tone filled with caution. "It's dangerous to take on quests alone, especially for someone just starting out. I highly recommend joining a party."

Jack nodded appreciatively but politely declined her suggestion. "Thank you for your concern, but I think I'll go solo for now. I prefer the freedom and flexibility it offers."

The receptionist sighed, understanding his perspective but still worried for his well-being. "Well, if you insist on going solo, at least start with some safer quests. How about gathering herbs? It's a menial task but relatively low-risk."

Jack smiled and agreed, accepting a list of herb-gathering quests. However, little did the receptionist know that Jack had a secret up his sleeve. As he left the guild, he found a secluded spot away from prying eyes and tapped into his transformation ability.

Taking on the form of a Sadida, a magical tree-being capable of manipulating plant life, Jack ventured into the wilderness. With his newfound powers, he controlled the growth of plants, making herb gathering a breeze. Each herb he needed seemed to sprout effortlessly at his command.

As the sun bathed the tranquil meadows with its warm rays, Jack ventured forth, his senses attuned to the delicate task at hand. His quest for herb gathering had brought him to a serene and picturesque location, where an abundance of flora awaited him.

Transformed into a Sadida, Jack reveled in the ability to control plant growth. With a gentle touch and a whispered incantation, he nurtured the surrounding herbs, encouraging them to grow with speed and vitality. Vibrant hues of green and splashes of colorful petals greeted his eyes as he moved through the verdant landscape.

With each careful step, Jack plucked the herbs he needed, ensuring to leave behind a seed or two, ensuring their continued growth. He appreciated the delicate balance between taking what he required and maintaining the ecosystem's equilibrium.

As he gathered the herbs, he couldn't help but marvel at nature's beauty and its bountiful gifts. The soothing scent of chamomile filled the air, and the touch of lavender petals against his skin brought a sense of calm.

Jack's mind wandered as he moved from one herb to another. He pondered the intricate properties of each plant, their potential uses in alchemy and healing. He felt a deep connection with the natural world, appreciating its inherent wisdom and nurturing qualities.

The gentle breeze whispered secrets to him, carrying the melodies of birds and the rustling of leaves. It was a symphony of tranquility, a harmonious collaboration between nature and Jack's own abilities.

With his herb pouch filled to the brim, Jack took a moment to sit amidst the wildflowers, breathing in the fresh scent of the meadow. He felt a profound gratitude for the opportunity to connect with the earth in such an intimate way.

Satisfied with the abundance of herbs he had gathered, Jack smiled contentedly. The pouch at his side brimmed with a variety of potent plants, each holding its own potential for healing and alchemical wonders. With his task accomplished, he decided it was time to return to the adventurers' guild.

As he made his way back through the idyllic meadow, a sense of fulfillment washed over him. The sunlight danced on his path, casting a warm glow that seemed to mirror the joy within him. The journey back to the guild was filled with a peaceful tranquility, accompanied by the soft rustle of leaves and the gentle melody of birdsong.

Entering the bustling guild, Jack couldn't help but notice the curious glances from fellow adventurers. They marveled at the quantity and quality of the herbs he had gathered. Some approached him, seeking advice or eager to learn from his evident expertise.

With a humble smile, Jack graciously shared his knowledge, offering tips on herb identification, cultivation, and the benefits of each plant. The guild members appreciated his wisdom and admired his dedication to the craft.

Completing his quest, Jack handed over his filled herb pouch to the guild receptionist. She inspected the contents with an impressed nod, recognizing the value of his contribution to the guild's supplies. She thanked him for his diligence and rewarded him accordingly.

Unbeknownst to them, Jack had found a clever way to leverage his transformation powers for practical purposes, giving him an advantage in his quests while maintaining his independence.


After completing his successful herb gathering quest, Jack felt a sense of accomplishment and decided to take on a few more menial tasks for the day. He ventured out into the village, ready to tackle whatever challenges lay ahead.

First on his list was cleaning the barns of a local farmer. With diligence and a bit of magic, Jack swiftly swept away the accumulated dirt and debris, leaving the space spotless. The farmer, grateful for his help, thanked him profusely and offered a small bag of freshly harvested vegetables as a token of appreciation.

Next, Jack set out to find a missing cat that had wandered off from its home. Armed with his keen senses and a gentle touch, he scoured the neighborhood, calling out the cat's name and using his transformation abilities to mimic feline sounds. After a short search, he discovered the mischievous feline hiding beneath a bush. With a patient coaxing, Jack managed to reunite the cat with its relieved owner.

With his tasks completed, Jack returned to the adventurers' guild, feeling a sense of satisfaction from the day's accomplishments. The guild's lively atmosphere welcomed him as he entered, adventurers regaling each other with tales of heroic exploits and daring escapades.

Finding a comfortable spot in the guild's common area, Jack settled in to relax. He engaged in light-hearted banter with fellow adventurers, exchanging stories and sharing laughter. The camaraderie and sense of community filled the air, reminding him why he had embarked on this adventure in the first place.

As the evening sun bathed the guild in a warm glow, Jack savored the peaceful moments of respite. He enjoyed the company of his newfound friends, reveling in the bonds forged through shared experiences and mutual support.

As the sun began to set on Jack's eventful first day in Axel, he decided it was time to find a place to rest and recharge for the night. He strolled through the bustling streets of the town, taking in the sights and sounds of this new world.

After a short walk, he arrived at a cozy inn nestled in the heart of the town. The warm glow of candlelight spilled from the windows, inviting tired adventurers and weary travelers inside. Jack pushed open the heavy wooden door and stepped into the welcoming embrace of the inn's interior.

The air was filled with the aroma of hearty meals and lively conversations. Jack approached the innkeeper, a friendly middle-aged woman who greeted him with a warm smile. He requested a room for the night and handed over a handful of Eris, the currency of this world.

The innkeeper, appreciative of his polite demeanor, assigned him a comfortable room on the second floor. Jack ascended the creaking staircase, his footsteps echoing through the hallway. He opened the door to his room and found a cozy space adorned with a simple bed, a small desk, and a window overlooking the town.

Sighing with contentment, Jack dropped his bag onto the bed and stretched his weary limbs. He removed his adventurer's cloak, revealing his ordinary attire beneath. The weight of the day's adventures lifted from his shoulders as he settled into the room's tranquility.

Deciding to freshen up before indulging in a well-deserved meal, Jack splashed cool water on his face and tidied his disheveled hair. He glanced at his reflection in the small mirror, a hint of satisfaction evident in his tired eyes.

Leaving his room, Jack made his way to the inn's dining area. The aroma of roasted meats and savory stews tantalized his senses, and he eagerly joined the other patrons in enjoying a hearty meal. The inn's friendly atmosphere created an instant sense of camaraderie, as adventurers from various walks of life exchanged stories and shared laughter.

Seated at a table by the crackling fireplace, Jack indulged in a delicious dinner, savoring each bite and relishing in the simple pleasures of good food and good company. The tales and experiences shared among the inn's guests only fueled his excitement for the adventures that awaited him.

With his mind buzzing with ambition and a desire to grow stronger, Jack sat at a small table in the corner of the inn's dining area. He pulled out a worn notebook and a pencil, ready to draft his plans for the coming days.

He carefully jotted down his goals, emphasizing the need for sufficient funds to support his training endeavors. Simple quests, such as escorting caravans, clearing out small monster infestations, and retrieving lost items, would be his primary focus. These quests, while not overly challenging, would allow him to accumulate the necessary funds while keeping his transformation abilities under wraps.

As he sketched out his strategy, Jack's thoughts wandered to the Raiden transformation he had acquired. He marveled at the potential it held, its lightning-fast reflexes and devastating swordplay. The transformation required immense mana and concentration, which made it a perfect candidate for his dedicated training sessions.

Knowing that the Raiden transformation would demand his utmost focus and energy, Jack made a mental note to dedicate specific time slots for training. He calculated the approximate amount of Eris he would need to sustain his lifestyle and allow for ample training time. It was a delicate balance, but one he was determined to achieve.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Jack closed his notebook and tucked it away. He felt a surge of excitement coursing through his veins as he envisioned the possibilities that awaited him. The path to becoming a formidable adventurer lay before him, and he was ready to seize every opportunity.

As the inn slowly emptied, Jack finished his meal and retired to his room for a well-deserved rest. The flickering candle on his bedside table provided a comforting glow as he settled into bed. Thoughts of the adventures and challenges that lay ahead swirled in his mind, blending with dreams of mastering the Raiden transformation and surpassing all expectations.

Jack retired to his room soon after, feeling a comforting sense of contentment. He settled into the softness of the bed, the weariness of the day's activities seeping from his body.

Jack sat alone in his room, contemplating his choices. He couldn't help but feel a tinge of regret as he looked at his collection of game characters, realizing that the majority of them were female. It was a pattern he hadn't given much thought to before, but now it bothered him.

"Why did I make most of my characters girls?" he mused, a hint of frustration in his voice. "Was it just for the aesthetics or some misguided attempt at wish fulfillment?"

He scrolled through the list of characters he could transform into, each one a representation of a gaming avatar he had created in the past. The variety of options was impressive, but the preponderance of female characters was undeniable.

Jack shook his head, feeling a mix of amusement and self-consciousness. "I guess I've always had a fascination with strong, capable female characters. They were inspiring to me, and maybe I wanted to experience that power and confidence firsthand."

However, a hint of self-doubt crept into his thoughts. "But now that I'm actually in this world, surrounded by real people, I wonder if my choice is sending the wrong message." after thinking about it for a moment Jack decided to ignore those thoughts and focused on something more important.


The next morning, as the sun's rays peeked through the inn's window, Jack awakened with a lingering question on his mind he couldn't answer last night. How would he go about forming an adventure group in a place where most adventurers had already found their comrades?

He pondered over his options, realizing that he needed to be strategic in his approach. Jack decided to start by observing the adventurers in action, learning more about their strengths, weaknesses, and personalities. Perhaps he could find individuals who shared his values and goals.

He made his way to the bustling adventurers' guild, where the air was filled with chatter and excitement. Jack positioned himself in a discreet corner, studying the various groups as they prepared for their quests. He listened attentively to their conversations, trying to gauge their compatibility and camaraderie.

As he observed, Jack noticed a few adventurers who stood out. There was a valiant and skilled crusader known for her unwavering dedication to justice and her impressive swordplay. Her stoic demeanor and unwavering loyalty to her cause caught Jack's attention.

After careful consideration, Jack decided to approach the crusader and a short silver haired girl that was next to her. He introduced himself and expressed his admiration for their skills, emphasizing his own dedication to honing his magical prowess. He proposed the idea of joining forces, explaining how their combined strengths could create a formidable team.

The crusader, intrigued by Jack's offer, assessed him with a discerning gaze. She appreciated his genuine determination and recognized the potential benefits of having a versatile mage like Jack in their group. So after considering for a moment the proposal, they both introduce themselves to Jack.

Darkness, with her usual air of stoic confidence, stepped forward and introduced herself to Jack. She emphasized her proficiency in close combat, wielding her massive sword with unparalleled skill. She spoke of her unwavering loyalty and her desire to protect her comrades at any cost. Despite her tendency to attract trouble, Darkness's unwavering determination made her a formidable ally.

Chris, the nimble and cunning thief, approached Jack with a mischievous grin. She regaled him with stories of her daring exploits, showcasing her agility and stealth. Chris expressed her knack for finding hidden treasures and her expertise in lock-picking and disarming traps. Her wit and resourcefulness made her a valuable addition to the group.

As Darkness and Chris shared their backgrounds and experiences, Jack felt a sense of awe and excitement. He admired their unique abilities and saw the potential for their synergy as a team. With each member bringing their distinct strengths to the table, Jack knew they had the makings of an exceptional adventure group.

I couldn't help myself, so i wrote another one, this chapter might have some mistakes, if you see one poin it out.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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