
Embers of Resolve: Rise of the Unyielding Hero

This is a story about Jack, a good person at heart, who gave his life so that someone else could live. He thought that was it, but then a goddess offered him a chance at a new life if he was ready to accept the task she offered in exchange: to defeat the Demon King in a fantasy world full of magic. This is a story about a good guy slowly being molded into something else as the world tramples on his morals. Will he be able to stay true to his beliefs? That's up to the lively and quirky group of people he became friends with.

Burningnova13 · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Embarking on the Journey

Jack, Darkness, and Chris gathered around a table in the bustling guild hall, eagerly discussing their next quest. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as they sought to embark on their first adventure together.

"I'm thinking we should take on a quest that challenges us but doesn't overwhelm us," Jack suggested, his eyes filled with determination. "How about hunting down some giant frogs? I've heard there have been sightings of them in the nearby grasslands."

Darkness raised an eyebrow and smiled, her voice laced with a hint of correction. "Actually, they're called Giant Toads, not frogs. They may seem similar, but trust me, there's a difference."

Jack chuckled, appreciating Darkness's attention to detail. "Giant Toads it is, then. Thanks for the clarification, Darkness."

Chris leaned forward, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I'm up for the challenge! Giant Toads can be quite formidable opponents if we underestimate them."

The trio made their way to the guild receptionist, registering for the quest to hunt down the elusive Giant Toads in the sprawling grasslands. With their names officially on the task, they set off on their journey, eager to test their teamwork and get rid of the Toads.

As the trio ventured through the grasslands, Jack couldn't help but notice Darkness's intense gaze fixed upon him. Curiosity getting the better of him, he finally mustered the courage to ask her, "Darkness, why are you looking at me so seriously? Is there something on my face?"

Darkness blinked, her cheeks slightly flushed as she quickly averted her gaze. "Oh, it's nothing, Jack. I was just admiring your determination and strength. You have the qualities of a true adventurer."

Unaware of Darkness's hidden proclivities and penchant for indulging in thrilling, albeit unconventional, desires, Jack accepted her response at face value. Little did he know the depths of Darkness's true intentions, which would soon be revealed in their journey together.

Undeterred by Darkness's enigmatic response, Jack continued leading the way, seizing the opportunity to strike up some casual conversation with Darkness and Chris. Walking side by side, he wanted to foster a sense of camaraderie and get to know them better.

"So, Darkness, what made you decide to become an adventurer?" Jack inquired, genuinely interested in her motivations.

Darkness glanced at him, a small smile gracing her lips. "Oh, you know, I've always had a strong sense of justice and a desire for excitement. Joining the adventurers' guild felt like the perfect way to channel my passions."

Jack nodded, his curiosity piqued. "And how about you, Chris? What brought you into this line of work?"

Chris looked up, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "Well, I've always had a knack for getting my hands on things that don't belong to me. Becoming a thief seemed like the most natural progression."

Jack chuckled, finding Chris's honesty refreshing. "I can see how your skills would come in handy. Just make sure you keep your thieving tendencies in check during our quests, alright?"

Chris playfully rolled her eyes. "Don't worry, Jack. I'm not one to steal from my own party members... unless they owe me a favor."

Jack walked beside Darkness and Chris, their conversation flowing smoothly. But beneath his calm exterior, his mind was filled with memories of his family. He tried his best to keep a composed expression, not wanting to burden his new companions with his thoughts.

Jack balled his hand into a tight fist, recalling Aqua's words about the possibility of having any wish granted if he were to defeat the demon king. The weight of that potential hung heavy on his mind, fueling his determination and resolve.

He couldn't help but let his mind wander, pondering the thought of whether he would be able to succeed in his quest. Doubt crept in, reminding him that he couldn't be the first adventurer to undertake this daunting challenge. Thoughts of those who had come before him, their triumphs and failures, swirled in his mind, creating a mix of uncertainty and determination.

Curiosity getting the better of him, Jack turned to Darkness and Chris, his companions on this quest, and posed a question to break the silence.

"So, what was it like when you two had your first kill as adventurers?" he asked, genuinely interested in their experiences.

Darkness, ever the valiant knight, tried to offer some advice, her voice filled with a tinge of excitement. "Well, you see, it's a moment of exhilaration mixed with a sense of accomplishment. The thrill of facing a worthy opponent and emerging victorious, it's truly..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Chris interjected with a mischievous smile. "Actually, Darkness hasn't gotten her first kill yet. She's too busy enjoying the thrill of battle and forgetting to deal the finishing blow."

Darkness blushed and sputtered in response, her embarrassment evident. "T-That's not entirely true! It's just... I'm a perfectionist, you know? I want my first kill to be absolutely flawless!"

Jack chuckled at their exchange, finding their dynamic amusing. He turned to Chris, intrigued. "Well, then, Chris, what was your first kill like?"

Chris leaned back, reminiscing. "Ah, my first kill... It was equal parts nerve-wracking and exhilarating. The adrenaline pumping through your veins, the rush of landing that final blow, it's a feeling like no other. You'll experience it soon enough, Jack."

Jack listened intently to Chris's account, his curiosity growing. But there was something else nagging at him, a question that he couldn't keep to himself any longer. He wanted to understand their perspective fully.

"Thanks for sharing, Chris. It sounds intense," Jack began, his voice tinged with a hint of contemplation. "But... like, didn't you feel any remorse? I mean, I know they're monsters, but killing is still killing, no matter what."

The question hung in the air, and Darkness and Chris exchanged a brief glance before Chris spoke up, her tone thoughtful. "It's a valid concern, Jack. And you're right, taking a life, even if it's a monster, can weigh on your conscience. But in this world, we have to remember that these creatures pose a threat to innocent lives. It's a matter of self-defense and protecting others."

Darkness nodded in agreement, her voice softening. "While it may seem harsh, we adventurers have a responsibility to keep the world safe. It's a duty we willingly undertake, knowing that our actions ultimately protect the lives of innocent people. That doesn't mean we take pleasure in killing, but rather, we find solace in knowing that we're making a difference."

Jack listened carefully, absorbing their words. He understood their reasoning, even if it still felt heavy on his heart. It was a reality he would have to come to terms with as he delved deeper into the life of an adventurer.

"I see," Jack replied, a mix of understanding and unease in his voice. "I suppose it's a necessary sacrifice in order to protect the ones we care about. Thanks for explaining, guys."

Darkness and Chris exchanged knowing smiles, acknowledging Jack's apprehension. They understood that these were weighty matters for a newcomer like him.

Jack appreciated their efforts, and with a mix of uneasiness and determination, he decided to dispatch the Toads swiftly, reminding himself that they posed a threat to people's lives, making it a matter of self-defense.


Jack, Darkness, and Chris stood at a distance, observing the giant toads and strategizing their approach. They analyzed the creatures' movements and discussed the best course of action.

Darkness, ever eager for a fight, suggested charging in head-on and engaging the toads directly. Chris, on the other hand, recommended a more cautious approach, utilizing stealth and precision to gain the upper hand.

Jack carefully considered both suggestions, weighing the risks and benefits of each. He knew that rushing into battle could be dangerous, especially considering his limited experience as an adventurer. At the same time, he understood the importance of taking action swiftly to eliminate the threat.

After a moment of contemplation, Jack proposed a balanced plan. He suggested utilizing Chris's stealth abilities to approach the toads undetected while Darkness provided support from a short distance. This way, they could maximize their chances of success while minimizing the risk to themselves.

The trio nodded in agreement, ready to put their plan into action. With their individual strengths and a well-thought-out strategy, they felt confident in their ability to overcome the challenge ahead.

Together, they moved forward, preparing to face the giant toads and prove themselves as a formidable team of adventurers.

But Jack's heart sank as he watched Darkness swing her sword with fervor, only to miss the mark with each strike. Frustration crept into his expression as he realized her repeated failures. Turning his gaze towards Chris, he couldn't help but feel a sense of suspicion.

"Chris," Jack called out, his voice laced with concern, "what's going on with Darkness? She's missing all her attacks."

Chris raised an eyebrow innocently, her face a mask of feigned innocence. "Oh, Jack, I have no idea. Maybe Darkness just needs a bit more practice with her aim."

Jack's suspicions grew, but he didn't want to jump to conclusions. He knew Chris had a mischievous side, but he couldn't be sure if she was involved in Darkness's poor aim or if it was simply a coincidence.

Deciding to address the situation directly, Jack turned to Darkness, his voice filled with genuine concern. "Darkness, are you feeling alright? Is something bothering you?"

Darkness shook her head, her voice tinged with frustration. "No, Jack, I'm fine. It's just... I've always struggled with my aim. I'll keep practicing and try to improve."

Jack's empathy softened his gaze. He understood that everyone had their own challenges to overcome. With a reassuring smile, he spoke, "Don't worry, Darkness. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. We'll work together as a team and support each other. We'll overcome any obstacles that come our way."

As Jack witnessed Darkness's continuous struggle against the menacing toads, a surge of determination coursed through him. He couldn't stand idly by while his companion was in danger. Without a second thought, he tapped into his power of transformation and embraced the form of Raiden, the formidable warrior from Metal Gear Rising, wielding the mighty HF Muramasa Sword.

The sudden transformation startled Darkness and Chris, who watched in awe as Jack unleashed his newfound abilities. With swift and calculated movements, he kicked the toads away, ensuring Darkness was out of harm's reach. His strikes were precise, but he intentionally avoided delivering fatal blows, still hesitant to take a life.

Darkness, her eyes wide with a mix of astonishment and gratitude, called out to Jack, her voice filled with admiration. "Jack, you're amazing! How did you acquire such incredible powers?"

Jack, his focus on protecting Darkness, replied quickly, "I'll explain later, Darkness. Right now, let's concentrate on finishing off these toads and keeping you safe."

With renewed vigor, Jack continued to fend off the toads, his actions displaying a fine balance between power and restraint. It was clear that his transformation into Raiden had given him an advantage, allowing him to protect his companions without resorting to lethal force.

Together, Jack, Darkness, and Chris fought as a team, their combined efforts pushing back the toads and eventually driving them away. The immediate danger had subsided, but Jack's mind was filled with thoughts and questions about his newfound powers.

As they regrouped, Jack approached Darkness, a sense of urgency in his voice. "Darkness, I need to explain something to you. It's about my ability to transform and the source of my powers. It's important that you understand."

As Jack approached Darkness, his expression filled with concern, he couldn't help but notice a hint of disappointment in her gaze. It weighed on him, and he felt compelled to address it.

"Darkness, I can't help but feel like you're disappointed in me," Jack said, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "I should have told you and Chris about my powers before this, shouldn't I? I didn't mean to keep it a secret."

Darkness looked at Jack, her eyes softening with understanding. "No, Jack, it's not that," she replied, her voice gentle yet slightly conflicted. "I mean, it would have been helpful to know about your powers beforehand, but I have my own reasons for feeling disappointed."

Confusion flickered across Jack's face as he tried to comprehend Darkness's words. "Reasons? What do you mean, Darkness?"

Unbeknownst to Jack, Darkness harbored her own unique tendencies, finding a peculiar thrill in facing danger and even desiring to be swallowed by the toads. It was a side of her that she often struggled to reconcile with her more noble aspirations.

Darkness hesitated for a moment, her expression shifting as she evaded Jack's question. "Oh, it's not that, Jack," she replied with a nervous chuckle. "I mean, I'm not disappointed in you. It's just... well, we all have our secrets, don't we?"

Jack furrowed his brows, sensing that Darkness was deflecting his question. He had a feeling there was more to her reaction than she was letting on. "Darkness, I want us to be honest with each other. Trust is important in our group, and if there's something bothering you, I want to know."

Darkness bit her lip, contemplating whether to open up or not. Eventually, she sighed and glanced away. "Alright, Jack. There is something I haven't shared with you and Chris. But it's... a personal matter, something I'd rather not discuss at the moment."

Jack nodded understandingly, realizing that Darkness had her own reasons for keeping certain things to herself. "I respect your privacy, Darkness. Just know that if you ever want to talk or share anything with us, we're here to listen and support you."

A flicker of gratitude passed through Darkness's eyes as she met Jack's gaze. "Thank you, Jack. Your understanding means a lot to me. For now, let's focus on the task at hand and work together as a team."

Jack smiled, relieved that he had reached a level of understanding with Darkness, even if she hadn't fully disclosed her reasons for disappointment. He knew that trust took time to build, and he was willing to be patient.

As Jack and Darkness engaged in their conversation, Chris couldn't help but interject, her voice laced with frustration.

"Jack, I appreciate that you were trying to keep the Toads at bay, but I have to say, it seemed like you were deliberately avoiding killing them," Chris stated, her voice filled with a sense of urgency. "In our line of work, sometimes we have to make tough choices, and if it means eliminating a threat to protect ourselves or innocent lives, we have to be willing to take action."

Jack listened attentively, recognizing the weight of Chris's words. He understood that his hesitation to kill the Toads had not gone unnoticed, and he felt a pang of guilt for his inaction.

"Chris, you're right," Jack admitted, his voice tinged with remorse. "I was trying to find a way to resolve the situation without resorting to violence, but I see now that it was misguided. I should have acted more decisively and taken the necessary steps to eliminate the threat."

Chris nodded, her expression softening. "I understand that everyone has their own approach to combat, but we have to be prepared for the realities of this world. Sometimes, mercy can be a weakness, and it's important to protect ourselves and those we care about."

Jack sighed, realizing the gravity of his actions. "You're absolutely right, Chris. I need to reconcile with the fact that this world can be harsh, and sometimes, sacrifices must be made for the greater good. I promise to do better in the future and not let my hesitation hinder our progress."

Chris's stern expression softened into a small smile. "I believe in you, Jack. We all make mistakes, but what's important is that we learn from them and grow. We're a team, and we have each other's backs. Let's continue our journey together, facing the challenges head-on."

Jack then tilted his head to the side, he couldn't help but let out a hearty laugh, his eyes twinkling with mischief as he teasingly prodded Chris for her unexpectedly wise words. It was as if a hidden depth had suddenly emerged from beneath her playful exterior, catching him off guard in the most delightful way.

"Well, well, Chris," he quipped, his voice laced with playful sarcasm. "Look at you, dropping pearls of wisdom like it's no big deal. I never knew you had such a profound philosopher hiding inside that mischievous grin of yours." He flashed her a playful wink, his grin widening. "I must say, I'm thoroughly impressed."

Chris's cheeks flushed slightly, a mixture of surprise and amusement dancing in her eyes. She playfully nudged him with her elbow, a mischievous glint in her gaze. "Oh, come on, Jack," she retorted, her voice dripping with mock indignation. "You should know by now that I'm full of surprises. Can't let you have all the fun, can I?"

Jack chuckled, thoroughly enjoying their playful banter. It was moments like these that made him appreciate the camaraderie they were building as a team. They might have started as strangers, but with each passing day, their bond grew stronger, woven together by shared adventures and lighthearted exchanges like this.

As they continued their banter, the laughter and camaraderie filled the air, setting the stage for the many adventures that awaited them in the world of Axel.

I was so into it that i even forgot to add an afterthought, how do you like this chapter? i tried to add more interactions here and there.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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