

Embedded is a Sci-Fi action novel that focuses on a number of individuals. (No spoilers) The book is written from each character's perspective and will cover each one's story to some degree. Despite the multi-character cast, it will be primarily from the view of a senior student with the name of Marcus Terus. Follow Marcus and company as they travel through the stars on an adventure of a lifetime.

DaoistilnLqc · Sci-fi
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3 Chs


Heya all! So, I'm noticing a rather insane amount of people have looked at Embedded so far. As of my writing this out, there are exactly 85 views (don't laugh lol) on my work. I genuinely don't know how to process this.

As you all have clearly noticed, it's only a prologue at the moment, but I can assure everyone that Embedded is still very much being worked on. I am currently on chapter 8 out of either 9 or 10. I haven't decided yet.

The plan is to release several short books one book at a time. So, hold on a while longer! At the current rate of progress, I think I could have the first book out a little bit after the end of August. Once It's ready, I'll post a release date in the form of another temporary chapter, so look out for that!

I just made this so I can let everyone know that Embedded is still being worked on, and I can't wait to get volume 1 out for all of you guys!

Genuinely though, I can't thank all of you enough for the support I've seen on just the introduction to a hobby of mine! This really means the world to me, seeing as how I'm basically nobody in the world of writing. To think despite that, almost one-hundred people have found it within themselves to even glance an eye in my general direction? That's unheard of to me!

If Embedded does become a community, then I have some plans to get you guys in on the writing process. I can't say much, heck, who even knows if this'll happen? In the end it's just a dream...

Thank you all so much for the support. You beautiful people have really given me a big reason to make Embedded a thing, so truly, thank you.

Anyway, I have to get back to it! Thank you all so very much, and I hope to see you in the epilogue when volume one drops. Peace all!