

Embedded is a Sci-Fi action novel that focuses on a number of individuals. (No spoilers) The book is written from each character's perspective and will cover each one's story to some degree. Despite the multi-character cast, it will be primarily from the view of a senior student with the name of Marcus Terus. Follow Marcus and company as they travel through the stars on an adventure of a lifetime.

DaoistilnLqc · Sci-fi
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3 Chs

Notice 2:

Well, it's September 15, and still no book...


It's not like I forgot about it amongst the various snowballs of life haha...

That's to many, "..." Ok I'll stop.

Well, here are. It's 15 days past the time I would've like for the release to have been, but know that I'm still not giving up on it yet.

I've been putting my time into life quite a bit lately, and I'm afraid that means not much progress on Embedded. However, it looks like I could be finding more time to work very soon, which I'm hoping will lead to some solid results.

Also, the book needs a LOT of editing right now, so I can't give a release date quite yet. Also, judging how the last "release" went, I'd say I shouldn't give any details this early into the writing process.

Anyways, this is kind of just here to let anyone who may be keeping up with my to-be-series a little hope and reassurance that I've not given up on it yet.

Thanks for giving this a read, I hope to see you at release next time I publish.
