

Embedded is a Sci-Fi action novel that focuses on a number of individuals. (No spoilers) The book is written from each character's perspective and will cover each one's story to some degree. Despite the multi-character cast, it will be primarily from the view of a senior student with the name of Marcus Terus. Follow Marcus and company as they travel through the stars on an adventure of a lifetime.

DaoistilnLqc · Sci-fi
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3 Chs


Many believe in the existence of life beyond the stars. These same people tend to think that this life will overtake us with superior strength and technology, or we as a race could find something terrible hidden past the stars. Whatever their belief, all these theories tend to lean in the end of, or enslavement of the human race. Our species is not constructed to explore the entirety of the vast unknown vacuum that surrounds our planet. However, we have already imagined much of what the void holds in store for the future of our planet and race. Seeing as how the void is for the most part untouched, many authors such as myself flock to it as a canvas for them to paint their own stories. Countless tales have been told in the unknown void, and I will be adding mine to that bunch. Thank you for bothering with this paragraph, and now I give to you my bit of imagination from the void. I give to you my theory as to what could lie beyond the stars. I give to you, Embedded.

Okay so that's out of the way, now I can say, "Hello All!" I can't really introduce myself because I haven't given myself a pen name, but I still want to say thank you for giving my book a read. This is my first novel I ever want to publish, so I've given this one and extra-large amount of thought. I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I'm planning to. My dream is to one day take this story as a draft to make into an anime or game, but I guess these are just humble beginnings. So that's about all, thank you very much for giving my book a chance, I hope you all enjoy it thoroughly!