

what if the sun abandoned us forsake us what if our plants could no longer grow and we were left in a icy wasteland and what if the elves are responsible for it...perhaps there's more to the story than just that follow Lysmor Ketev on his journey for peace in this cold and broken world for elves and man as well as the other races that joined the war.

Kyheem_Huff_7598 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Abandonment of light

" " speaking (thoughts)

as Volund sits his head beneath the guillotine butt naked he cant help but think of what hes done to deserve this all he ever wanted was to forge his weapons in peace have a loving wife and child but now his head is on the chopping block and his lover has left with his child still in her womb a crowd gathers around his execution as Nithoth walks up to him and kicks him and he speaks "any last words elf!" his tone was one of anger and disgusts Volund "...yeah I got last words...your daughters ass felt real good" he sends a smug smirk towards him Nithoth boils with rage and slices the rope as the guillotine slices his head off blood spurts out of the corpse painting the gray stones that built the road a dark shade of red Nithoth smirks and laughs maniacally as he kicks the headless corpse he stomps it down watching as the blood flies everywhere with sadistic glee truly a demon within human skin however as he was doing he didn't notice a strange phenomenon in the sky dark clouds gather and the sky almost seems to be burning until the sun fades into the void the only thing left of it is a red ring in the sky with as a ominous feeling descends from it people watch horrified as the animals and even some people turn into monsters eldritch horrors beyond imagining the world is flung into a age of darkness despair and chaos all because of the stupidity of one foolish and tyrannical king