

what if the sun abandoned us forsake us what if our plants could no longer grow and we were left in a icy wasteland and what if the elves are responsible for it...perhaps there's more to the story than just that follow Lysmor Ketev on his journey for peace in this cold and broken world for elves and man as well as the other races that joined the war.

Kyheem_Huff_7598 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Lysmor Ketev

" " speaking ( ) thoughts

Mardrom "hey kid the names Mardrom what about you?" the boy looks at Mardrom and speaks "ill tell you my name if you tell me who is responsible for the death of all my friends and family...tell me who is it exactly that I should kill" Mardrom (...that look in his eyes I like it that pure unbridled wrath bloodlust anger whatever you use to describe cannot replicate how much this boy seems to want to kill the person responsible for the destruction of his village I see then he is definitely the one for me...) Mardrom smiles and says "you want the person responsible...very well ill tell you on one condition" Lysmor tilts his head curious as to what this condition might be Mardrom smiles and speaks again "and that is to be my disciple" Lysmor touches is chin thinking about any reason why he should accept until he remebers how he killed the soldiers before he looks up to him and says "I accept" Mardrom smiles and says "very good the one responsible is the king Nithoth because the villagers here didn't pay rent in time he sent soldiers here to kill them as expected of a tyrant I suppose" Lysmor's face lights up in anger hearing the petty reason for the death of his entire family and vows within his heart that he would kill that tyrant if it was the last thing  he did this only makes Mardrom smile and so after seven years of training he becomes a extremely skilled assassin but lets save that for later lets see what our good old chum Volund is doing in a dark room of the castle in the middle of the night inside of a room that seems rather pecuilar smelling.....well this is intresting it seems like he's having a little bit of fun if you know what I mean and with the kingdoms princess as well it seems hes quite a womanizer as expected of the greatest of the elves I suppose I just hope the king doesnt catch on oh but I know I said it before but Murphy's law states anything that can go wrong will go wrong and so the doors are busted down and soldiers march into the room...