

what if the sun abandoned us forsake us what if our plants could no longer grow and we were left in a icy wasteland and what if the elves are responsible for it...perhaps there's more to the story than just that follow Lysmor Ketev on his journey for peace in this cold and broken world for elves and man as well as the other races that joined the war.

Kyheem_Huff_7598 · Fantasy
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The gravest sin and the Asgards

" "speaking ( ) thoughts

as the guillotine was falling the only thing Volund could do was dwell in his thoughts 

(I cant say I blame my lover for leaving like she did for if she had stayed her father would have killed her for housing such a "blasphemus" child inside her but...I still want to see them one last time perhaps its merely a selfish wish...speaking of her father that foolish king Nithoth has no idea whats coming does he? the fool he has no idea of the consequences of killing me that the sun would abandon this world as the elves are angered by my death be proud of yourself Nithoth you have commited the greatest sin as you are lathered in millions of curses as the one responsible for destroying this world thats what you deserve...hehehe...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!) and those were Volunds last thoughts as his head was chopped off by the guillotine but enough of that you see far far to the north is mount hvortreetvokser the mountain upon which the mystical tree yggdrasil grows its branches stretching out into the cosmos connecting the nine realms a force invisible to most and so relax as we travel up the tree I know you probably thought this elevator ride was safe but your wrong and so as we pass alfheim otherwise known as the sun we arrive in Asgard home of the Asgardian gods there you can many Asgardians and elves fighting you see the elves abandonment of humans was problematic for the Asgardians because gods power run on the belief of mortals the more followers a god has the more powerful they are leading to large scale conflict between the races it seems the problems of the humans are also the problems of the Asgardians but unbeknownst to the elves or the gods a malevolent plot was about to set sail  and so we travel closer to Midgard next to Alfheim or the sun we reach Vanaheim where plans to kill the gods were being forged will The Vanir kill and userp the Asgardians? find out next time on elveforsaken!!