



It was a sound of pain, a sound of greatest despair. This was a concoction of forced sex, unwanted scene, desperation for liberty and a bruise of every scream. It was a night filled of curse and pleasure, a night of dominion to a female's body, a dread night for Sila whose virginity has lost at that night. Sila was forced to have sex with King Phyllis.

Sila had a naïve character, had a small face, slightly dark tone yet polished skin and had a beautiful, winsome smile. But the smile she owned had vanished and turned it into scowl, a sadness which resides on her life. On that night, she was full of tears, lying in exasperation, she had found blood on the bed and with a shame, she covered her breast down to her knees with the white, thick blanket. She was calling the name of her mother; she whispered for help, she craved for justice. That was the night she would hardly forget, surely.

Elena was lying on Xavier's bed, forced but her face filled with so much poise. Xavier was starting at the moon on his glass window. He was naked, from the bed where Elena was lying; she could see the man's entire body from his broad back down to his ass. The prince was a bit annoyed and deep within him, he knew that was something he needs not do. He was in the midst of confusion, despite of deep-seated belief and norms; he found it in his heart to resist having sex with the girl on his bed. Elena had an idea that after she was sent out from the box, she knew that she'll be put in a situation like this. But now that she was seeing the man in front of him, she tied with the hope that what she had on her mind won't happen.

"Can you see how beautiful the moon is?"

The prince asked the bewildered woman but she was mummed to the prince's statement. He uttered his adoration to the moon, the stars up above and the entire beauty of the night. He was held captive by the magnificent brightness of the moon from afar. He wanted to stop the time; he wished that he had choice not to obey his dad. After realizing his father's command to have a baby, he simply approached the lady - the lady on her bed which was naked and covered with a white soft blanket. He asked her name gently. The girl, with her adequate knowledge of Vlanteorr nature, seemed distant and reserved to the man. She was hiding her face and never wanted to entertain any question from anyone else. For the second time around, the naked prince asked the lady the same question. He promised that he would never touch the girl or bring any fear on her hand. He assured that the girl was safe with him. And, finally, the girl talked.


When the prince heard her name, he started to appreciate everything about her. He told her how beautiful her name was. He then, started to look at her closely and saw her eyes, face and cheeks. The man asked her age, and he got surprised when they have the same age – twenty.

The prince stood up, leaned his back on the wall and shared story about him, about his birthdays. Elena was silently listening to the prince. After staying there for two months, she never felt safe but that night was totally different. She felt safe on the room, she felt secured under that roof, together with Xavier. When he stopped telling stories, he asked the Elena to tell hers. Elena was quiet and still looking around, because there might someone out there who was listening to them. The prince then guaranteed that no one was there to eavesdrop because that was a special night between him and Elena. Because of the trust she newly found to Xavier, she began telling her own story.

The prince tried to kiss Elena, surprisingly Elena didn't resist. But after that kiss, Prince Xavier immediately got up, saying sorry for what he did. He was so apologetic; he turned around and went back to the window again.

He explained that he couldn't do it. He was not be able to have sex with someone with the absence of love. While hearing those words from his mouth, Elena saw this man was radically different from all the Vlanteorries. This man seemed prudent, soft-heartened, had respect for woman, and his belief was different from others. Elena asked what would happen to the prince if he disobeys his father. He intelligently said that he was not disobeying him, he was just delaying it and his father would not be able to know the truth unless he and Elena disclose it. Prince Xavier and Elena made a pact on that night, swearing to each other that they will keep a secret – a secret of not having a sex.


"He means, he was a gift from heaven and he came from our province."

Lolo Isko was trying to explain that Elijah was his nephew and his dad also died and he had no one to be with reason why he decided to find his only uncle. He was wearing a costume last night they saw, an alibi he had to create to discard such suspicion. Then, erasing the entire doubt to their faces, he also mentioned that Elijah would stay in Barangay Karagatan with him for time being. He had nowhere to go, he seemed lonely and it was a great opportunity to live with someone he knows especially now that Lolo Isko was old. His form of reasoning made him look intelligent in the face of Elijah. The captain then mentioned if Elijah was already there when the abduction issue happened. The old man had no idea about what they were talking about. He had never heard anything like that.

"So, you don't really know about the abduction issue?"

The old man was persistent with his response, then, the story of abduction two months ago discussed by the captain. The old man was nervous while hearing the story, and Elijah was still puzzled of what he was hearing. The captain also mentioned that there was no one who saw them. It means that there was no witness to testify where they last saw them. Until Lolo Isko tried his very best to recall the day last two months ago. He shared his story about what he saw before which made him sick the entire week.

Last two month, it was the day after the church service. Lolo Isko tried to cook some delicious food, planning to share it to pastor Hiram. When he went to the cabin on the side of the church where pastor was residing, it was closed. So, he decided to go back and return later, because he thought that pastor Hiram was out for important errands. When he was paving his way to his house, he saw huge human beings with curly hair, half naked and had tattoos printed on their bodies. There over-all appearance looked so creepy, and their faces looked like they're into something evil. He tried to hide on one of the rocks, following them through his eyes.

On a big rock, he saw four ladies, but he wasn't able to identify who the girls were. The place where he was hiding and the rock where the ladies were seemed far away. Based on his story, the men he saw abducted the girls and because of terror and a threat he surely perceived, he ran away which caused the food to fall and him to be stumbled. He was scared that's why he got back home, agitated. He locked the door and started to worry which suffered him from not-so-serious health condition. He read his bible and focused on the promise of God that he will never leave him, "don't be afraid" which helped him a lot to cope with the situation.


One night, he was walking down to the seashore. There was no one there, the boats were in the boarding land, the sea was very tranquil, the wind was soothing, a remarkable feeling of introspection. He decided to walk because he knew he could talk to God in that wonderful place of peace. He seemed strong, he even tried to run and he did it. What a magnificent strength he had and he was so happily surprised with the gift of renewed strength. Until the darkness devoured the sun, the immense sky clothed with dark clouds and the sun turned into a bloody red ball. A boat was approaching; he got scared so, he ran over but behind him were Vlanteorries, chasing him and wanted to murder him. He shouted! He shouted but no one was there to help him until he heard his name, "Lolo Isko".

"Lolo Isko, Wake up!"

Elijah woke the old man up because he was in perilous nightmare.


Khalil went back from their voyage, and another thirteen fresh, clean girls have been abducted from various regions and places beside Kingdom Vlanteorr. He has showed them to King Phyllis and the king was glad, glad enough to ask him to also choose a girl from the box. They have also abducted 10 unclean girls and they were sent to the Vlanteorr Cave to be slave, other Male Vlanteorries can also choose from these girls to bear babies. The girls were weeping when they heard what will happen to them. King Phyllis then, asked them to bring them in the place where they belong.

King Phyllis called the prophets, his kids, the head of the soldiers and some other important Vlanteorries for their assembly. King Phyllis had the vision from Baal that they were reigning over the earth. He saw it on his dream that Vlanteorries were the powerful creatures on Earth and that was not possible without them taking an action. The prophets agreed about the fact that it was about time for them to do something in order for them to invade other places. Their greatest mission was not for them to abduct girls and to offer them to Baal, indeed it was power. It was sovereignty, ruling every nation, making everyone adores. Khazuri, the head prophet, the oldest Vlanteorry, the most influential creature in Vlanteorry suggested to start dominating people near Vlanteorr. With this, they would be able to rule every area, region, country and soon enough, the Earth.

King Phyllis asked Khalil the nearest area of their kingdom, and Khalil was mentioned about Chamilee, a small island near China. This island was very small but there were different tribes out there. They didn't have any swords, spear or war gear. These people looked so very submissive, that's why Khalil thought that it would easier for them to dominate this land, to own this land and to make everyone worship Baal. The King then, instructed Khalil to be ready for the dominion.

"If people from this Land fights over Vlanteorries, kill them at once. If they obey your command, that would be a great victory." This is what he reiterated to the head soldiers.

Now, they were preparing for an anticipated invasion. Khalil prepared the troops, instructed them and every single Vlanteorry followed him. Some prepared for the boats, others prepared for the weapons they will be using, other were plotting the entire scheme. Everyone had its own role for the invasion. Then, Price Jacquim, second-born of King Phyllis asked his father if he could join the troops. His second son was braver, belligerent, bolder and aggressive compared to Xavier. He was also hungry for power and very dominant. He was hardheaded for keeping a secret to his dad. Every now and then, he was practicing on how fight with a sword, an order which was forbidden to the King but still, he did.

He was changing his clothes and Khalil actually borrowed him a gear suitable for dominion. He looked well, wanted to really prove something for his dad. He was always jealous with Xavier that's why he did everything to make him noticed by the King. Everyone was in the boat, Khalil had blown the horn which an indication that they were leaving. The King heard it on his chamber, closed his eyes and asked Baal to bless his people. The entire Vlanteorr heard and started to shout, an indication of upcoming war and Victory.

Chamilee, an island filled with people who lived peacefully. These people believe that there was no supernatural being, that's why they worship the sun and the moon. These people, who lived in an isolated island, were organized with their beliefs and norms. They were also adhered in helping the community to be a better place. Regardless of being an independent community and far from their country, they have lived well. With the root crops, corns, field and various animals they have, they managed to live without the help of the government.

After few hours of sailing their way to the Chamilee, Vlanteorries finally arrived. Khalil once again, blew the horn to send signal to the other than they were ready to intrude and an indication than this place will be theirs after this day. Then, Vlanteorries went down, one by one together with their swords and other weapon. Khalil and Prince Jacquim led the way. Because Chamilee people were clueless about what's happening, they went to their houses and locked the door. Vlanteorries started to murder the people, they have killed them because Jacquim instructed them to do so. Khalil was confused because the instruction given to him by the King was different from he had uttered. He said that they will all kill people on this island. He laughed and laughed which showed his evil side.

People from different ages died, even kids, woman, girls were already murdered. Some of them were asking what they want but Jacquim said that they need this land; they need this place for more Vlanteorries to come. They were asking to spare their lives and did whatever they want to do. But Jacquim was evil enough to make them all killed but Khalil suggested that what report they will be sending to his father if everyone on this land died. Jacquim has never thought about it, that's why he listened to Khalil in sparing the lives of other people.

They gathered all the people left and saved from killing, Vlanteorries also tried to roam around to the every single area, once again, just to check that there was no one escaped. Everything was clear. Everything was a total picture of destruction.

After a while, Jacquim also mentioned, that they had to search the whole island and see if there were beneficial things they could utilize or wield for the Kingdom. For the third time around, Khalil mentioned that there was no need to do it because if this land would be owned by Vlanteorries, the things would belong for those people who will stay there. That's why getting stuffs and things was not a good and salient idea at all.

Jacquim was entirely annoyed with Khalil's character in thinking and analyzing things. He scratched his temple, heaved a disgusted gasp and commanded the troop and the whole team to leave the place at once.

"Stop!" Khalil shouted.

Khalil mentioned that he was the son of the King and he would obey no one but in this task, he was just an ordinary soldier. He tried to give a different command to the troops but at the end, the entire Vlanteorries soldiers followed the leader and with greater angst, he had no choice but to follow as well.


He had dream about the Vlanteorries. He kept on saying Vlanteorries, Vlanteorries, and Vlanteorries. He was breathing heavily, that's why Elijah got a cup of water, gave it to Lolo Isko and drank. He began telling his dream to Elijah, even before, he had this phantasmagoria, a very weird dreams of his. According to his dream, he even again saw them in a closer look, which made him more terrified and nervous. He explained how creepy and powerful these people were. They started dominating places and Barangay Karagatan was in a future peril, not mentioning that it already happened because of the abduction. He got even scared while sharing this story.

"Who are these people you saw?" Elijah asked.

"Vlanteorries" the old man replied.


"Vlanteorries" God said.

Elijah also asked a little information to God about the enemy he will be facing on Earth. He said that, they were Vlanteorries, descendants of Hazural, children of Baal. They were becoming powerful and barbaric. They were so evil; they were killing girls to offer it to their god. They were abducting girls for their own personal motives. This destructible and obnoxious action had to stop Elijah at once. These secular killings, heinous crimes and unwanted situation caught my attention that's why you have to be on Earth to stop them.