


"Hear my prayer oh Lord."

A prayer with total sincerity and a hope from hopeless woman named Elena. At the day of her abduction, she was with the three girls in the seashore fixing the rod and cleaning the boat. These girls were usually companions, assigned to help their father once they arrived in the land bordering area of the sea. On that time, they were busy performing their task-at-hand until the purple bracelet fell on the ground, unaware.

As soon as they got finished with their task given to them, one of the girls asked the group to take a walk beside the big rock on the left side of the sea. It was a time of the day where grueling ladies walked; presumably went to the rock to see the wider view of the sea.

They talked, keenly looked, and soon expressed their admiration to the aesthetic quality of the sea which brings an incredible and unexplainable feeling unto them. After taking a rest, the girls decided to leave. The sun was bidding farewell, a sign which the girls concluded, they have to go down and pave their way at home. Until strong, tall men arrived before them and took them against their will.

These men sealed their mouth with their larger hand in order for them not to produce noise which invites a sense of rescue. Since these men were big, big enough to carry the girls without hardship. The girls, without a word being uttered, were in a total shock - great danger and life-threatening condition occurred. They brought the girls inside of their boats and suddenly went away. Presumably, there was no one in the incident which saw everything aside from a man.

When they arrived in the place which was unfamiliar to the girls, they began shouting and screaming – a total desperation, asking for escape. They were perplexed about the whole thing, until they heard a noise coming from the people of the said kingdom. Tears of despair clothed their eyes and they never stopped weeping as if crying loudly can save them from this agony. They were put in a place where ladies like them were housed. Most ladies were losing consciousness. Some looked dejected, some looked hopeless, and others accepted their fate; that was to die in any moment soon because all of the girls they took from the place never went back. No one did.

Bewildered as it may sound, Elena attempted to ask questions from the other girls in the Vlanteorr's Box of Clean Offering. She was desperate to know what was happening and what will happen to her, to them.

One girl started to discuss everything. She was in the Vlanteorr for four months, still shuddered in fears. Her eye bags were as big as a leech, unable her to sleep well at night. She was teary-eyed while uttering, "the end is near". She might be killed anytime soon.

The four girls screamed, never did they imagine that their lives will end in this place – far from their families, far from their love ones. She was continuously sharing information to the newly-abducted girls. They were awestruck by what they hear which made them speechless. One of her friends, Sila has passed out and it caught attention to the girls inside of the Box. Elena was trying her best to wake her up but the girl was still unconscious by that time.

Now, two of them have killed. From more than twenty girls when they arrived, eight remained. Elena knelt down, begging for God's help. If the help she was asking won't be sent at any given time sooner, expected that she would die. She was begging for God to save them. She never got tired of stating the Lord's prayer and asking the Holy Spirit to spare them from this Hell.


Lolo Isko was still in revealing awe and still could not imagine that Elijah came to his house. Confused as it may look, undeniable joy on his heart cannot be denied. He was pleased to receive such rare opportunity which not everyone can feasibly have, that's why he thanked the Lord for opportunity. Lolo Isko offered his house for Elijah for time being, given the fact that he doesn't know where that Kingdom was and the moon quietly reigned over his hut, he decided to let his visitor sleep on his house.

"Are you hungry?" the old man asked his visitor with so much compassion. Elijah said no but his stomach uttered the opposite, he was indeed, craving for food. So he said yes, instead. A familiar sound made the old man prepared food for his not-a-stranger-anymore vistor. However, before preparing food, he perceived that the Elijah was not comfortable with his suit; he went to his room and chose clothes which will be fit for him.

Try this on", the old man urged. He gave him a shirt and a pajama. He went to the comfort room and changed as if everything was so natural and familiar to him.

The old man was busy preparing food and Elijah, back in the comfort room, was having difficulty changing. He heard the man singing a song, as if God visited his home, authentic joy surrounds his entire hut. After cooking, the food was served and Lolo Isko was waiting for the man to come out. Apparently, Elijah was still stuck in the comfort room as if he were stranded to an island and were waiting to be rescued.

When Lolo Isko approached him there, he gradually opened it and the old man laughed. The t-shirt was not properly worn, the pajama didn't look perfect for him because it's his wife's pajama but it was totally fine for now, he believed so. The old man promised to help the boy on how to wear t-shirt after they eat. He also promised that he will teach the man with the things he needs to know, given the truth that Elijah may stay here for a longer while.

He asked the man to sit down as if he were commanding a kid. So, Elijah sat down in the opposite chair when Lolo Isko prayed louder, he began thanking the Lord for the meal they have about to receive. Elijah was amazed with the man; his prayer was truly sweet to the ears. He said that God was for sure joyous with his dinner prayer. Since, he was amazed with prayer; he had an opposite reaction to the food. The food in heaven was totally different to the food he could see right now.

"You can eat now," the old man said enthusiastically.

When Lolo Isko began eating, he noticed that Elijah was staring at him. He then, mentioned about what the food was, though he already had this what-kind-of-food-is-this expression. "This is Adobong KangKong and Tuyo," the old man briefly described "this dish is a famous meal in our community. It is swamp cabbage mixed with soy sauce and vinegar, while this is the cheapest tiny salted fish ever and we called it Tuyo".

Elijah was not sure what does it taste like but he never wanted to decline Lolo Isko's extravagant generosity. He tried to eat and gladly, he liked it. The old man was totally elated, seeing his visitor eating a lot. Elijah was delighted to the food, thanking the old man for a wonderful, scrumptious supper. While he was drinking water, he saw a thick book on the long chair beside the dining area. Due to his stubborn inquisitiveness, he asked the old man about what that book was. Lolo Isko merrily said that it was the bible. When he heard the word bible, he instantly stood up, paved his way to take the book. He opened it, showed his wider amazement about the book. He couldn't believe that he was carrying one.

"Don't you have a bible in Heaven, do you?"

Because of Elijah's appreciated joy of carrying a book, the old man simply asked a question. Elijah shared they have a bible, but a totally different one. The bible they had in heaven was in a big screen, they read words of God together, meditate together. He also mentioned that they were reading it three times a day. He then, tried to locate his name in the bible and found it. He smiled when he saw it and showed it to man as if Lolo Isko hasn't seen yet.


The following day, the Barangay Captain of Barangay Karagatan summoned the whole team and they were preparing to check the report he had received last night. They would perform a search towards Lolo's Isko for keeping an unusual creature.

"This is the day that the Lord has made." The captain hummed a song.

And for more than two months now, Lolo Isko was in hiatus. Suspicion started to arise. Why Lolo Isko was not going outside? Who was that creature he was talking too last night? "This is the perfect time to investigate," the captain said boldly. Now, there were heading their way to Lolo Isko's hut.

While paving their on the hut, Elisha was walking on the seashore, she saw this group of people. When they were approaching towards her, she asked them where they will go. The captain mentioned about the task which may lead to the four girls' abduction. Elisha saw this opportunity to be with the team, she got her shawl back at home and they came along with this group.

The sound of their walks, the noise of their suspicions, the sweet morning which was in danger because of the upcoming search. The dust from the ground sent signal to the old man's house, there was someone coming, and it was in the plural form actually, there were people coming.

When they reached their destination, the captain started to call out the name of Lolo Isko. At that time, he was preparing breakfast for his visitor, singing songs when he heard that there was someone calling him. He stopped what he was doing, checked the person outside with utmost courtesy, and startled when he saw this group of people outside of his house. They have rods, and they looked so stern and serious. So, the old man with his genuine intention asked, "What can I do for you Captain?" The captain mentioned his reason why they came early in the morning in Lolo Isko's hut.

Then, most of them asked various questions to the old man such as why he was not showing even in Church, was he hiding something and who was that person they saw last night? These series of questions were being asked simultaneously and this was the reason why Elijah woke up, indistinctive noise. He went outside and most people were threatened and shocked when they saw him. Their stances changed as if a war was about to begin. Then, they invited the two in the Barangay Office for some clarifications. Lolo Isko and Elijah followed them obediently.


King Phyllis, meanwhile, verified if how many girls they still have for the following rituals. The male steward boldly said that they still have eight ladies left in the Box. While drinking a wine, he presumed that they need more girls for preparation. So, he summoned the head of the Vlanteorr Soldier to update him regarding their abduction and the other tasks they have to do. Khalil mentioned to the king that they will be out for finding clean girls for the rituals next quarter and to the following quarters. Since, the nation was becoming big, they were also planning to get more people to serve them. The king was pleased with this plan and he said, "May Baal bless your plan." Khalil left the room and started to do his mission for today.

The king wanted his first-born son, Xavier to help him visit the Vlanteorr's Box of Clean Offering. Then, the female steward summoned the attention of Xavier on his bedroom; he changed his clothes and directly went to his father's chamber. When he arrived, his dad told him that it was time for Xavier to choose a woman he could have sex with in order for their clan to be wider and wider. He urged to remember the things they need to do: to make a nation, worship Baal and to make them believe to their God, and if someone resists, he would die. Xavier, even though, was not into this kind of plan; he had no choice but follow and obey his father.

King Phyllis and Prince Xavier went straight directly to the Box. Everyone was giving the proper respect and reverence to the powerful people in the Vlanteorr Community. They knelt down, made sure that their head meet the ground, When they reach the Box, all girls were asked to also kneel down to show respect – if you are resisting to do so, Vlanteorr guards will coerce you until your face kisses the dust. When the king and Prince were scanning the entire area, King Phyllis sensed the need to get more girls in various places especially now that they will be taking two.

"Choose one Xavier!"

When they heard this, each girl started to show their faces to the prince. His dad instructed him to choose a girl. The, he gradually walked to check the girls' face. He never wanted to choose that's why he took it so long to find the perfect girl from him. His father started to walk and also choose a woman he could copulate with. Until he chose Sila, Sila was totally petrified and started crying when they forced her to stand and to follow the king. Looking to all girls' countenance, they were all afraid and contemplating if being chosen by king or prince was blessing or a curse.

The king would use Sila to bear another child and after that, for sure, she'll become a slave. What would be more perilous, to offer yourself to die to or offer your body to bear a demon's child? Girls from Box were expressing their real emotions, they wanted to wake up from this long, over-due nightmare. Xavier looked on Elena's face because among the girls, she had so much fierce on her face, reason why at the end, Xavier chose her. Then, they forced the girl to stand up and instructed to be ready for what will tonight. After that, Xavier's stewards took the girl and brought her to the Prince's room.


The two were sitting in a long table in a Barangay office. Officers were staring at them. Likewise, Lolo Isko and Elijah were also staring at them. That was not a staring contest but a waiting scene. When the Captain arrived, the interrogation began.

"Why were you stayed in your hut for two months?"

[Lolo Isko]

"For the last two months I wasn't able to really move well that's why I stayed at home. I was ill. I had fever and began to chills. I was all alone and no one came to visit me because I had no family. I bear the situation alone. It breaks my heart when I can't hear the words of God through Pastor Hiram. It breaks my when there are moments that I had to force myself to cook foods because no one can do that for me. I am old. I live alone. So, I had to make things on my own. I never went out because I had no choice but to stay at home."

"Who is this man?" the captain asked suspiciously.

"His name is Elijah."

"My name is Elijah."

They answered the question simultaneously. The captain and the other officers were still staring at them with so much supposition. Now tell me, "Where did this guy come from?".

"He came from a far place."

"I came from heaven."

Again, they answered the question simultaneously and suspicion elevated!