


It was a beautiful, ravishing morning of Saturday; Elisha dragged herself quickly to the seashore like she'd been used to do and peacefully perceived the wider, clean ocean which reflects the beauty of clouds on a colossal sky. She woke up early even though; she knew that it was her time to take a rest. She went there barefoot, touching the water from the boarding land which gives her a soothing feeling of tranquility.

She was so elated of what she heard yesterday about the story of Lolo Isko. She was still persistent of her claim that her sister was still alive and breathing. Holding the purple bracelet, clutching it tightly, she kissed it and sent another stanza of powerful prayer. She knew that God was listening to her and he was not deaf not to grant her daily plea. Her mother, Karen, was getting better and his dad was so optimistic about life. Everything was getting a bit better and looking forward that her sister will come back home, soon enough.