
Elementalist: War, Truth, and Betrayal

Caster is what they call to themselves. Someone who can use magic spells, summon a sword and a grimoire. Casters are classified base on its possessed Elemental Magic. Fire, Water, Nature, and Wind. These four-elements are inherited by the caster and generally, only one attribute alone. But there were gifted casters who can control two different elements and rarely for those who can use three. However, no one is capable of casting four. Yet, there's a myth about the chosen one who can't only just cast all of the basic elements, but also can control and manifest the power of legendary and mythical elements such as, light-dark and space-time. They named it, the Elementalist. The one who can surpass everything beyond what is expected however, they don't particularly exist and believe it's just a story. Until one day, the myth turns into reality. Someone who is capable to surpass everything that is beyond what is expected was born. However, his past shackled and bring him into an abyss of darkness resulting into another twist and unexpected chapters in his life to be written. *** Date started: April 2018. Status: Incomplete/On-going.

cephyrus · Fantasy
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11 Chs

War 4


We stride our way up to the center of the kingdom to reach the academy. In our journey, synchronically, we frequently halt from proceeding for in every time Ysio was got distracted by fascinating merchants who sell magical items. He is constantly roaming around and I just sigh in defeat, following his trace.

In our way through the academy, we do accidentally heard grumbling noises uprising in the alleys. Turning my head towards the ruckus, I intentionally tried to catch some interesting gossips from the gaggle of gossipers.

"The king's disappeared!"

"He was always like this."

"How he's suppose to help the kingdom if there's a sudden invasion?"

"Crea is outraging!"

These are just some of the statements I overheard on the street. Incomparable discomfort drenched my entire disposition. Series of unknown irritation rose inside of me. Such an irresponsible King! How he became the supreme ruler of this kingdom if he failed to embody his responsibilities!

Subsequently, I am utterly distracted by the old man—who is on beside me, that keeps on coughing intentionally, as if there's something in his throat that irritates him or whatever. I rolled my eyes and snort crudely.

"Hey old man, why are you wearing a mask? And where did you get it?" The curiosity on Ysio's voice is very evident. The old man averted his gazes and laugh obliviously.

I raised my eyebrow in disbelief while constantly examining his reactions.

He's kind of weird. Definitely.

"Let's say, I'm wanted?" He whispered. I winced on what he just said.


"You're what?" We both screamed unbelievably. He cackled and pats our shoulder.

"You will figure it out later. But for the meantime, let's proceed and continue our way to the academy!" He's loud and annoying as usual. He walks so fast and left us astonished. When he noticed that we're left behind, he wave his hand to snap us from our sudden stupor. I blinked twice as he saunter smugly.

This old man!

We followed him and fortunately after a lot of laborious and inconvenient journey, we reached the academy. The academy which is also the capital of the entire kingdom, is erected gloriously. Its supremacy is screaming opulently.

I can't help but to admire the place. Exhausted, I'm staggering my way up to the bridge, facing the ostentatious grand gate of the academy.

The academy seem to be isolated and it is floating at the center of the kingdom. There's a massive abyss surrounding its area and the only passage beyond is to walk in this bridge. The beautiful jewels, diamonds and gold linings that embedded in the gate showed up. The pillars are glistening and kind of intimidating. Nevertheless, the distinct features are very amazing! It appears that a meticulous and skillful magic was used to build this.

The grand gate moved sluggishly when the old man tapped it. He signaled us to follow him and without any hesitations, we both nodded and follow his way into the academy. As we enter, I skimmed my eyes to the place. It looks like a cave inside. It's too dark and cloudy. The deafening silence is very uncomfortable. A monotonous sound of our steps destroyed the illusion of being alone. He cast a fire spell on his finger to light our way up.

Oh no! He's able to cast two different elements?! Just... wow!

As much as I surmise, this is not the academy yet, it's not likely. So I assume this is a pathway through. The vast place is narrowing as we go further. When we reach the peak, a simple wooden-like door appeared on our way. He opened it only to see an empty room inside. A four-cornered room with nothing inside is very dubious.

"Where are we?" I examined the place carefully. I'm taking my steps slowly as I walk inside, concurrently, the door automatically closed. I tried to act calm, refusing the imaginations that would probably ruin Ysio's excitement.

"We're on the examination room." He casted an unknown spell and a sudden abundant energy flows in the air. We both feel it and it seem to strengthen our power.

"What? Exam? I'm not ready! I didn't review!" Ysio declared frantically. I conceal my grin, composing the ends of my lips to prevent myself from laughing. Damn it!

"Silly, what I mean is this room will examine your vital statistics and the elemental magic that you posses. This room is bestowed by incredible magic which will also peruse your being if either you are an evil or not. I think you know what I mean." He explained. I nod and watched the place.

Is this where the examination will be held? The place is too plain and boring—a state of nothingness.

"Is this required to anyone who wanted to enter the academy? And what's the point of knowing if we are evil or not? Didn't we already passed that matter before we entered this kingdom?" I asked raising my brow infinitesimally. I can't hide the curiosity in my voice.

"Yes this is required. And what we did earlier was just the first level security of this kingdom. You know, if you're an upperclass caster, you can feign the magic that resides into your body, making the kingdom unaware about your existence." He expounded. 

"So are you sure?" I state doubtfully. He cast a spell and a magic circle appeared. The magic circle was placed at the center of the room. Another unusual flow of energy is evident on the air.

"Yes, just stand on that circle." he commanded. Ysio is very agigated upon trying his turn first.

"What is the point of this examination by the way? Does it reflect my presence inside the academy? And why are we the only person who's taking an examination?" I asked suspiciously. I can't hide the seething anger inside. How come that he knows about this kinds of stuff? And who is he by the way? We're still clueless about him and look! here we are following him on his every command.

"You'll know eventually but for now, all that I wanted is your trust." Ysio nodded as if he's serving his master. I snort harshly. I can't believe that Ysio is not paying too much attention on how suspicious this man and the place is. Ysio rush himself on the magic circle. The circle glows and light up his body. Momentarily, a fire and nature element is circling on his hands. It exactly tells the elemental magic you possess!

So this is what it means...

"Wow!" He watch the spectacle in agape, smiling merrily. The magic circle reads the every little things on him. He carefully watched his hands as he raise it to see the flowing energy. His grimoire and sword summoned without being called. It floats beside him.

"That's normal. You're in the state of examination that's why." The old man clarified. When he's done, the grimoire and sword vanished.

"That's it?" Ysio asked. His old man smile and nod. He gave him an approved sign. Oh, it seems nostalgic.

"Your turn, Mr. Elementalist."

"Wait. You know me right? and you know that I am hiding ever since. So if I placed myself here, wasn't anyone in this academy will be informed about my existence? I don't want anyone from this kingdom to be get involved on me. We don't know, probably the Seventh's will invade this kingdom as well once they notice my appearance here."

I am hiding myself because of the thought that the Seventh's might find me. I can't help but to tremble whenever I think of it. I can't afford on breaking my promise to protect Ysio. The vindictiveness of my soul is also seeking for justice, however I'm fully aware that in my current state, I won't stand a chance.

But there's a voice within me, screaming uncontrollable, rebuking me on how can I claim victorious over that group if I'm a coward.

That voice is somewhat... true. Couldn't agree anymore.

Though I always convince myself that I can do this and that, I can beat them because I am the Elementalist. However, whenever that traumatic event is lurking behind the shadows, I can't help but to weary.

An intense anger arise inside of me. I clenched my fist recalling how cruel that group is. I wanted to become strong and to turn them into smithereens. After our escape, me and Ysio keeps on wandering the world alone. We jump from kingdom to kingdom—those who haven't have barriers like this. We are also coerced to steal in order to survive. And on the last kingdom that we attended, we heard an indisputable news that our kingdom, Xernan, was turned into Seventh's stronghold. The king died and all of the people became one of the enemies.

The old man pat my back. Ysio's concern look bore into mine.

"Your secret will be safe in me, I promise. And regarding to your concern about the news that you're the elementalist, I can do something to hide yourself." He sounded too convincing at the same time sympathetic.

"How?" He smile and take off his mask. "Go to the magical circle first. I'll tell you everything." I don't know but something pushed me to follow his commands. Standing at the circle, it glows the same as Ysio. The light grows bigger and bigger. The fire, water, air, and nature encircling my body. I watch it amusingly.

I'm waiting for my grimoire and sword to appear, but as what I'm expecting to, nothing showed up.

"Where's your grimoire and sword?" The king question as he glance at me, grinning. I avoided my gaze, concealing the truth in my eyes.

I actually don't know what to say. Even if I explain why, would they can be able to understand?

"Ereais? Where are they?" It's Ysio's turn now. I wry as I remember the first time Ysio saw me using my sword and grimoire, but due to some significant reasons, his memory regarding to that matter disappear.

"Aren't you using them?" He is surveying my reaction. But before I can even mouthed for an explanation, Ysio answered it for me.

"Yes! He's not using them, though I'm not sure why. Usually when we fight, he's only using one attribute, though I always lose against him, but you know he's extremely strong!" They laugh at the thought of Ysio was always losing. They watch how my magic flows in my body.

"It seems that the only element activated is the primary attributes." The old man spat out.

"It's because my father sealed the mythical elements. It was when the Sevenths invaded our kingdom." He nod as he understand what am I saying.

"So how am I supposed to hide the fact that I can control these elements? Isn't the elementalist is the only one who can cast all of these?" Pointing the fact that these elements are manifested in my body.

"I'll ask you, what element do you want to used in your entire days inside the academy?" He watched me carefully, waiting for my answer.

To think about it, I am very good at using wind element but if I wanted to survive and to grow inside the academy, I needed at least one more!

"It's okay to use the rest if you wanted. I can help you to hide your capability in casting four element." When the examination is over, the light fades. I felt exhausted afterwards.

"You both pass!" He said enthusiastically. I gasp so hard to catch some breathe.

It's actually a lame examination and it doesn't really make sense to me but who am I to defy it?

"Take this." He showed something and not to mention it seems to be our uniform. He casted a spell and the uniform replaced our current dress.

"Wow it's beautiful!" Ysio exclaimed. The old man grin as he watches his amused expression. I examine the robe in my body. Its too plain but elegant. I stifle the excitement inside of me. This is it! He put something on the left side of our chest.

A crest.

"What is this for?" I asked whilst amazingly observing the crest.

"Its a magical crest that reads and shows the elemental magic that you possess. Let's say, it will be your identity inside." Ysio's crest glows into fire and nature and my crest divided into four primary element.

"In your case, let me cast a spell your element. I'll leave wind and fire alone." He said. Without any doubt and further interfering thoughts that would probably lead me to hesitance, I nodded and accept the deal. He casted a spell, leaving only wind and fire alone.

"Even though the water and nature element was not presented on the crest, rest assured that you can still used it. However it is inevitable for anyone to feel those magic. So be careful." He whispered.

"Thank you." We said in chorus. He nod and wear his mask again.

"Anyways, I am—" the old man didn't finished his words because someone slams the door. He's too close to finally reveal his identity yet our gaze shifted to a woman with a blazing fire evident on her eyes.

I flinched when I saw her terrifying and blazing eyes, lancing in my entire corporeality.

"You!" She pointed her finger.

At first, I thought it was me who she was pointing, however, it pierces beyond my back. I figured out it wasn't for me but for the old man behind me. The old man raises his hands, succumbing. Beholding the inconsiderable scenario, I froze, perplexed. What the heck is happening?

"Where have you been?! You imbecile! You keep on repeating the same things all over again!" Her undeniable wrath bursted. Throwing a fiery, precise, and knee-wobbling glares, I ducked perceptibly.

"Hey forgive me Crea! I didn't mean to—"

"You didn't mean to what?! And you bring some children along with your journey?! The kingdom is raging because you're gone again! Damn it !" She cut him.


That name is so familiar!


The kingdom is angry because this old man is gone?

What the!?

Forgive my discernible mistakes in grammar! I’m still learning and I wholeheartedly accepting criticism/judgment for my improvement.

Thank you! :)

cephyruscreators' thoughts