
Elementalist: War, Truth, and Betrayal

Caster is what they call to themselves. Someone who can use magic spells, summon a sword and a grimoire. Casters are classified base on its possessed Elemental Magic. Fire, Water, Nature, and Wind. These four-elements are inherited by the caster and generally, only one attribute alone. But there were gifted casters who can control two different elements and rarely for those who can use three. However, no one is capable of casting four. Yet, there's a myth about the chosen one who can't only just cast all of the basic elements, but also can control and manifest the power of legendary and mythical elements such as, light-dark and space-time. They named it, the Elementalist. The one who can surpass everything beyond what is expected however, they don't particularly exist and believe it's just a story. Until one day, the myth turns into reality. Someone who is capable to surpass everything that is beyond what is expected was born. However, his past shackled and bring him into an abyss of darkness resulting into another twist and unexpected chapters in his life to be written. *** Date started: April 2018. Status: Incomplete/On-going.

cephyrus · Fantasy
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11 Chs

War 5

Ethereal Academy

Trapped in a bewilderment, I blinked my eyes twice, thrice, no! but for a multiple of times, trying to solved the inexplicable disaster descended from the heavens. Shutting my eyes off vehemently, I subtly caresses the bridge of my nose. Stuck on deciphering the incredulous fact about his identity, I open my eyes.

"You are the king of this kingdom, so act as one! You foolish bastard!" The cacophony of gasp, the old man's laugh, and Crea's sudden explosion arise inside of this suspicious room.

Funny how the room is super suspicious and so this people. As the temperature of the room plummeted, Crea's outrage is reaching the paramount of the world. Her extreme animosity towards his irresponsibility is insurmountable. Couldn't agree anymore to her.

Crea's smoldering aura and blazing fury didn't depart her. Still, wasn't he just called him the King? So indeed, he's the King of this kingdom?

So he's the king!?

He's a real, king!

What the hell?

I flinched when I proven my conjectures are correct! Oh, of course! I should suspected that from the very beginning! But we're so preoccupied by the wonders of his words. Dumb Ereais!

"So you were still keeping that mask of yours? For what? To conceal yourself to your people! You!" She paused for a second, she's fuming uncontrollably. On the other hand, the King seem to be enjoying her fulmination.

"And those people hadn't even suspected that their King! Was just on the streets, leisurely parading with this stupid mask!" Her aggravation is intimidating. I'm astonished by her deafening and ear-cracking yawp. In her berserk, she started stepping on his mask, destroying the every tiny existence of that object.

Poor mask.

When the King laughs, oh no... he just added fuel to the wild fire. Couldn't he just shut his mouth off?!

Why are we even included in this not-so-picturesque situation at the first place?

Immovable by this unexpected spectacle, Ysio hardly turned his head to meet my eyes. He seem to ask what-the-heck-is-happening-right-now thing, which... um, well... I don't have any idea!

Crea stomped her feet on the ground, showcasing her fathomless frustration. Gesticulating angrily, she decided to cease herself from bursting. Holding her head subtly, she started massaging the apex of her head. Her intense volatile emotion is dwindling. Sighing as she manage to calm herself up, she shifted her body to meet me in the eye.

"Pardon my sudden outrage and trouble. He seemed to be an asshole, infuriating and suspecting son of... nevertheless, he's the King of this kingdom." Emphasizing the 'King' on her words, she strike a penetrable glare on the King. He didn't even budge instead, he offered a genuine and trickery smile as his exchange. Crea snort harshly.

I motioned my head in approval and she smiled at me. Not a displeasing smile but the legitimate one. Glancing towards my friend, he chuckled perceptibly beside me. I given him an approve sign, assuring him that everything will be alright. I nudges his shoulder and attempt myself to smile however, things were rushing rapidly in my mind that I couldn't even think fast!

"By the way, you're in need at the Magus Hall right now. There's a tons of paper works that you needed to examine and it must be done right now!" She fired in a gentle yet powerful tone. She's obviously trying to tame her depleted patience.

"What? Right now? But you know how I hate checking those papers. Those are too nuisance compare on taking some errands." He groaned. He ruffles his hair in dismay.

"You call that an errand? And you're the king so it's your obligation! You're supposed and expected to do that!" Exasperating, Crea holds her chest to breath properly. She's stifling the anger inside while managing her voice as clear as crystals and calm as the ocean. I'm trying my best not to laugh nor smile, watching how dumb this conversation is. My eyes shifts from one place to another as I watch their little—if you call this little, dumb fight.

"Okay. Okay. But I can't just leave my boys here. I brought them so they're my obligation as well right?" Crea groans in annoyance. She watch the king with severe disgust on her face. Is this kind of picture normal in this kingdom?

"I'll assign Renan to guide them inside the academy. So now, please? Proceed to the Magus Hall because it's an urgent. Stop making lame excuses and do your job!" She exclaimed.

Crea summoned a small flying golem and it directly go somewhere. The king concede and nod in displeasure. He really looked so annoyed and seem to hate those paper works veraciously.

In a minute, a tall man enters the room. His wide smile welcomes everyone and saunter his way through our place. He wince when he figured out that the King is inside.

"Wow! The king is here, so what's ours?" He furrowed his eyes, asking such question. He speak casually like he's accustomed on having such conversation with these people. He drifted his eyes towards my direction. He wave his hands and smile weirdly.

Another weird.

"Nothing. Anyways, I want you to guide our new casters. Teach them everything they need inside the academy. And also, lead them to their own room." Crea ordered. He nod wildly and pleased. He shifted his gaze towards us and his eyes crinkled with those smile.

"Sure thing!" He answer eagerly. I watch Ysio beside me who is so excited about such things. He appear to create magnificent imaginations on his head upon embarking something fruitful inside. His shimmering eyes says it all.

"We'll meet again soon." He pats our shoulder and finally went out to Magus Hall along with Crea.

The man who escorted the King and Crea came back with his serious, dark and ghastly eyes evident on his face. Ysio grasps my shoulder heavily and sense Renan's sudden change of expression.

So now only me, Ysio and this man—who's name is Renan, left inside. I felt an awkward ambience in the air when the king and Crea leave. I think it's way better watching their fight instead.

We both watch Renan advancing slowly with those presence he keep on striking upon us.

We're taken aback by his misconceiving personality. I don't know but I felt so scared by his aura. An unknown magic that flows around him makes him more outstandingly dreadful. This is the time which I supposedly inquiring some question regarding to this kind of situation, however, I couldn't seem to discover those words that would fit in. I elevate my head as I watch him getting closer. He is way taller so it creates more tension between us.

Obliviously, we reached the corner of the room by stepping aback. While observing his unreadable expression, I can't help my wobbling lips and shaking knees by a sudden terror I felt. Ysio on the other hand, looks the same. He nudges my arm tightly, producing a more terrifying effect on our current situation.

Swiftly, he place his hands on our corners making us unable to go anywhere. His wide arms are enough to locked us on our place.

He watched us steadily, his bloodshot eyes bore into mine then to Ysio. I tried to demand an exchange with his eyes, but I can't even lay my glimpse for too long. An anomalous and intimidating looked that he's showing makes me want to cry.


"W-what are y-you doing?" I gulp so hard asking such question but I can't manage it without stuttering. He doesn't seem to deign on that question. He keeps on throwing those frightening look, like a dagger stabbing our entire soul. I slowly gaze at Ysio's side and I saw his gleamy and fainted eyes that I conclude at any time, the tears are about to fall. I find his hand and hold it firmly. He get that sign and his eyes responded genuinely.

Suddenly, the man on our front bursted out into laughters. He lay himself on the ground while holding his stomach as a sign of uncontrollable feeling he's experiencing right now. He's convulsing as there's something funny that hits him so hard.

Exasperating, the fear I am feeling earlier subside and it exchange by loathing and abhorrence. I took a deep breathe before I get out of control. Ysio nudges my shoulder as he's trying to calm me down.

"It's okay." I whisper enough for him to hear.

I walk beside him. I watched him trying to compensate the lost of air on his lungs as he's lifting himself from the ground. The humor on his face never fade and it hits me so hard to demand an answer to his recent behavior.

"What's that for?"

He stood up as he pat my shoulder. He's still on a state of laughing at us. This guy is mocking me. Fuck him.

"I-I'm sorry. I just can't help it!" He laugh so hard again and this time, he's attempting to control himself but the feeling doesn't subside.

"Sorry guys. I just wanted to welcome you here in the academy. And let's say, that is my way of welcoming you here!" His wide arms entangle on our body as he hugs us tightly.

"The remarks are too evident on your faces. Those are the same reactions I saw on our new students before."

He give us a hand shake. The normalcy on his face back. Ysio gladly accepts his hand and they even fist bump.

"Okay! Let me introduce myself. I am Renan, a Magus and Dyo Caster!" He is so pump!

What does he mean about Magus and Dyo?

"What is Magus and Dyo means? Renan?" Ysio ask the questions I want to ask as well. I nod as I agree on his question. I observe him as we both curious on the same problem.

"Well, I'll explain it all to you but for now, let me guide and tour you inside. I'll state everything as we go."

We march our way out of the room and proceed to another gate inside.


"Here we go." He cast a spell and the gate is gradually opening.

"The gate on the entrance is just the first level gate of the academy. But this gate is the primary gate through the academy."

A shrill sound of the gate is fading as it is opening widely and the light inside welcomes us. My view is not clear since the light block my sight. However when it fades, the vast and beautiful place shows up!

Is this what an academy looks like?

Thank you for reading my story!


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