
Elementalist: War, Truth, and Betrayal

Caster is what they call to themselves. Someone who can use magic spells, summon a sword and a grimoire. Casters are classified base on its possessed Elemental Magic. Fire, Water, Nature, and Wind. These four-elements are inherited by the caster and generally, only one attribute alone. But there were gifted casters who can control two different elements and rarely for those who can use three. However, no one is capable of casting four. Yet, there's a myth about the chosen one who can't only just cast all of the basic elements, but also can control and manifest the power of legendary and mythical elements such as, light-dark and space-time. They named it, the Elementalist. The one who can surpass everything beyond what is expected however, they don't particularly exist and believe it's just a story. Until one day, the myth turns into reality. Someone who is capable to surpass everything that is beyond what is expected was born. However, his past shackled and bring him into an abyss of darkness resulting into another twist and unexpected chapters in his life to be written. *** Date started: April 2018. Status: Incomplete/On-going.

cephyrus · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

War 3

Krymt Kingdom

Tears forming up on my eyes as I remember those memories. It's been a years since then, but it's like a nightmare from yesterday that keeps on haunting me every night.

The pulchritude man in front of us sighed harshly. His sympathetic eyes drifted toward mine. I averted my gazes when he seem to say something, yet he withdraws it in time due to the fact that he shouldn't be engaging himself to the sensitive part of the story.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to let you recall those memories, but believe in me! Ethereal Academy in Krymt Kingdom will surely be a help to you." He said enthusiastically. Cheerfully, he tries to lift our fainted spirit because of a sudden reminiscent.

"I would likely to explain furthermore, however, we do really need to proceed right now." He whisper in a serious manner.

"Wait! we won't be following you! You suspiciously popped-out from nowhere, saying such stupid stuffs and now, you wanted us to believe in you!? You're delusional!" Ysio remarked outrageously. The anguish on his burning eyes are apparent, and without a doubt about the hatred that marked upon those years. I know it, he already buried the past behind and now this man—who's definitely unknown, resurrect those memories.

"I'm not forcing you to believe on me right away, but I wanted to help you to be exact." He growled. He's acting very strange right know. By just observing on his actions, he seemed to be very attentive and vulnerable on his surrounding.

I calm myself down as I gently close my eyes so that I can pleasantly listen to the distrustful mellow eerie of the forest. I attempt to keep my emotions at pace so I can freely perceive whatever he is trying to sense.

Unexpectedly, an obscure amount of energy is flowing at some part of the woods, and indeed, very suspicious. It's not very apparent enough for me to distinguish, however, I am confident about the abundance that is overflowing within and I do sense the evilness surrounds its shroud.

"Do you sense it too, right? So now, stop on suing or arguing with me. We need to get rid of this place, immediately!" He fired vigorously. I snort incredulously. Though we both uncertain on following this guy, I guess we left of no choice. We nod begrudgingly and follow him.

"We need to reach the portal at the north." The old man said.

"What!? At the north?" We both raised our voice. He chuckled but it fade in no time.

"You travel that far just to reached us here? or... it coincided to your rendezvous?" I asked, squinting my eyes towards him. He chuckled and shrugged imperceptibly. He takes a glance on us before replying. We're at his back trying to compose the phase just to follow him in time.

"By destiny." He responded. Ysio gaze at me nonplussed. I squared my shoulders then offer him a smile, assuring him about the uncertainty that is flooding in his head.

In a posthaste, we fly through the north. It's too far to be exact, about fifty kilometers from where we are now. I keep on checking the woods, examining if there's something mistrustful prowling around the corners of the boundless expanse.

The vast forest is too calm. You can actually assume that everything is peaceful, not until I figure out something earlier.

"Hey, do you have any idea who's those guys?" I inquired.

"The Sevenths." he replied cooly. I almost lose my grip when he answered my question.

Damn! For real?!

Ysio's eyes were locked on the surface as he's trying to observe anything suspicious. I do believe he felt frighten upon hearing those words, but he rather choose not to.

"I think, they spotted an unusual energy that attracts them into this place." He explained. He strike me a suspicious brow and grinned.

I gulped so hard as for get the gist of what he's trying to imply. Why blame the hell out of me?!

As I wanted to ask more questions, but I guess the world would melt first before things will be surely clear on my mind.

Unanticipatedly, an unexpected attack launched from the ground. A loud bang of fireball directly unleashes toward us. Having no doubt that this man was very skilled, he managed to secure us by casting a wind barrier to evade and protect us. The fireball elapsed in no time.

"Hold on tight, I'll be casting a magic spell to enhance our travel speed. Though I'm very confident to face them, I barely needed to save you kids." He smirked. This pompous imbecile!

Okay breathe in, breathe out. You needed to control your temper and let this nonsense argument passed for a while.

Still keeping the wind barrier, our travel speed increased.

"Wow!" Ysio flabbergast in amusement. I do enjoy the moment too, heck I shouldn't. Fuck, this boiling in-denial would probably be my death. 

However, the Sevenths catch us up and as what I saw, approximately five of them are surrounding us. Wearing a dark robe with a hood that almost cover their whole face, a sudden uncertain feeling escaped.

That familiar dress...

"Ysio." I called. He look at me with blazing fury in his eyes, telling me that he's ready to take a fight. I nod at him. He immediately summoned his grimoire and sword.

He casted a spell and use the power of the nature element. I highly believe that he can do this, since below is the woods, giving him enough advantage to this battle.

"Upon the power of nature, lend me your strength!" A large tentacles of thorns appeared and entangled the foot of the five evil casters. The tentacles pull the Seventh's down to the ground.

Ysio burst into waves of laughter when we saw the hopeless casters from the ground.

"So easy! I bet we can stop for a while to fight." He smug. Oh no, I feel like my friend was being influenced by this man.

"You want?" The old man smirked. Oh no, please not now.

The Seventh's fell on that kind of easy spell. Are they really trying to fight us? This is quite disturbing. Their presence is gone, I think they fled away.

On the other hand, the two imbeciles are starting to fist bumping like they're brother for keeps, and here I am watching them awfully.

Isn't it too suspicious? I mean, they get defeated easily? However, these two irritating shits seem undisturbed.

I shook my head in disbelief. I'll die early, swear.

"Cut the crap! Let's proceed to the north and stop engaging for another attack." I groaned. They ended whatever they were doing and shifted their gazes upon me. Ysio turned his head towards my place as he watch me with his melancholic eyes.

Oh, here we go again.

"But Ereais! It's my chance to showcase and practice my power!" He stated vehemently. I sighed.

"And look, my old man can help us right?" They look at each other like they're buddies for life. I snort in disbelief. Earlier, he was ready to bang that man out, yet now he's calling him like that?


As I wanted to reprimand my little friend, we proceeded our way to the north.

"Ha! I can't believe that you defeated them that easily." They both exchanging praises with each other. I don't know if this is normal or a good sign for us, but as long as Ysio is happy and safe, I am well contented.

"Here we are!" We descended and faced the portal. The unknown man—who's still not letting himself known, lead the way.

"Let's go!" Ysio shrieked. We entered the portal and it seems unusual yet subsequently it feel good. In just a short amount of time, we reach the Kingdom.

Facing a colossal gate with a lot of embedded diamonds and gold linings in it, made my jaw to drop. However, before we can finally reach and enter inside of the grand gate, the old man halted.


"You can't just enter the kingdom." He blurted out. I'm trying to decipher what he just said.

"Wait what do you mean? We traveled that far and now you're saying that we are not allowed to enter?" I fired. I can't withstand this anymore. Ysio calmed me down.

"Sorry! what I mean is, the Kingdom have an active barrier. Since you're not originally from this kingdom, the barrier won't recognize your magic. You'll be considered as an intruder or an enemy which will signal the casters of this kingdom and they will attack you." he explained continuously.


"So how can we pass through old man" Interestingly, I tried to act like I am really listening—well sort of.

"Let me cast a spell on each of you. This is just a simple spell for you to be recognized." He casted a spell towards our body. Nothing seems unusual about it but it feels weird.

That's it?

"Okay, that's enough. Let's go!" We march towards the kingdom. It's true that the kingdom has a barrier but it's invisible in the naked eye. The only thing that allowed me to identify it was when a blinding light welcomes us as we entered.

The light dispersed and a majestic and marvelous scene came out of this place. I stand in awe as I appreciate the beauty of the atmosphere.

"Wow!" I can't believe this!

The people live in harmony, the children are playing on each other, the beautiful flowers are screaming majestically, I almost forgot how beautiful the world is when we ran years ago.

Ysio directly went to the nearest store. He looks surreal about everything that he saw. I can't blame him though he's way younger than me. I'm seventeen while he's thirteen years old. I stand as his brother slash parent since we get rid of our kingdom. So I quite understand his naivety and immature actions so like me.

"Ereais look! Isn't good?" He gauges the hat on his head. I smiled at him. He looks like a child that had been deprived of this kind of freedom and now, he's finally uncaging the past that surrounds him.

I watched the man beside me. I lifted my eyebrow when I saw him wearing a mask.

"What's your agenda?" I inquire while examining his. He looked at me with humor on his eyes.

"I'll explain later." He laughs.

I nodded my head with intense suspicion yet still kind of curious about his outfit right now. He's kind of weird. If showing up himself like what he did earlier is counted, then he's a total package about that word.

"So, where's the Academy?" I drawled out.

"The Academy is located at the center of the kingdom. We'll get to that later." He winked. I almost puke! Oh, why am I dealing with this man?

"Academy is located at the center since it is also the capital of the kingdom. All of the strongest and fearless casters are equally living at that place. I'll show you everything when we reach there." He continued.

"You'll meet someone who would probably give shivers down to your spine and those who will show you the difference of their power, Mr. Elementalist." He whispered while drawing out his face near mine so no one would hear what he was saying.

"Get ready to face some battle, because some are not good in negotiating peace." He postscript.

"Are you saying that I need to feel threaten?" I scowled. He smug and burst into laughter. If only I can just cast a spell to stop his nonsense but first of all, I don't want to start a scene here, and second, given the fact that he's strong enough to dodge an attack. I ignored it rather than adding fuel to the fire. Well, not actually fire because it was me who started on kindling the blaze.

"No, I'm not. I just wanted to say that no one cares if you're the Elementalist. What they care about is, if you're strong enough to withstand the challenges albeit I know you can manage." He munches the food that Ysio gave to him. He also handed me a bread.

I watched the bread on my hand as my mind was still bothered of what he just said right now.

I blissfully feel the bursting challenge and the burning desire inside of me. As if I'll let myself lose!

Thank you for reading my story! My supreme influence and motivation is ANIME!

Good day!

cephyruscreators' thoughts