
Elementalist: War, Truth, and Betrayal

Caster is what they call to themselves. Someone who can use magic spells, summon a sword and a grimoire. Casters are classified base on its possessed Elemental Magic. Fire, Water, Nature, and Wind. These four-elements are inherited by the caster and generally, only one attribute alone. But there were gifted casters who can control two different elements and rarely for those who can use three. However, no one is capable of casting four. Yet, there's a myth about the chosen one who can't only just cast all of the basic elements, but also can control and manifest the power of legendary and mythical elements such as, light-dark and space-time. They named it, the Elementalist. The one who can surpass everything beyond what is expected however, they don't particularly exist and believe it's just a story. Until one day, the myth turns into reality. Someone who is capable to surpass everything that is beyond what is expected was born. However, his past shackled and bring him into an abyss of darkness resulting into another twist and unexpected chapters in his life to be written. *** Date started: April 2018. Status: Incomplete/On-going.

cephyrus · Fantasy
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11 Chs

War 2


Weakly, I opened my eyes only to found myself lying on my bed. Attempting my very best to lift my body, however, the immense pain that struck my being restrain me from moving. I skimmed my sight in my room though my sight is still in a blur to see things clearly.

"Ereais." A soft and breathy voice reverberate beside me. My mom's sweet call filled the quiet atmosphere inside of my spacious room. Perking up in reluctance, I shifted my gazes towards her direction. She immediately ran towards my bed, worried.

Subtly caressing my face with love, I stared at her feebly. She gave me an assuring smile as she kissed my forehead.

"Are you okay?" She narrowed her eyebrows, asking me a question. Blinking my eyes multiple times, I push myself to speak.

"W-Where is he?" I asked indirectly on her question. I couldn't hide the fear that made my voice to stutter. I clenched my fist behind the blanket, I waited for her response.

I couldn't exactly remember what happened next after I lost my consciousness. Subsequently, she averted her gazes and ignore my question. I opened my mouth for I'm about to speak my protest, yet in a split second, the door squeaked, the reason why we made us glance to its direction. Surprisingly, I see my friend who seem very anxious.

"Ereais!" Ysio rushed directly to my bed.

"Are you okay? Sorry, we were late. We received a small quest that's why we're not around when it happens. We only found it out when we got home but everyone of them... suddenly disappeared." Ysio explained. He looked at my mom and greeted her. She wave her head approvingly while offering a sweet smile.

Even though this unprecedented predicament hit us, still the Queen—my mom, is stunningly beautiful and elegant. Her crown screams authority indeed, but now that she wore it off, she look like a simple woman ready to mend and cast all the pain away as she's ready to serve her family for a lifetime.

On the other hand, Ysio is my best friend and his family serves as the right hand of my father.

"Where's he? Is he okay?" I inquired. No one answered my questions, nonplussed, their obscure expression is entirely discernible on each faces.

"Mom!" I shouted vehemently. I couldn't help but to tremble in fear. Why can't they just answer my question? My mind filled by unequal terror and sinister images that perchance happened to him!

Is he okay?

What happened after I lost my consciousness?

Is he...


I began to cry thinking such crazy things. Overthinking really never a good idea, but I can't help it. Mom grasp my hand and caress it. She wipe my tears away using her thumb.

"He's okay, although still unconscious. The medical casters are still on their job to assure that the King is okay. As of now, they won't allowed anybody to get near of him from where he is being examined. Gladly, he is still under recovery." Ysio answered my question. Mom tried to smile but her pain is very visible. I lifted my eyes to her and give her a hug. I hugged her as tight as I can. Ysio joined us as he embrace us too.

I gradually felt good and the pain in my body alleviates, temporarily.

"Ereais and Ysio." We both diverted our eyes when she call our attention. She looked at us straightly. Anxiety and turmoil set her face to frown. Her drastic change of emotion frighten the hell out of me. Her piercing silver eyes are glinting, bringing up a faint of horror in my spine.

"Your fath—" a shrill eerie sound of the door cut our little conversation. An intrusive approach of the medical caster interrupt our little chitchats and put our congregation at bay.

"Your highness, the King wanted to meet you, including Ysio and Ereais." He stated while curtsying a graceful bow.

"Is he okay? I mean, he's awake right?" I inquired. The medical caster nodded his head then Ysio offer me a hand, assisting my weakened body to where my father is.

I rested my left arm on Ysio's right shoulder to gain support as we walk. We travel towards his room and I tried not to stride because of agitation and fear at the same time. I really, really wanted to see him and check if he's okay.

As we reached the threshold, Mom opens the door and we found my father lying on the bed. Some medical casters are still on his room, healing some of his grievous wounds.

He's watching the casters while they're busy healing up his injuries. We entered silently trying not to disturbed anyone.

When he sense our presence, he directed his eyes toward us. He smiled faintly. He ordered the medical casters to leave us alone for a while. Though they complained since they still needed to heal his wound, nevertheless, the King's command is supreme.

We sat on the large bed beside him. Before the door closed, Ysio's parents came. Ysio's face is confused so as me. Mom assisted my father to sit properly on his bed. His face looks so pale. His furrowed forehead tells how hard he tried to endure the pain from his wounds.

I ducked and clenched my fist. I hated myself for being such a coward. I hated myself for doing nothing while my father was almost lost its life protecting me. I hated myself for being such a coward Elementalist but such a useless ass and incapable of doing something. I am utterly stupid!

I tried to control my sudden emotion when Ysio patted my shoulder in comfort. He gave me a smile and stroked my back. I felt a lighter feeling after that. I smiled and thank him for lightening up my volatile mood. Great that I have a friend. I treated him not just a friend but also a brother to me.

"Ereais, stop blaming yourself for whatever betided to me. As long as you're safe, even though my life in on the edge, I'll do everything. So please, smile okay?" The ends of his lips stretched, giving me a genuine smile. Suddenly, tears rolled and directly find its place onto my face. I wiped it imperceptibly, concealing my screaming weakness.

Mom comforted my back and kiss my forehead. I am aware that everyone's eyes is striking towards me. The only thing that keeps them from talking is because of the King's serious aura. I smiled at him and into everyone else —Mom, Ysio, and his parents.

"So, let's start?" Ysio's father stated. Everybody nod and I tried to fit in though I am confused about this congregation. Ysio on the other hand looks the same. I think we're the only one who's clueless and unaware about these unforeseen issues?

"We are fully aware that my son, Ereais, is the Elementalist and keeping him around catches the attention of the enemies. We are seriously putting the rest in danger." He paused. His burning eyes directly pointed towards me.

I couldn't get the gist of this conversation, for wherever this would bring to is very unlikely. I am giddy about the topic. I tried to open my mouth to asked certain things regarding to what they wanted to point out but father continues.

"I don't want this things to happened again. Therefore, Ereais and Ysio, already talked about this. We need you to get rid from this kingdom and get as far as possible, away from here."


Confused, I furrowed my eyes when I attempt to look at his eyes. I don't get this! They wanted me to run away from this kingdom? Alone?

"You and Ysio will be going together. We need to parted ways from now on and then. We do believe that the Seventh Knights will continue to strike you down if you keep your presence here." My mother said softly. Her blazing spirit is fading slowly. Yet why she's being hesitant?

"W-What are you all trying to say?" I said incredulously, though the point is very apparent.

"You wanted us to leave this kingdom because the Seventh's keep on invading us here? You want us to run alone? How come you ended up to this stupid idea! How sure are you that if we run away from this kingdom, the Knights won't be bothering us, me! You're all trying to let us alone even though... even though I am just stupid caster entitled being an Elementalist!" standing in front of them, I screamed at top of my lungs. I clenched my fist and tears won't stop making its way on my face. I vehemently ranted in front of them. I can't keep this! They're trying to run from their responsibility on protecting me. How come that they call themselves king and queen if they failed to secure their only son!

This is pathetic!

I convulsively catch my breath as I tried to calm myself down and keep my mouth from saying painful—yet fact, things about this matter.

Everyone's eyes averted and I can't help this. Is this the extent of their ideas to just end up in this kind of conclusion? Just simply run away?

This is utterly stupidity!

"Ereais." Father lamented. I watch his pleading eyes. The pain is no doubt, remarkable.

"We're gambling now. It's the battle between different choices ended up into one. Right now after their attack, Seventh's will surely come again after what they did to me. Having a kingdom without a King will surely bring them victory. Now that our kingdom lost its leg, the Seventh will be able to conquer the rest at ease. So this is not a loss-loss decision, Ereais. Seventh's won't anticipate the escape and after I sealed your power, I highly assured you that they wouldn't be trying to capture you again." His voice is soft yet enough for us to hear.

"If they come here again, and we ended up losing, it's just nothing because you finally fled away. I do believe that one day, you can bring peace to this desolation." Ysio's mother added.

"Mother!" Ysio's seething anger tries to invoke.

"How it is supposed to be nothing?! and why?" He pleaded. I gazed at his side, seemingly holding an invisible communication, occurring with their eyes.

"We have no choice. It's a prophecy. This is supposed to happen, perhaps."

"Yes. It's all written in the prophecy. Soon you, Ereais will be putting an end to this war. Your power is truly a threat to that Knights that's why they were trying their best to capture and used you. Believe in yourself. You still have this long journey and albeit we're not along to witness you taking that path, I believe that someday a ray of light will surely be our hope." Ysio's father pointed out his hand towards me.

"H-how I am supposed to be something you expect me to if father sealed my magic? How?"

"The seal is not meant to be forever. It will break soon as the vessel is ready enough to unleashed its full potential. No matter what happened, run away. Take care of Ysio, Ereais." I squealed for the last words my father said. My watery eyes explained the pain I feel right now.

So its finally time to said goodbyes?

Our mournful atmosphere ended when a caster entered the room vigorously, ignoring the fact that we're here talking something very important.

"The Seventh is back!" He shouted.

I flinched at the words that he just said.

Damn Knights!

"Ysio and Ereais! It's about time!" Father said. He flinched when the twinge from his grievous kicked.

"N-No! We're not leaving!" I cried earnestly, waving my head in discomfort. He sighed harshly and there I saw his jaw twitched infinitesimally.

"Don't be stubborn Ereais!" He emphasized each of the words powerfully. I couldn't accept this! His extreme dissatisfaction put my spirit into debacle.

"And how are we supposed to run if the enemy is waiting somewhere around the kingdom!?" I inquired hysterically.

"I'll be using my last magic to help you. I'll be going to teleport you away from this land." It shocked me from anything else. He what?

"T-teleport me?"

"Yes. And that's why we are all here. We will be conducting that forbidden magic. Erema, Mordred, and Casteen." He called. They looked at each other and nod. They encircled both me and Ysio.

Father is on side of his bed, Mom is parallel on his and Mordred and Casteen is placed in between both sides forming cross and we're on the middle.

Their grimoires are glowing evidently on each sides. A magic circle appeared on our ground. They keep on murmuring incantations that I couldn't grasp.

"Goodbye Ereais, take care of Ysio." My father last words. The light from the magic circle arise and it starts on enlightening our bodies.

"Mom!" We both exclaimed. I can't believe this!

Mom and Ysio's parents keeps on saying goodbyes and I love you's before we both lost our consciousness.

Thank you for reading my story! This version is still on the process of editing since my very last time I wrote this chapter was way back 2018. Hahaha!

Again, thank you and always keep yourself safe from the virus! :):);)

cephyruscreators' thoughts