
Elementalist: War, Truth, and Betrayal

Caster is what they call to themselves. Someone who can use magic spells, summon a sword and a grimoire. Casters are classified base on its possessed Elemental Magic. Fire, Water, Nature, and Wind. These four-elements are inherited by the caster and generally, only one attribute alone. But there were gifted casters who can control two different elements and rarely for those who can use three. However, no one is capable of casting four. Yet, there's a myth about the chosen one who can't only just cast all of the basic elements, but also can control and manifest the power of legendary and mythical elements such as, light-dark and space-time. They named it, the Elementalist. The one who can surpass everything beyond what is expected however, they don't particularly exist and believe it's just a story. Until one day, the myth turns into reality. Someone who is capable to surpass everything that is beyond what is expected was born. However, his past shackled and bring him into an abyss of darkness resulting into another twist and unexpected chapters in his life to be written. *** Date started: April 2018. Status: Incomplete/On-going.

cephyrus · Fantasy
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11 Chs

War 1


Eight years ago, an evil casters who are known as Sevenths, invaded our kingdom, Xernan.

Sevenths are well-known group, consisting of repugnant casters who deliver torment to the kingdom they conquered and utilized it to build an unequal strongholds to maximize their power.

They were using the people on that kingdom to be part of their army, those who were against to the idea were become slaves, and some were slaughtered violently—killed.

These group dominates a lot of kingdom around the world. They keep on multiplying and spreading the terrifying wickedness and dreadfulness.

The night when these group attacked our kingdom—my parents whose the King and Queen, decided to hide me from the hostile enemies. They both argued because they wanted to save me, but I also understand that they can't just leave their men alone on the battlefield.

People won't be able to move accordingly without an order from the highest one.

Mom decided to lead the army. My father refused her decision but her decision is absolute. She's not being indecisive, I believe. He wanted to protest so bad, but she was very persistent. Unwillingly, we immediately rushed into the darkest part of the kingdom, so no one will notice.

That time I can sense his deep disapproval, but he knows that we can't just compromise, knowing that we are under this dilemma.

Sooner, the place is getting narrower and narrower. I can clearly hear the cries and agony of our soldiers on the battlefield. They're sacrificing their dear life defending our kingdom—defending me.

In a moment, light welcomes us as we get out of the tunnel. When the light fades and our vision is getting apparent, my jaw dropped and terror filled my spirit.

Unfortunately, the only resort that we had perished. Plenty of soldiers from the Seventh's blocked our way. It seems that they were expecting us to made our escape to this place.

Abruptly, my father casted a spell to obliterate the enemy but the Seventh's casters are way... way stronger than my father! It's unbelievable!

Shaking and trembling, my mind was filled of fear and hatred. I can't even cast a single spell to help us get rid on this kind of situation! I am damn useless!

My hands were wobbling and I can't even move an inch of my finger. Damn it, Ereais!

A direct magic hit my father, resulting for him to drop on the ground. In a quick phase, the enemy chained his hands and paralyzed its feet, immobilizing his movements.

"Father!" I lamented. I feel so hopeless seeing my father looks so helpless, trying his best to save me against this abominable nemesis!

The caster who's name is Verdime—as I heard someone calling him like that, so I assumingely think it was him, grabbed my shoulder violently while pulling me inside the magical cage.

He thrown me in violently, resulting for my head to hit the metal cage. I hold my head with disgust on my face. He barked a laugh while watching me in distress. They rapidly cast a spell to locked me inside.

Father told me that their prior goal is to capture me since I possessed the mythical ancient magic. The mythical ancient magic was known to be a myth and everyone believed that its just a story, not until an ancient scroll written about the prophecy revealed.

It was written that, on the next fourteenth century where an eclipse will happened, every womb will frail, every child will die even before it borns, and the one who'll survived will awaken the power of the Elementalist.

Sadly, it was me who survived.

In order to protect and conceal my existence, our kingdom hide the fact about the prophecy. That's why, we're being skeptical and clueless for how the Seventh's known that the Elementalist was born!

Elementalist, the one who is capable of controlling all the elements manifested in the world.

Fire, Water, Wind, and Nature

Light, Dark, Space, and Time

All these attributes into one vessel. The ability that is enough to defeat every single one of them. Sevenths wanted to abolish my existence since I am the major threat to their group.

When they finally got me, my father open his eyes forcefully as he attempt to look at me. I pitied him so bad but I can't do anything to help him. I love my father and mother because they gave me support and love ever since. But when they needed my help, here I am! I got nothing to do with these power but bring shame to myself!

They called me, 'The Elementalist', but I am a way weaker and useless to be worthy of that title.

"We will be leaving that king alone. Let the knights kill him there. Let's settle with this kid first, and took his life immediately. A pest will surely grow if we let it wander in this world." An unknown man remarked with much hatred overflowing in his voice, as he abhorrently kicked my father's back. I saw how he endured it and the pain marked upon his face.

"We are ordered to bring the Elementalist alive. We will be using him to strengthen our power, Warruz. Do not try to recreate another idea or else, you wanted to face the wrath of the Leader." Verdime groaned in frustration. They keep on arguing about killing me or using me as a pawn or whatever.

The casters grabbed the cage and lifted it up to bring me wherever they wanted, but before they can finally abduct me, my father murmur a spell. An unknown incantations spill out upon his mouth. I looked at him, scrutinising the blazing fire on his eyes. The enemy notice something strange in the place. I also felt an unusual amount of energy.

This couldn't be because...

"What are you doing? Stop him! Kill him now!" Verdime ordered hyterically. Casters summoned their grimoire, however, before they can even touched my father, the ground shakes and the thunder from the sky growled. The sky turns dark and an unequal horrifying magic arise from the atmosphere.

Suddenly, a magic circle shown on the ground surrounding my place! The casters unclasped the cage and it dropped me to the ground.

It hurts!

Shocked, I manage to avert my gazes to where my father is. I saw his furious eyes locked on me.

Everyone in the place are unable to move! It seems that they're paralyzed or something that resist them from moving. Maybe this is one of my father's magic!?

Look how dumb I am! He's my father but I am not aware about his own magic!

"Sorry but I won't let you use nor kill my son. I will be using my last power to seal his magic, so no one from you will take advantage to the opportunity." He tried to speak those words vigorously, albeit the pain and his fainting spirit was gradually occurring. He lifted up his gazes to meet mine, whilst his body was on the ground. He still manage to give me an assuring smile.

Verdime and Warruz keeps on shouting blatantly. I ignore the creeping voice from the back by paying too much attention to my father.

A lighting from the sky hits my cage that made everyone shocked, including me!

"Ah!" I shouted. A painful sensation filled my body. A dark magical circle appeared on my chest and with an unknown character written on my forehead. I sense a glowing darkness transcending and subsequently, turned white. I almost lost my consciousness, but I still able to lift my eyes for where my father was.

With both hands, I hold the steel bar on the cage to support my body.

"F-Father." I said weakly. He just sealed my magic but I don't know exactly what element it was.

I tried to gaze at my father's direction. His smile fade away and suddenly, he lost his consciousness along with a weary body. Simultaneously to it, the magic that made everyone to stop, disappeared.

"Damn you! I'll kill you! You twaddle King!" Verdime summoned his sword. The dark aura that surrounds his sword produce an unequal uneasiness effect.

Swiftly, he rushed straightly to my father.

"Father!" I shouted in despair. No way!

However—luckily, before he can finally reach him, a magical circle come out from the ground—surrounding each one of them, preventing them from moving.

"Fuck! We're doomed!" Verdime lamented.

Something strange is happening and I can't explain it thoroughly since my strength was almost depleted. My sight is getting vague and in any minute, I think I would collapse as well.

Verdime and his comrades was swallowed by the magic circle.

"What's this!? Force teleporting?!" Warruz exclaimed.

"It only shows that we failed our mission! Damn!" Verdime exclaimed. They keep on cussing and blaming each other's stupidity, but I don't mind since my body is almost frail.

In just a blink of an eye, every one of them was gone. The magical cage disappeared.

I used my last strength to get nearby of my father.

"F-Father, wake u-up." I whispered infirmly. I hold his hand and tried to lift him up, but I guess my energy is not enough to hold it.

My knees were weakened as well as my body. I fell on the ground while looking at my father's face.

"I-I'm sorry." I said softly.

Suddenly, a voice from a far keeps on shouting something that I can't brightly hear. All that I can remember was, I saw Ysio trying to support my weaken body before I finally close my eyes and everything turns black.