
Electric Type Elite Chapter 9

Kaiser went to the pokemon center to treat his pokemon as it was injured with his battle with Azumarill. That cute-looking pokemon sure packs a punch. His foolishness and reckless mindset almost made him lose his match. He grasped his hand into his fists tightly. He quickly got the discouraging thoughts out of his mind when he reached Nurse Joy's reception. Nurse Joy simply smiles radiantly waiting for the customer's need.

"Can you heal my pokemon Nurse Joy?" Kaiser says as he gives his Pokeball to Nurse Joy.

"Of course give me a few mins to heal them." Nurse Joy accepts the Pokeball and puts it in a tray on a cart. Chansey pushed the cart full of pokeballs back in the After waiting for 30 mins, Chansey came out pushing a trolley filled with pokeballs.

"Your pokemon have been healed. Have a nice day." Nurse Joy replies with a beautiful smile handing back the pokeball. After getting Pokeball, Kaiser nodded gratefully before leaving towards a restaurant. This restaurant served both pokemon and trainers but Snorlax and Munchlax are prohibited unless you make a reservation in advance. Kaiser took his place in the back of the restaurant and ordered food for his pokemon. He released his pokemon, Elekid, and Flaaffy. Both of them looked at their new surroundings in wonder and curiosity. Kaiser congratulated Flaaffy on his performance making the pokemon quite happy.

They enjoyed the food made by the chefs making Kaiser quirk a smile at them. Kaiser paid for the meal which adds up to 7,000 poke dollars. This is quite an expensive restaurant but it was worth it because of Flaaffy's performance today. There are going to be two more matches today before the entire tournament ends. The additional top 3 than himself are Lex and his Shroomish, Riser and his Makuhita, and the strongest contender for the champion is Axel and his Magby. Riser's Makuhita is stronger than Lex's Shroomish in terms of level. Kaiser came to the participant area looking at Lex, Axel, and Riser looking at the screen at the next match-ups.

"Welcome back dear audience to the tournament. Without any further ado, these are the pairings."

Lex VS Axel

Kaiser VS Riser

"Will our first match participants come to the stage". The announcer invites the 2 contestants to the stage. Lex and Axel both arrive at the stage but their moods are quite different. Lex is nervous while Axel looks at him with a fearless smile.

Shroomish, Mushroom Pokémon

Attribute: Grass

Ability: Effect Spore

Hidden Ability: Quick Feet

Level: Novice Middle Stage(17)

"Lex is at a disadvantage since Fire restrains Grass and Axel's pokemon is 3 levels higher than it". Kaiser thought as he looked at Shroomish and Magby.

Sure enough, he was correct as Magby started the match with Ember, releasing a small ball of fire at Shroomish. Lex ordered Shroomish to dodge it but failed to notice a wheel of fire moving at a quick speed towards Shroomish. Lex cried out for Shroomish to dodge it but the wheel of fire smashed into Shroomish sending him flying into the wall behind him. Magby stood looking in the direction of where Shroomish went to see him getting back up. Its body showing signs of being burned as it grimaced in pain.

"Shroomish use Charm, then Headbutt." Lex orders as Shroomish looks at Magby cutely making him unwilling to attack Magby for 3 seconds before snapping out. This is enough time for Shroomish to race toward Magby with his head covered by white light. Due to the burn Magby inflicted upon Shroomish, his hidden ability activated. Quick Feet raises Speed by 50% when inflicted by a major status ailment making him faster than Magby can react. The Headbutt connects with his abdomen of Magby making Lex get happy. What happens shocks, Lex, as Magby tanks the hit.

"Magby finish him off with Fire Punch".

Grunting slightly in pain, Magby raises his fist in the air before setting ablaze in flames. He crashes his blazing fist into the head of Shroomish cracking the ground under him. Shroomish pants exhaust before falling on the floor swirl in his eyes. The referee looks at Shroomish for 5 seconds and seeing him not waking, announces the result.

"The winner of the match is Magby so the victory goes to Trainer Axel"

"Mag-Magby" Magby pants lightly before crying out in victory.

Lex shakes his head in sadness calling back Shroomish in a flash of red light. Axel with a smile on his face praising Magby for his win.

"What a well-fought battle, Ladies and Gentlemen. After a fiery battle, Magby comes out on top." The announcer announces the result rousing the crowd as the next pair of participants take the stage.

"The next match is between Makuhita by Riser and Flaaffy by Kaiser".

Both Kaiser and Riser appear on the stage and release their pokemon. Makuhita is a bipedal Pokémon with a bulky build. Most of its body is yellow, but it has a black marking on its chest that extends around its neck. Its round hands resemble black boxing gloves, but its feet are yellow with two visible toes. On its cheeks are red, ring-shaped markings, and it has slit-like eyes. On top of its head is a knot, which causes it to resemble a punching bag.

Makuhita, Guts Pokemon

Attribute: Fighting

Ability: Thick Fat

Hidden Ability: Sheer Force

Level: Novice Peak(19)

Kaiser looks at Makuhita, surprised at the strength of this pokemon. While being weaker than him and Axel, Makuhita was the strongest pokemon in terms of level even then he won't against him.

"Makuhita use Arm Thrust at Flaaffy." Riser commands as Makuhita lumber towards Flaaffy. His fists shine with a silvery color as he thrusts his arm at a fast pace.

"Get out of there with Dig" Flaaffy quickly hears the order and complies by digging into the ground. The Arm Thrusts hit the ground creating small shockwaves but Flaaffy escapes unharmed.

"Flaaffy use Double Team to approach him" Flaaffy bursts out of the ground and sprints toward Makuhita creating multiple illusionary clones of itself. Makuhita swivels his head trying to find the real body but starts to get dizzy himself. Riser seeing the condition of his Makuhita frowns.

"Makuhita uses Workup" Makuhita hearing the order starts gathering energy inside his body. His entire body shows a whitish aura around his body. His imposing manner starts to increase as he finishes a Workup.

"Now Makuhita use Hidden Power" Makuhita coats himself in Normal Type Energy as he gets surrounded by a bunch of floating stones. Makuhita launches the stones towards the clones of Flaaffy. This destroys the clones while some of them hit the actual pokemon.

"Flaaffy you okay. Good get close with Agility and hit him in the knee with an Iron Tail." Flaaffy gets sent backward worrying his trainer before standing up albeit with difficultly. He gives a determined look and cries as he looks at his opponent. Flaaffy coats himself in pinkish energy before speeding towards Makuhita.

"Makuhita don't let him get close, use Force Palm" Riser orders Makuhita as his hand covered in silverish energy releases a shockwave towards Flaaffy.

"Dodge it and continue forward." Flaaffy dodges the shockwave making Riser ask Makuhita to do it multiple times. Makuhita releases multiple shockwaves creating craters in the ground but Flaaffy dodges all of them. He gets tired at the continuous release of Force Palm. His tail glows a metallic silver as he propels himself at the knee of Makuhita. His tail slams bringing Makuhita to the ground in pain.

"Use Thunder Shock to finish him." Kaiser goes straight for the kill as Flaaffy sends a stream of electricity at Makuhita. Makuhita screams at being electrocuted and struggles to get out but persists through. Kaiser surprised at the tenaciousness order his pokemon to finish him with an Iron Tail to the head. Flaaffy goes toward Flaaffy slamming his tail into his head making him fall face forward. The referee looks at the pokemon unconscious before announcing Kaiser's victory.

"So Kaiser of Mauville City has advanced to the finals along with Axel of Cinnabar Island". The announcer's voice booms as the crowds pump up at the upcoming match.

"We will reconvene in 5 mins for the participants to heal back their pokemon." The announcer's voice gets softer as Kaiser goes off the stage.