
Electric Type Elite Chapter 10

"We will reconvene in 5 mins for the participants to heal back their pokemon." The announcer's voice gets softer as Kaiser goes off the stage. Kaiser looks at his pokeball in excitement. They need to win another match to earn the reward. Kaiser released his Flaaffy and put his hand on its head. He took a deep breath and pumped Electric Force into Flaaffy healing the wounds on his body at a visible pace.

A bell sounded telling the match is now starting. Kaiser took back his Flaaffy into his pokeball before running towards the field. Kaiser arrived just in time as the announcer's voice was heard again.

"Welcome back Ladies and Gentlemen for the finals where the winner will be decided."

Both of the trainers walk on the field as they get showered with applause by the audience. Both Axel and Kaiser look at each other before throwing their pokemon.

Flaaffy and Magby come onto the field in a flash of red light. Magby is a bipedal Pokémon that has a red body with a yellow, flame-shaped marking on its stomach. Its head is covered with large lumps, and it has a rounded, yellow beak. There is a single spike on its back and it has a tapered tail. Its short arms have three clawed fingers, while its feet have only two clawed toes. Magby stands spewing embers from his mouth. Both Pokemon waited for their trainer's command.

"Magby vs Flaaffy, Start." The referee says the go-ahead for the fight.

"Magby starts by using Smokescreen". Axel takes the first initiative to attack by covering a small cloud of smoke obscuring himself.

"Flaaffy use Double Team to keep the other away." Kaiser orders seeing smoke cloud his vision. Just as Flaaffy split himself into multiple copies of himself, Magby spewed out a ball of flames. The ball of flames hit one of the clones destroying a few by the explosion. The smoke gets pushed back showing Magby's location.

"Flaaffy attack Magby with Agility and use Brick Break." Kaiser orders seeing the opportunity. Flaaffy gets covered with a purple aura as he moves towards Magby at fast speeds. His arm turns a white color as he punches at Magby. Axel looking at this frowns before calling out a move.

"Magby counter Brick Break with Fire Punch". Magby's fist starts to light with flames as he throws a punch. Fire Punch vs Brick Break as both pokemon try to overpower each other with strength. Flaaffy loses the strength match against Magby.

"Magby use Fire Punch again" Axel seeing an opportunity as Flaaffy gets pushed back. Magby's other fist lights up in flames as he goes in for another strike.

"Flaaffy block the move with Cotton Guard." Kaiser orders as Flaaffy try to block with his wool. It softens the impact and reduces the damage but still hurts him. Cotton Guard is still in the early stage of development so it is not too perfect. His wool is singed and burned a bit but still stands on his feet.

"Grab the fist and use Thunder Shock." Kaiser orders Flaaffy as he covers himself and Magby in electricity. Magby screams in great pain as he gets electrocuted point-blank full power.

"Hit him with Iron Tail." Flaaffy stops using electricity as his tail shines a metallic luster. He goes to slam his tail into Magby but is surprised by his next move.

"Magby use Flame Wheel," Axel orders Magby as he was disadvantaged. Magby turns to go for a fiery charge at Flaaffy. Both moves clash before Flaaffy is flung back by the impact. Flaaffy digs his feet into the ground to become stable. Magby is sent a few feet back, falters for a few seconds. Both pokemon are panting in exhaustion as they try to catch their breath. Axel frowns at the situation, he is losing. His Magby is in a worse condition than Flaaffy who just a few wounds. Flaaffy can tank a few moves while it takes a good hit for Magby. He takes a deep breath before giving that is either going to make him win or lose.

"Magby use Flame Thrower." Magby takes a deep breath before spewing a torrent of flames towards Flaaffy.

"Flaaffy use Thunder Shock." Flaaffy covers himself in electricity before sending it towards Magby's Flame Thrower. Both of the moves collide with each other and get stuck in a stalemate. Both trainers encourage their pokemon to be strong as both pokemon pour all of their effort into the attack. Something amazing happens as Flaaffy's attack gets pushed by Magby's Flame Thrower before a blast of electricity is sent hurtling towards the fire. It rips through the fire before sent colliding with Magby. This creates a small explosion as debris and dust get send flying. Axel looks at his Magby who is stuck into the ground. Debris and rocks cover his body. Axel tries to get his pokemon to get up but Magby does not stand up. The referee announces the match and points the green towards Kaiser's side.

"Magby has lost combat combability so the winner is Flaaffy. The match goes to Kaiser from Mauville City." The audience cheers in favor of the victor as the announcer's loud voice are heard.

"The match was a blast. Give these two young men a round of applause. The reward ceremony will be held so don't go anywhere. We have a mysterious reward along with the normal for the First Place Winner."

The announcer on the podium starts talking.

"Hello everyone, players and audience. Mauville Pokemon Competition is over. Next is the awards ceremony for the Top 3. Can the Top 3 come to the podium". Kaiser, Axel, and Riser move to the podium to take their respective places. A man in his 30s came forward as he took the mic from the announcer.

"Hello, my name is Mr. Suji. On Behalf of Devon Corporation, I will now give the rewards." The man introduced himself to the public. His first target was Riser as brought out the 3rd place rewards.

"Well done Riser, your performance was quite good. I present to you a TM voucher and 10,000 poke dollars. You can redeem any TM for free using this voucher at a Pokemart."

"Thank you, Mr. Suji." Riser politely talks to the man getting the voucher and cash. Mr. Suji shakes his hands before moving onto Axel.

"You have quite well. You were quite close to winning the match. Please accept this reward of a TM voucher, 30,000, poke dollars, and 3 Great Balls." Mr. Suji hands the reward to Axel and shakes his hands. Axel thanked him with a large grin.

"Now the winner, Kaiser. You won the entire tournament with your Flaaffy. How do you feel, excited or nervous?" Mr. Suji asks as he moves his body towards Kaiser. His eyes looking at him from top to bottom.

"Fine" Kaiser responds not talking much as he looks at Mr. Suji. Mr. Suji chuckles as brings the rewards out.

"The first place reward is 2 Free TM Vouchers, 50,000 poke dollars, 2 Luxury Balls." Mr. Suji hands him the rewards.

"Thank you." Kaiser goes to thank him but gets cut off.

"Not only that but there is a mystery gift for you." He pulls the rag off an oval-shaped container. The oval-shaped container revealed a yellow egg with purple patterns on it.

"This egg was saved from a group of poachers. We don't know what kind of pokemon this egg contains. Our young master did not want this egg so we are giving it away as a prize." Mr. Suji explains the origin of the egg and passes the egg in the incubator over to him. Kaiser took the egg before seeing his power going into the egg. No one but himself can see it but what makes him excited is that this pokemon is an electric-type pokemon. This reaction happened after he discovered his power and had Elekid's egg. Axel and Riser look with jealousy and envy. After all, eggs from such a good company have to have a good aptitude.

"Hope you can take care of it." Mr. Suji continues oblivious to Kaiser's reaction. Kaiser nods keeping his cold and calm mask.

"Give another round of applause to the winner and runner-ups." Mr. Suji proposes to the audience as they started to cheer again. Kaiser drowns them out just focusing on the egg wondering what pokemon comes out.

Timeskip to the Pokemon Center

"Nurse Joy can you please heal my pokemon". Kaiser gave his pokemon to Nurse Joy who put it in a tray.

"No problem, you can leave it to us." Chansey took the cart filled with the pokeball to the backroom to heal them.

"I got this egg as the first place prize, could you check over him if you don't mind." Kaiser requests pushing the incubator forward.

"Of course, just give me a few seconds." Nurse Joy replies and takes the egg to the examination room. Kaiser sat down in the waiting room for Flaaffy and the egg examination.