
Electric Type Elite Chapter 8

Timeskip 2 more battles later

The next matches were like the first match but 3rd match caught his attention. The kid had a Magby and it was quite strong.

Magby, Live Coal Pokémon

Attribute: Fire

Ability: Flame Body

Hidden Ability: Vital Spirit

Level: Novice Peak(20)

Though he was quite arrogant and many people thought that kid was going to win the entire tournament but how wrong they were.


"Will the next people take the stage." The announcers asked the participants to come for the battle. Kaiser got up and went to the blue path taking him to the blue corner. Kaiser came across a boy who had an arrogant expression on his face. Both Kaiser and the kid threw their pokemon. Flaaffy appeared on his side of the field as Nose Pass appeared on the others. The kid's arrogant smile widened even more at his advantage since Electric is 2x weak to Ground-type. Kaiser on the other hand looked at his opponent's Geodude and was quite disappointed. He wasn't the weakest opponent but not enough to give a challenge.

Geodude, Rock Pokémon

Attribute: Rock, Ground

Ability: Sturdy

Hidden Ability: Sand Veil

Level: Novice Late- Stage(15)

"Flaaffy vs Geodude, start." The announcers start the battle.

"Geodude uses Rollout on Flaaffy" The other kid wasted no time commanding his Geodude to attack.

"Jump and use Iron Tail," Kaiser tells Flaaffy who executes the orders. Flaaffy jumps as Geodude tries to roll in Flaaffy but failing. Flaaffy gathers steel energy in his tail giving it a metallic luster and slamming into the head of Geodude. This caused create a small crater in the ground doing considerable damage to Geodude making him cry out in pain.

"Geodude, use Rock Throw to hit it." The kid exclaims watching his Geodude get slapped around. Geodude gets out of the crater and throws multiple rocks around him at Flaaffy.

"Flaaffy use Double Team to dodge them," Kaiser orders him to use Double Team to dodge the Rock Throw knowing he is not fast enough. Flaaffy creates multiple copies of itself by moving at fast speeds confusing Geodude who threw at the doppelgangers. The doppelgangers dispersed as the Rock Throw nailed them.

"Finish it up with Energy Ball, Flaaffy." Kaiser seeing the opportunity directed Flaaffy to finish Geodude. Flaaffy gathers nature energy and creates a ball of grass energy.

Flaaffy launches the Energy Ball towards Geodude causing a loud "Bang" to happen. Geodude skidded back a few feet panting, exhausted. Geodude fell down exhausting all of his willpower to stay up. The referee looked at Geodude before announcing the results.

"Geodude is unable to battle meaning the winner is Flaaffy. The victory goes to the trainer in the blue block" The audience cheered in excitement at the battle.

"Flaaffy dominates Geodude winning him the match with his power and his trainer's commands. Give it up for the winner and his Flaaffy." The announcer proclaims as the cheering from the audience got louder.

"Flaaffy dominates Geodude winning him the match with his power and his trainer's commands. Give it up for the winner and his Flaaffy." The announcer proclaims as the cheering from the audience got louder. Kaiser smiled at the attention and recalled Flaaffy offering praises for his win. He went back into the lobby waiting for his 2nd match to start. The next 3 matches take another hour and a half to finish up.

"Well, out of the 14 trainers here, only 7 passed the 1st round. Next match, one lucky trainer will get a bye into the semi-finals. Now the next match-ups will be displayed on the big screen." The announcer bellow in a cheery tone making trainers looks up at the screen for their next opponents. The profile of each trainer is shown on a screen before paired with others. Kaiser's opponent was a girl with an Azumarill and it was the first match. She could put a better challenge than the kid with a Geodude.

"Will the two trainers for the first match take their place." The announcers inviting the two trainers as both went to their respective places on the field. Kaiser looked at his opponent who looked more arrogant than the other trainer he battled. Her outfit looked quite expensive as she held a Chinese hand-held fan. She looked at him like he was worth nothing in her eyes. This irked Kaiser and made a promise to finish this match up quick.

"Come out my baby" The girl in front threw the Pokeball as Azumarill appeared on the field.

"Show yourself Flaaffy." Kaiser threw his Pokeball as Flaaffy showed himself. Kaiser looked at the Azumarill and raising at the strength of Azumarill.

Azumarill, Aqua Rabbit Pokémon

Attribute: Water, Fairy

Ability: Huge Power

Hidden Ability: Sap Sipper

Level: Novice Peak(17)

"Flaaffy vs Azumarill, start." The referee looked at the pokemon and finding nothing wrong with them. He declared the start of the match. The girl already ordering her Azumarill to use Water Gun. Kaiser not wanting to be left behind orders his pokemon to use Dig to dodge it. Flaaffy dodges the Water Gun through Dig.

"Azumarill use Slam." The girl adjusts her plans taking advantage of Azumarill's ability Huge Power. Huge Power boosts the attack power of physical moves. Knowing this Kaiser avoids the physical move route instead of using ranged attacks.

"Energy Ball, Flaaffy" Kaiser orders his Flaaffy who gathers nature energy before firing the Energy Ball towards Azumarill. Surprisingly, Azumarill took the hit even though it was 2x effective to it. Azumarill falters a bit before going to him Flaaffy with another Slam, this time connecting. This blow sent Flaaffy into the ground creating a decently sized crater. Kaiser was shocked at this before remembering Azumarill's hidden ability, Sap Sipper. Sap Sipper boosts attack when hit by a Grass-type move combined with Huge Power is going to do a lot of damage. Though tanking an Energy Ball no doubt is going to take damage as well.

"Azumarill use Aqua Jet and finish him off." The girl orders her pokemon and he does. Azumarill covers himself in water before getting shot off like a jet towards Flaaffy.

"Use Dig to dodge and then Thunder Shock." Kaiser calmly tells Flaaffy as the incoming danger nears closer. Flaaffy executes Dig dodging Aqua Jet and comes out. Flaaffy uses Thunder Shock on the panting Azumarill who was caught off guard electrifying him. This causes extensive damage to Azumarill as it falls on the ground. The girl in front of him gasps in shock and encourages her pokemon to get up. Kaiser shakes his head before giving the last command to Flaaffy.

"Finish him off with Thunder Shock again." Flaaffy obeys by sending a bolt of lighting at Azumarill making it shriek out in pain.

The referee announces the results" Azumarill is unable to battle. The winner is Flaaffy so the victory goes to the trainer in the blue corner."

"That match was quite amazing through the use of tactics from both trainers. Give them another round of applause." The announcer bellows as the audience gets fired even more. Kaiser and the girl in front of him recall their pokemon offering congratulations at their respective pokemon for their performance.

"Well, we will take a short lunch break so go the bathroom or get snacks from the food stands. We will be back in an hour." The announcer excites the audience before leaving the booth for a break.