
Electric Type Elite Chapter 7

"Ring, Ring"

The alarm rings waking up the occupant in the room.


A hand strikes the alarm clock's turn-off button making it shut up. Kaiser lift's his head, tired and sluggishly looks at the time. It was written as 8:00 AM is bright, large numbers. Today is the day, the tournament starts making Kaiser get his heart pumping. Kaiser lifts himself out of bed and to do his normal routine. He is thinking of either going on a train journey or study at the Academy in Ever Grande City. He decided on going to the Academy due to some benefits like getting a breeding teacher to further his knowledge, access to many different TMs, Evolution Stones, and higher rank Pokeblocks. Not only that but there are training rooms made especially for different types of pokemon like an electric energy room for electric types giving them a stronger boost in their cultivation. For example, if his pokemon are stuck in Superior Peak, he can use the room to increase his pokemon to Gym-Leader Early Stage or even Gym-Leader Middle Stage. This room has limitations like once you reach Elite Stage you need Top Rank Energy Room. The Ever Grande Academy only possesses a Top Rank Energy Room for Water Types. Most of the rooms are monopolized by different high-class clans or families.

Kaiser wears his trainer clothes with a hat. His clothes were similar to Red's outfit but the color scheme was changed a bit. The white part of Red's outfit was blue while the red part was yellow. He also added logos of lightning bolts on the sides of his arm sleeves. He wore a red undershirt and his hat was the same coloring as his jacket. Kaiser looked at himself in the mirror admiring the outfit, nodding in approval. Kaiser was unhappy he could not battle Red since he did not exist in this world. It has been 10 years since he came to this world. His life had negatives like his father abandoning him in the orphanage, the teasing, and bullying but the positives outweighed them like meeting Wattson and his wife, getting his own pokemon, and building bonds with them. Wattson was the closest person to a father figure he had in both of his worlds. Wattson could be bombarded with gym challenges but he would make time to teach him, let him play with his pokemon, and even pay him more money for menial chores. Kaiser had tears remembering the things Wattson had done for him so in return he would elevate the status of electric type by becoming the strongest type trainer with them.

Kaiser was now given another extra 20,000 poke dollars by the orphanage to find jobs or become a trainer. Kaiser accepted the money politely since he knew how expensive it is a pokemon trainer. Kaiser went to the pokemon center to register in the tournament. He gave his ID card to Nurse Joy along with his pokemon to treat them.

"Here you go. Have a nice day and come again." Nurse Joy politely exclaimed as she smiles. Kaiser smiled in response and letting his hat covered his face. He was not good at interacting with other people in both of his lives. He simply just didn't have the time to interact or people didn't care to interact with him. The tournament was happening in 30 mins in the Mauville Gym due to the fact, they couldn't find a bigger place. Kaiser was confident in winning the tournament because of his Flaaffy's strength plus it is a beginner trainer tournament. No self-respecting experienced trainer will try to compete in a beginner's tournament. His Flaaffy's strength reached this level.

Flaaffy, Wool Pokemon

Attribute: Electric

Aptitude: Excellent Rank 1

Ability: Static

Hidden Ability: Plus

Level: Veteran Early Stage(22)

Flaaffy learned to Take Down which is a stronger and riskier version of Tackle because the user receives 1/4 of the damage given to the enemy pokemon. The reason his Flaaffy got so strong was because of his Electric Force plus Pokeblocks. He had Flaaffy battle stronger opponents than himself like Pelipper, Volbeat, and the occasional Linoone. By all that battling, he was able to breakthrough to Veteran Early-Stage from Novice Peak. Unfortunately, this strength in Ever Grande Academy would be considered weak meaning he has to get stronger. The good thing the entrance examination for the Academy is still 1 month away giving him enough time to train Elekid and Flaaffy. His goal was to evolve Flaaffy into Ampharos and reach Veteran Early-Stage on Elekid. Elekid's aptitude is higher than Flaaffy's but Flaaffy has a head start and Electric Force can improve his potential.

Kaiser approached the Mauville Gym and was surprised to see quite a good amount of pokemon trainers. The trainer's expression ranged from worried, arrogant, and confident. Kaiser went to the lobby to wait for the announcer to start pairing. The tournament will last for one day. Due to the amount of trainers participating and people coming to watch, there was even another prize for 1st place. Kaiser did not have to wait too long before the announcer's loud voice was heard.

"Welcome Trainers to the Mauville Tournament where beginner trainers will battle it out to see the strongest trainer between them." The announcer can be seen talking in an enthusiastic tone to hype up the audience. The audience cheers excitedly to see talented trainers appear from their city.

"Very well without any further ado, we will start to choose who fights who within these brackets." The announcer says and points to the giant screen behind him. The screen shows people's placement and their opponent. Kaiser's match is going to happen after 3 matches. Kaiser goes back to the lobby waiting for his turn while also keeping an eye on the battle to scout out strong opponents. The first battle is starting and the starting pokemon are Poochenya and Zigzagoon. Who wins is going to depend on who uses their moves on time and takes advantage of their abilities. Poochenya is the stronger in terms of level but Zigzagoon has the best moves.

"Poochenya uses Bite on that Zigzagoon" The kid shouts to Poochenya. Poochenya rushes at Zigzagoon with his vicious fangs ready to sink into his body. You can see an outline of dark energy covering the fangs.

"Zigzagoon counter with Headbutt" The kid screams at Zigzagoon making his head covered with white energy. Zigzagoon crashes his head into Poochenya's mouth, slamming him into the ground. The kid saw this and panicked screaming for Poochenya to get back up. The other kid saw this chance and went in for the kill.

"Zigzagoon uses another Headbutt on that Poochenya" Zigzagoon's head flashed with white color before rushing at the downed Poochenya with all of his might. Poochenya tried to stand up and use Bite but failed as Zigzagoon's head crashed into his body sending him into the wall. The impact caused debris and dust to cover them. The dust disappeared allowing the referee the see what happened to Poochenya.

"Poochenya is unable to fight meaning Zigzagoon won. The victory goes to the trainer in the red block." The referee announces making the trainer in the red block get delighted about the win. Both trainers recalled their pokemon before the announcers announced for the next pair to take their turns.