
Electric Type Elite Chapter 5

Next day, Kaiser wakes to someone licking his face. He opens his groggily to see his Mareep over him. Kaiser smiles at this before moving him over. He looks at the alarm clock on his makeshift nightstand. The alarm clock read 6:00 AM making Kaiser groan before going to take a shower. He quickly made himself a sandwich made of synthetic meat and pokemon food for his Mareep. He put the incubator in his backpack for safekeeping before going for a morning run with his pokemon. After an hour of running, he stopped around a clearing to train himself and his pokemon. He put his backpack on the side of a tree before stretching his body.

"Alright, Mareep run 20 laps with your fastest speed. Even if you get tired, keep up the fastest pace you can." Kaiser told Mareep who nodded before doing what he was ordered to. Mareep ran around the clearing at its fastest pace which was not that fast. Kaiser on the sidelines was not idle as he started to work out his body while creating breeding plans for his Mareep. Kaiser did his routine of 100, push-ups, squats, 10 laps of running, and work on his martial arts from his previous life. Mareep finishes in half an hour but takes a 10 min rest, panting exhaustedly. Kaiser finishes his set with a sheen of sweat covering his entire body.

Kaiser grabs a box of poke blocks from his bag before giving one to Mareep to recover some of his energy while infusing Electric Power into him. Mareep feels his energy coming back to him making him feel energized.

"Alright, Mareep now let's start Ability Training. You will use moves over and over until you have mastered them. Use the trees as a test dummy." Kaiser tells Mareep and pointing towards the tree. Mareep starts to use his offensive moves on a poor tree who just stood there taking it. Kaiser went back to his sets for another half hour before getting flopping on the ground exhausted without any dignity. He recovered quickly due to Electric Power and went back into created a breeding and training plan for Mareep and Elekid.

Ampharos will take the Special Attacker route in his team while Electivire will be a Physical Attacker with Speed. He even had plans for Electivire based on his ability, Motor Drive. Ampharos will know Physical moves that complement his ability, Static. He made a training plan based on Wattson's tips and even picked TMs to buy. After finishing his plans, he went back to reading books on breeding. The one thing he found out is that Mega Evolution has not been discovered. Kaiser knows what Ampharos and Manectric mega evolution stones look like giving him a huge head-start. They trained for 3 hours both Pokemon and Trainer working on improving their knowledge and moves.

Mareep looked at his trainer in exhaustion before feeling something happening in his body. Kaiser's attention was turned to Mareep as his entire figure was engulfed by evolutionary light. The white radiance made him cover his eyes using his arms to block. He could tell as Mareep's body started to get taller and it's wool started to disappear around it's body. The white evolution light went disappeared and a new pokemon stood there, Flaaffy.

Flaaffy is a pink, bipedal, ovine Pokémon. It has thick, conical ears with black stripes on the sides of its head and small, blue eyes. A white mane of wool covers its head and upper body. This mane forms sideways curls on the top of its head. It has stubby arms and one nail on each foot. Flaaffy's long tail has black stripes and is tipped with a blue orb.

"Congratulation Flaaffy, you evolved," Kaiser told his Mareep, now Flaaffy who jumped in for a hug. Kaiser could feel the pink, rubbery skin on Flaaffy.

"Flaa-ffy" Flaaffy called out in happiness as he checked himself out.

"Alright how about we go for a fight with a random pokemon so you can get used to your body." Kaiser told him and Flaaffy nodded in agreement. Kaiser and Flaaffy went on a journey to find a strong opponent to fight. It took them a few minutes to find a Pelipper. This Pelipper was far stronger than his Flaaffy but has 4x weakness to electric moves.


Attribute: Water, Flying

Aptitude: Outstanding

Level: Veteran Middle Stage(24)

Ability: Keen Eye

"Alright Flaaffy, use Thunder Wave to paralyze that Pelipper." Kaiser orders his Flaaffy who in response releases a weak jolt of electricity at Pelipper which connects due to it being a surprise attack. Pelipper squawks in a little bit of pain as electric currents surrounds his body. He turns toward Flaaffy before releasing an pulsing blast of water at Flaaffy who dodges with Agility but fails to see the next attack. Pelipper attacks with multiple blades of air that hit Flaaffy at extreme speeds making it impossible to dodge it.


Flaaffy bleats in pain as it gets send into the trees making "Thud" sound.

"Are you okay to battle, Flaaffy." Kaiser asks in a calm voice on the outside while is worried on the inside. Flaaffy bleats in angered yet determined tone looking at Pelipper.

"Good use Charge and Agility to dodge everything he sends to you," Kaiser tells his Flaaffy. Flaaffy's body starts to gather electric energy in its body. It has yellow currents surrounding its body as electric arcs come out of its body. Pelipper entire is surrounded by grayish energy as it speeds towards Flaaffy. Pelipper's wings are straightened and strikes towards. Kaiser smirks and orders his Flaaffy.

"Grab one of those wings with your tail and use Thunder Shock." Flaaffy grabs the wing of Pelipper as it rams into the Flaaffy's stomach making him lose his breath for a second. Mareep uses Thunder Shock as the lightning starts to encompass both them. The lightning bolt starts to damage Pelipper making him squawk in pain. Both pokemon drop to the ground panting exhaustedly more so Flaaffy than Pelipper.

"Let's finish this with Iron Tail". Kaiser shouts out to Flaaffy as its tail gains a metallic luster. Flaaffy races towards Pelipper ready to smash his tail into the pokemon. Pelipper starts to gather water particles in his mouth for Water Pulse before a grimace appears on his face. Pelipper's entire body is covered in electric currents ass he stopped releasing his ability. Kaiser recognized this condition as Paralyzed. Flaaffy took this chance slamming his tail into the head of Pelipper, knocking Pelipper into the ground. Dust and Debris covered the site before slowly dispersing. The knocked-out form of Pelipper indented into the ground became visible. Flaaffy won the battle but it paid an extremely high price. It barely has power making him unable to find a Magikarp.

"Good Job, Flaaffy. You become a lot stronger but we know your weakness. Don't get too smug, you only won because of our surprise Thunder Wave and 4x weakness to electric." Kaiser warned Flaaffy when he saw him get a little arrogant at his victory. His head goes down but Kaiser still tells him to be proud of his strength. Flaaffy gets happy at his trainer's praise before falling down in exhaustion. Kaiser said this for one reason, his Flaaffy got a lot stronger to this battle.


Attribute: Electric

Aptitude: Excellent Rank 2

Level: Novice Peak(18)

Ability: Static

"Alright, let's go to the pokemon center, little buddy." Kaiser returns Flaaffy to his Pokeball before hurrying to the pokemon center. He arrived in less than 10 mins before hurrying inside. He arrived inside and quickly gave his pokemon to Nurse Joy to treat. He paid the 500 poke dollars needed to treat him.

"Nurse Joy would it be possible for me to sign up for the tournament in a few days," Kaiser asked curiously since he wanted to participate. He still had few more days for it to get close to Veteran Early Stage strength. With Veteran level strength he would be confident to beat his opponents.

"Ahh, there will no problem. Please me your identification number to check your trainer status." Nurse Joy asked politely and Kaiser complied. Trainer identification numbers are given to trainers for Alliance to keep an eye on trainers and to scout for upcoming talents. They keep your personal information and what pokemon you possess to prevent abuse and such. To participate in this tournament, the trainer must recently have entered the trainer profession like 2 months max. This is to make matches fair but there have been complaints about people bringing their family's pokemon but they can't do much. They can only use the registered pokemon on their identification cards.

A few mins, Kaiser got registered into the tournament meaning he was eligible for participation.

"Here your Flaaffy is in perfect condition. Come again" Nurse Joy says this with a smile that would make any man fall in love but he is simply 10 year old kid. He "thanks" her before leaving. His next stop is the Pokemart to buy a few TMs. He can only buy around 4 TMs only the cheaper ones.

The 2 TMs he wanted were Protect and Energy Ball for more defensive power and Energy Ball a long-range counter for ground types. He picked them up and another month's worth of Pokeblocks. The TMs Brick Break, Double Team, Protect and Energy Ball respectively cost around 3000, 3200+2500 and 2700 + 20,000 poke blocks. His total cost was around 31,400 poke dollars making his wallet bleed though he was happy with his shopping. The good thing is both Brick Break and Protect cost more since they can be used more than once.