
Electric Type Elite Chapter 6

(Please tell me if you think the MC's progress is too slow or too fast. I want him to be strong through hard work not some kind of bullshit system. The reason I gave him a power is that unless he is born in a wealthy family, he cannot become strong. After all everything cost huge amounts of money and good pokemon are very rare.)

Timeskip a week later

Kaiser polished his Flaaffy's move set and strengthen his body. He made his Flaaffy learn all four TMs for diversity. He made him practice these moves to master them enough for battle. Not only that but infusing Electric Power into Flaaffy was showing some good results. You can see Flaaffy is a bit stronger and bigger than normal Flaaffy. Flaaffy's breed method with poke blocks and infusing Electric Power was far ahead of any person making get confident in winning the whole tournament. Kaiser got up from his seat and stretched his body for any kinks. His week-long training session was extremely helpful in covering his weakness. His Flaaffy got stronger by 4 levels breaking through to Veteran Early-Stage. Kaiser got up to leave before something in his backpack started to move around. Kaiser shined at this before taking the egg out of the incubator.

The egg started shaking and the pokemon wanted to come out. The pokemon inside got annoyed being in the dark and wanted to see his parent. The warmth he felt made him feel safe. The egg shook a few times before making cracking sounds. The entire egg got covered with blinding white light making Kaiser unable to see the pokemon. It felt like an hour but in reality, it was a few seconds as the pokemon became visible. Elekid came out and started with his cry.


Elekid is a yellow, round-bodied Pokémon with black stripes. Elekid's arms are bulky in proportion to its body, and it has three claws instead of fingers. It has two stripes on its arms, which wrap all the way around. There are two horns on top of its head which resemble the prongs of a plug, complete with holes in their sides. These horns glow bluish-white when Elekid is fully charged. Elekid has a black lightning bolt marking on its chest. Two rows of stripes are near the marking, with the pattern continuing around its lower back. Its legs are black, and its feet are rounded and toeless.

Elekid opened his eyes and observed his surroundings. He was taken aback when he saw a human in front of him. Though he felt something familiar about so he went towards him. He tried to get up but fell down a few times. On his 5th try, he was able to slowly walk with little difficulty towards Kaiser. He reached Kaiser and felt traces of the warmth from Kaiser making him dive into his arms. Kaiser chuckled at his enthusiasm before coating his hand with Electric Power and petting Elekid on the head. This action made Elekid feel like he was in heaven and slowly melted into his arms. Kaiser chuckled before calling Flaaffy over. Flaaffy got curious at the pokemon baby and came over to observe him. Elekid felt Flaaffy approach before taking what seemed like a sloppy battle stance. Flaaffy simply looked at this little baby pokemon action with a curious yet amused tone.

"Elekid this is your older brother Flaaffy. Be nice to him." Kaiser told Elekid as he petted Elekid with Electric Power coated hands. Elekid nodded at this before sighing in bliss. Kaiser just shook his head at this before going to get some Moomoo Milk from his backpack. He had a few he bought yesterday that lasted for 1 week before going rotten. He took the cap and showed it to Elekid making his eyes lit up. Elekid stretched his arms like a human baby asking for food. Kaiser gave him a bottle as he simply drank it within a few minutes. He looked at Kaiser with pleading eyes for more and he complied giving him another bottle. Elekid greedily drank the Moomoo Milk before wanting to be in his father's arms. Kaiser complied and picked up the little baby Elekid. He was going to show Flaaffy's training to Elekid to show his strength.

"Flaaffy, show me the TM moves you learned on that tree," Kaiser ordered Flaaffy with pointing towards a tree. The tree looks terrible with scorching spots all over it with fist-shaped dents in the wood. This tree is one of the newer trees that Flaaffy chose to practice moves. Flaaffy nods before condensing nature energy into one point creating a small ball. Flaaffy condenses for 5 seconds before shooting a green-colored ball full of grass energy at the tree. The energy ball goes at a decently fast pace before colliding with the tree. The collision creates a small explosion creating dust to surround them. It dissipates after a few seconds making Kaiser grin at the damage. It destroyed the tree and created cracks on a rock.

"Good, what about the others." Kaiser reminds Flaaffy when he stops to admire his work making him go back to the demonstration. Flaaffy's right arm shines brightly with a white color before striking the rock. This move broke the rock into many pieces though some flew towards Elekid and Kaiser. Kaiser got alarmed and tried shielding Elekid with his body. It proved not to be needed because Flaaffy got in the middle of the stone projectiles and Kaiser and Elekid.

Flaaffy put his hands in front of the stone projectiles before creating a green barrier. The green barrier blocked all of the projectiles coming at Flaaffy, Kaiser, and Elekid. Protect goes down after a few seconds after the barrage ends. Kaiser sighs at this before going to scold Flaaffy for not being careful. Elekid's shine after seeing the strength of his elder brother and looking at the broken rock in desire. Desire to be as strong as his older brother, Kaiser who says as he pats his head.

"You are recently born Elekid. Maybe in a few days, you can train with your older brother. I promise to make you the strongest, okay." Kaiser comforts Elekid making him excited at the prospect. Flaaffy does not stop since he has another move, Double Team. Flaaffy jumps into the air and moves rapidly creating illusionary clones of itself. It does not stop there before Flaaffy on its accord condenses fighting energy in his right arm before the rest of the clones perform the same action. Flaaffy strikes the ground making small cracks appear but the rest disappears when their fist meets the ground.

"Good job Flaaffy, did you think of it yourself." Kaiser snaps out of a stupor and praises Flaaffy making him puff his chest out. Kaiser checks the sky before noticing it is getting late and tomorrow is the tournament. Kaiser returned both of his pokemon and sets out to the orphanage. Kaiser goes to his room straight after arriving. Kaiser falls asleep right as his body hits the bed, exhaustion taking over.