
Electric Type Elite Chapter 4

(So comment if you like this chapter. If not then tell me what you want me to fix. Won't be consistent updates until June or July. Please be patient.)

Kaiser came out of the Mauville Gym with a smile holding an incubator in his arms. He knew the egg was going to hatch in a week and would not be suitable for a battle for another week. At most, he could light training but nothing strenuous. Not only that but the cost of raising a baby pokemon was quite expensive especially pseudo-types like Dratini and Bagon which cost around 1 to 2 million poke dollars to cultivate. He only had around 140,000 saved up for working in Wattson's gym Kaiser went to the pokemon center to get his Mareep checked out which cost around 100 poke dollars. Ash in the anime got it free due to the sponsorship from Professor Oak since he was a Pokedex holder. Pokedex holders can book a room and get pokemon healed up for no cost at all.

As Kaiser was waiting out for his Mareep to get healed, he saw a poster on the wall. The poster showed 2 pokemon battling a Tyranitar and Dragonite as the cover. This 1 vs 1 tournament was only for beginner Pokemon trainers. The tournament started in 6 days meaning he had time to register and train his Mareep up. The best part was the reward which was sponsored by the Devon Company. The rewards were:

1st Place: 2 Free TM Passes, 50,000 poke dollars, 2 Luxury Balls

2st Place: 1 Free TM Pass, 30,000, poke dollars, 3 Great Balls

3st Place: 1 Free TM Pass, 10,000, poke dollars

The first place reward appealed to Kaiser making him want the rewards. With 50,000 he could buy 2 months of electric-type poke blocks for both of his pokemon. Not only that but he can get 2 TMs for free and 2 Ultra Balls. Ultra Balls have a higher percent chance of catching a wild pokemon than normal and Great Balls. Kaiser's eyes shined for a min before getting called to the front desk.

"Here you go, your pokemon is all healed up. Please visit again." Nurse Joy smiles and politely talks to you as she hands your Pokeball. Kaiser nods his head and walks out of the pokemon center. He needs to go back to the orphanage to make training plans. He arrives at the orphanage to see a crowd chattering and surrounding someone. Kaiser approaches the crowd and is surprised to see Kim and pokemon.

Kim was the resident bully and his pokemon was a Wingull.

Wingull is a small, white Pokémon similar in appearance to a seagull. Its head makes up a large portion of its body, and it appears to lack a neck. Wingull has thin, simplistic eyes, two triangular tufts on top of its head, and an orange beak with a hooked, black tip. Three blue-tipped feathers give it a fan-like tail and its small, orange feet have two webbed toes. Wingull has long, flat wings with light blue stripes near the tips.

The crowd was watching the battle between Kim and Wingull vs A Random Kid and his Taillow. The battle was in favor of the random kid before Taillow was hit with supersonic. The supersonic made it hard for the Taillow to hit its target making him lose the battle. The referee was a kid who looked at the fallen Taillow before announcing the results.

"The winner of the match is Wingull. The victory goes to Kim" The referee announces the results in an excited tone and looks at Kim with an admiring gaze. The rest of the crowd started to clap making Kim's s already big ego inflate more.

"I will be the next Champion of Hoenn. You are nothing Ronan." Kim boasts with a mocking smile at Ronan who returns his Taillow muttering "Thanks" to it. Ronan looks at Kim with an angered expression before going into the crowd. Kim smiles victoriously behind his back until he spots the resident weirdo and nerd.

"How about a battle, Kaiser" Kim replies with an arrogant expression on his face. Kaiser smiles inside while the outside is calm and collected as he goes to the other side of the battlefield. The referee takes his place as Kim's supporters start to chant his name.

"Come out Wingull, show this weakling his place," Kim says as the Pokeball opens revealing Wingull. Wingull comes out with an energetic expression on his face and chirps excitedly.


Kaiser appraises Wingull and is surprised at what he sees.


Attribute: Water, Flying

Aptitude: Outstanding

Ability: Hydration

Level: Novice Middle Stage(11)

It's not much weaker than my Mareep, Kaiser thinks in his head. Kaiser throws out his pokemon revealing his Mareep.

"Alright it's Wingull vs Mareep, are you ready. Start the battle." The referee announces as he simples waves his hand down.

"What kind of pokemon is that. Wingull hit that sheep with Water gun" Kim ordered his Wingull to attack Mareep not knowing what kind of pokemon that is. Wingull expels a lot of water toward Mareep at a fast speed.

"Mareep dodge with Agility and use Charge". Kaiser orders as Mareep's body are covered with a pinkish color as its body speeds up. Mareep dodges the water gun as its body starts to gather electric energy in its body. It has yellow currents surrounding Mareep's body.

"Wingull hit that stupid sheep with Water Gun again". Kim tells his Wingull in a whiny tone like someone not getting their way. Wingull goes to release another torrent of water at Mareep who stops. Kim smiles viciously at this thinking he won but a nasty surprise is coming his way.

"Mareep hit him with Thunder Shock". Kaiser creates an image of his Mareep stopping making Kim drop his guard. Mareep is surrounded by electricity before hurling a jolt of electric energy at Wingull at high speeds making it impossible for Wingull to dodge. Thunder Shock rips through Water Gun as it starts to fry. Wingull's body convulses for a few seconds as electric currents go through his body before falling into the ground. Wingull's body collides creating a small crater with dust covering the field. The dust dissipates after a few seconds as the result shows. Wingull is dented into the ground as Mareep still stands, lightly panting. The referee sees the result before announcing.

"Wingull is unable to fight to mean the winner is Mareep. The victory goes to Kaiser"

Both Kim and Kaiser return their pokemon as Kaiser mutters "Congratulations" to his pokemon. Kim just looks at his fainted Wingull with dead eyes. He feels embarrassed that he announced he would become the Hoenn Champion to instantly lose the next match. Kaiser just looks at him for a second in pity before going to his room in the orphanage as the others make way for him. Kaiser tunes out the praise they gave out knowing they would just suck up to the next strongest trainer. Kaiser feels tired at his adventure today so he goes to sleep.