
Electric Type Elite Chapter 3

The sun shines radiantly, the light's ray hitting the face of Kaiser waking him up from his deep sleep. He opened his eyes blearily and stretched his body. He looked at his surroundings before remembering yesterday's events. He got tired after getting his first pokemon and training Mareep. Suddenly Kaiser stood up in a hurry as his face was sweating, not in exhaustion but fear. He quickly returned Mareep to his poke ball before racing towards the Mauville Gym. The Mauville Gym is a big building decorated with lightning bolts around him. It has 4 lighting rods on the roof to conduct electricity from electric-type pokemon.

Kaiser enters the gym as a refreshing breeze hits him in the face. He quickly moves through the traps in Mauville Gym and saying "hello" to the researchers there. He goes to the podium where the gym leader Wattson and challenger battle. He sees a man sweeping the field and goes toward him. He taps his shoulder and sees the Gym Leader Wattson looking at him with a smile.

"You are later Kaiser. Did something happen in the orphanage?"

Wattson's smile drops down a bit before looking at Kaiser in worry. Kaiser waves his worry away and shows him a Pokeball."

No, I turned 10 years old so I went to catch my pokemon. I just was tired so I slept with him."

Kaiser excitedly exclaims to Wattson. Kaiser had a close teacher-student with Wattson and was thankful to him. Wattson's eyes shine a bit as he looks at the Pokeball with interest.

"Well go on. Show me what kind of pokemon you caught."

Wattson was excited to see his pokemon since he knew Kaiser had a real love for electric pokemon like himself. Kaiser threw the Pokeball in the air before a red light came out of it. The red light turned into Mareep, Wool Pokemon.

"Where did you find this Mareep, Kaiser?"

Wattson is taken back at the sight of this pokemon. Mareep is usually found in the Kanto and Johto Region. They are rare outside those 2 regions.

"I found Mareep on Route 110."

Kaiser told Wattson making him nod.

"Well since you have turned 10 years old, why not give you a present. What kind of teacher would I be if I did not give you a present."

Wattson laughs not noticing Kaiser wipes his wet eyes. Kaiser had no presents other than Wattson giving him.

Wattson goes into the back room of the gym to grab his present. He comes back 10 mins later, with an incubator in his hand and a box. Wattson took the egg out of the incubator showing Kaiser. The egg was white with black stripes covering it before putting it back in.

"This is the child of my Electivire. It is guaranteed to be an Excellent Rank 1 segment. Take care of it".

Wattson tells him as he hands the incubator and box to Kaiser. Kaiser motions toward the box with his hand making Wattson laugh in awkwardness.

"Sorry, it slipped my mind for a bit. The boxes possess 2 Intermediate Rank Evolution stones. One is a Sun Stone and the other is a Thunder Stone."

Wattson tells Kaiser making his jaw drop. You must understand how expensive the gift is. The Electivire egg can cost more than 20,000,000 poke dollars. An Intermediate Rank Evolution stone costs around 500,000 to 700,000 poke dollars. The thought of this thoughtful gift made him cry for a minute straight. Wattson looked at him with a sad smile knowing how much the gift could help him in his journey. He remembers the day, he met Kaiser when he was training his new pokemon. Kaiser was a child who had a strong affinity towards electric-type pokemon.

His Electrike who is now a Manectric quickly warmed up to the boy. As it got late, Wattson asked the boy where his parents lived. He did not answer making Wattson get a little worried. He gently asked him again and this time, he did not expect the answer.

"My mother died in childbirth and my father abandoned me. I live in the orphanage."

Kaiser told him without the hint of any emotion making Wattson get mad and worried. Mad at the father for abandoning a child and worried about the child's mental health. He was a bit happy to see a smile on his face when he played with his pokemon. So he invited the boy to come over to his gym if he ever wanted to play with his pokemon. He showed a small smile in appreciation for his offer.

Over the years, Kaiser and Wattson both got closer to each other. Wattson learned a lot about Kaiser's aspirations and dreams. Kaiser loved electric pokemon and wanted to be the strongest type of trainer with them. So to prepare, Wattson paid him to clean the gym and take care of the pokemon. This was beneficial to both parties since it gave Kaiser experience in taking care of pokemon and Wattson got free time to spend with his wife or relax. His wife even gave him books about Primary and Intermediate Breeding.

Wattson was snapped out of reminiscing by Kaiser saying "Thank You" to him. Wattson laughed it off before asking a question.

"So when are you taking the Ever Grande Academy Entrance Test."

"I will be taking it in a few months and use that time to train both Mareep and Elekid when he hatches."

Kaiser tells Wattson of his plans making Wattson nod at this while giving him a few tips on training Mareep and Elekid when he hatches. Kaiser writes down in his notebook thanking Wattson again before leaving. Just Kaiser leaves the gym, something behind Wattson appears.

Wattson turns behind before petting it on the head making him growl in bliss. It is a canine, quadrupedal Pokémon. Its body is mainly blue with a spiky, yellow mane on its head and yellow tufts of fur on its haunches and around its front feet. Its mane sticks straight up and has three points. It has a jagged upper jaw, red eyes, and holes on either side of its head that seem to be its ears. Each of its paws has three claws. Its blue, spike-like tail is bent at a sharp angle. This pokemon is called Manectric, Wattson's Trump Card.