
Electric Type Elite Chapter 2

(How did you like Chapter 1. Please tell what type of electric type you want in the team. The most one spoken will get chosen).

Kaiser remembered the past as he clenched his fist in anger. He did not talk much other than the matrons who ran the orphanage and considered one of them as his older sister. Her name was Lily and only talked to her when he had free time. Kaiser focused on learning about Pokemon and how to take care of them. His goal was to become the strongest trainer which was kind of hard to achieve but not impossible. The problem was that being a Pokemon Trainer was expensive due to buying certain evolutions or even feeding them poke blocks. Even the pokecenter you need to pay money to even get them checked up or treated. The most successful pokemon trainers are those whose families are wealthy or have connections. They can get almost any kind of pokemon if they are not too rare or possess rare aptitude.

Many of the pokemon lines are monopolized by old families who have connections with them. For example are the Jenny family who manages the Arcanine line, Stone Family who manage the Metagross line, and Wataru Clan who manage Dragon-type pokemon mainly the Dragonite line. These families had a lot of influence on the alliance. Kaiser's goal was to become the strongest electric type trainer. The good thing was that he was born in Mauville City in Hoenn where electric-type pokemon were easier to find.

His goal was to find an Electrike or an electric-type pokemon that did not involve Plusle or Minun. He quietly took a few poke balls and went out towards Bicycling Road usually Electrike was found there. It took him around 10 mins to reach his destination and looked around for one. He did Electrike for at least an hour. He found Oddish, Gulpin, Zigzagoon, Poochenya, and the odd Wingull that lived here. The Electrike he found had an aptitude of Good and potential was bottomed out.

Kaiser sighed at this as he sat down on the ground. Kaiser took out some soup he made and a bit of pokemon food. Kaiser knew pokemon would be attracted here due to the food and his odd affinity with electric-type pokemon. Kaiser sat down on the grass as suddenly the bushes to his fight started to shake. Kaiser got up startled but alert at the pokemon coming. He knew to run if it was a pack of Mightyena because he did not have a pokemon to beat or even put up a fight. Fortunately, it was not Mightyena but a Mareep making Kaiser's face lit up in joy.

Mareep is an ovine Pokémon with fluffy cream-colored wool covering its entire body, as well as a curly tuft of wool in the middle of its head. Its head is blue, and it has black eyes. Its four feet are blue and have two digits on each foot, and it appears to be on tiptoe at all times. Its conical ears and tail have a yellow-and-black striped pattern. Mareep has an orange sphere at the end of its tail, which acts as a small light bulb. This sphere glows brighter the more electricity it has. Its final evolution is Ampharos and can mega evolve further giving him a Dragon and Electric typing.

Mega Evolution is something that has not been discovered alongside with fairy type. Kaiser's goal is to find a corresponding stone for Manectric and Ampharos. Mareep saw the human but for some reason, it felt comfortable around him.


Kaiser moved back a little as it approached the pokemon food with wariness in his eyes. Mareep ate one of the pokemon food before bleating in happiness. It felt the pokemon food was more delicious than anything he has eaten. Kaiser looked at Mareep before getting the courage to pet him on the wool and head. Mareep enjoyed it letting out bleats in happiness as yellow light engulfed them both. Kaiser panicked for a second but calmed down when he saw the relaxed expression on his face. He looked at his hand which was covered with yellow energy going into Mareep. This happened for 20 seconds before stopping and disappearing. He started to rub his eyes feeling irritation as he looked at Mareep. He stopped in surprise as he looked at him.


Attribute: Electric

Aptitude: Excellent Rank 1

Level: Novice Middle Stage(14)

This Mareep is quite strong coupled with his Excellent Aptitude, this is going to be a strong pokemon for his team. Right after seeing this, he made his mind up and took out a poke ball.

"Mareep do you want to join me on my journey. I want to be the strongest trainer and I can teach you

Kaiser asked the sheep pokemon on her opinion and was delighted to hear what he assumed was a yes. Kaiser tapped the Pokeball on Mareep's head before turning into red light. The Pokeball shook 3 times before a "Ding" sound was heard signifying capture.

He threw the Pokeball and start to cuddle with Mareep. Kaiser sighed in bliss as he simply laid down on Mareep's wool. It felt like clouds and cotton combined to create the softest animal. He did this for a few mins before taking out a notebook. This notebook was one he used for making breeding plans for his team. He had a goal to find his dream team like Eelektross, Electivire, and Luxray. The eggs for Electivire and Luxray are quite expensive costing 20,000 upwards for Excellent Rank

"Alright Mareep, how about you show me moves you know on that tree."

Mareep nods as he charges towards the tree. Mareep slams its body into the tree making it shake and a few leaves fall.

"Alright Tackle, next".

Lighting arcs can be seen on the wool and tail as it charges up. A jolt of electricity is hurled at the tree leaving a small scorched spot.

"Thunder Shock"

Mareep jumps in the air and its tail is covered in a metallic luster. Then slams it down on the tree destroying most of it.

"That's Iron Tail. I know Mareep can't learn Iron Tail unless it is an egg move".

Kaiser was surprised at this, one of its parents might have known Iron Tail and passed it down. Anyway, this is a good thing since he has a way to counter ground types. Other moves he did not show were Cotton Spore, Growl, Agility, Charge and Thunder Wave.

"You have a good move-set Mareep. How about we practice your current moves until I have to go back."

Kaiser suggested to Mareep and shows its agreement by nodding. So for the next 3 hours, both trainer and pokemon worked out. Kaiser got tired around an hour of physical exercise but found out some benefits to his power. He could give a temporary boost in strength and speed but left him exhausted. With his current body, he could use this boost for around 6 mins. He could infuse a bit of this energy inside his pokemon to strengthen their bodies.

"What should I name this power. I could name it Electric Power. Not original but can work."

Kaiser thought to himself before finding himself a bit tired. He wanted to lay down for a bit but unfortunately slept due to exhaustion. Mareep who was panting heavily saw this before stopping. He went to Kaiser and snuggled his body making them both have a smile on their face.