
Electric Type Elite Chapter 1

(English not my first language.)

"Mmm, I can't wait to leave this forsaken place." Kaiser thought to himself as he looked outside of the window, the thunderstorms raging. Kaiser was what you call handsome at the age of 10 years old. He had black hair with blue electric eyes which made you feel like your hair was standing up when you peered into them. Kaiser sighed before turning back to his books about electric-type pokemon and how to take care of them. He was able to borrow these books from the library in secret. It was due to the fact how he was not liked by the orphanage kids due to his odd looks and behavior.

He was abandoned by his dad at the age of 5 years old due to unknown reasons. The reason was that he lost his wife due to childbirth and tried not to blame his newly born son.

Every time, he looked into the eyes of his son, he would see his dead wife. For 5 years, he endured the visions and memories about his wife before breaking down. He took his son and left him at the orphanage. He left straight after not wanting to see his son's tear but if he looked back for a second, he would see nothing. On February 10, Kaiser was left alone by his father who did not even a spare look at him and promised to get stronger. Kaiser held a big secret, he was reincarnated into the World of Pokemon.

He was a person who was wronged in his old world as well.

He was a 17-year boy with a bright future because of his grades and athleticism. He participated in multiple mixed martial art tournaments and won a few of them. He wasn't particularly talented in anything but worked extremely hard to achieve. He was happy because of this before it was all shattered. One day, he was given a love letter for a confession, he felt a bit confused at this. He did not have many friends certainly not any girl-friends but went anyway. He planned to let the girl down slowly because, at this time, he was not interested in any relationships. In the future after getting a stable job maybe he would able to pursue love. Love was something he never really got too much since his parents were abroad. They missed about 3/4 of his birthdays sending gifts instead with apology letters.

Anyway, back to the present, he walked slowly to the door that led to the roof. He took a deep breath in before opening the door. He saw a girl who he recognized as Alice. Alice was popular with the girls and boys and got second place in studying. He walked to her as she smiled at him.

"So you called me here for a confession right Alice". Kaiser asked nervously as he slowly approached her.

"Yep, Could you come over here. I just you want to stand if you don't mind." Alice replied in a sweet voice making Kaiser nod at this. He stopped on her right before facing her. He looked at her face and was surprised at this. Her face shone with anger making him take a step back as he addressed Alice.

"Alice, what's going on, and why are you looking mad," Kaiser asked before getting an answer he was not expecting.

"The problem is you, Kaiser. You cheat on every test after all how could you get 1st place in exams. I work hard along with tutors helping me but somehow you still get 1st in exams. The only way to do this is through cheating." Alice replies in a heated tone.

" What do you mean cheat on tests. I work hard every day and have never cheated on my tests." Kaiser replies in an offended tone as he angrily looked at her. How dare she accuse him, he walked every day to make sure he had good grades.

"Haha, this what liar would say but you won't live for long after all". She crazily tells him before pulling what seemed to be a gun. She pointed at his chest before saying a few parting words.

"Goodbye, Kaiser. Hope you are in hell, cheater."

He tried to pounce on her but was slow as her bullet pierced his abdomen making him drop like a puppet without his string. Alice had a smile as she shot him another time, this time making him lose consciousness. He thought of a few things before he died to bullet wounds and blood loss. Kaiser lost consciousness and his vision went black. The next thing, he saw was a man holding him as Kaiser and he cried together. He soon went to sleep not understanding what happened to him.