
Electric Type Elite Chapter 11

(How do you guys like the story so far. Tell me in the comment section. No frequent updates unfortunately, sorry. Tell me if my pokemon are getting strong too quickly.)

Timeskip to an hour later

"Kaiser please come to the front desk. I repeat Kaiser come to the front desk." Nurse Joy's voice can be heard on the PA system. Kaiser quickly went to the desk for his pokemon.

"Thank you for coming, please come again". Nurse Joy says in a sweet voice as she hands you back your pokeball. Kaiser nods before walking out of the pokemon center clutching the incubator. There were only 3 weeks until the examination for the school happened. The closest examination spot for Ever Grande Academy was in Fallarbor Town. The actual academy was in Ever Grande City near Ever Grande Pokemon League and Victory. The current Hoenn Champion is Steven who got the title around 2 years ago.

Kaiser quickly moved to Pokemart to buy TMs and Pokeblocks. He was running low on Pokeblocks and it was time to buy some more. TMs because Elekid reached level 10 during the time he trained Flaaffy. He mastered the abilities he learned faster than Flaaffy due to his aptitude. He mastered Swift, Leer, Thunder Shock, Brick Break. Now he was working on Thunder Punch.

Kaiser went in and continued straight to the pokemon food to get the Pokeblocks. He got enough for 4 months and Pokemon food which cost around 30,000 poke dollars. After getting the box, he went to the TM section. He looked over the TMs:

Hail: 7,000 poke dollars

Flamethrower: 5,000 poke dollars

Blizzard: 8,000 poke dollars

Rain Dance: 9,000 poke dollars

Sunny Day: 9,000 poke dollars

Kaiser looked at the price of the TMs and calculating how much money he possessed. He had around 100,000 including the price of 30,000 poke blocks. At school, there are ways to get recipes for poke blocks for credits. There are many ways to earn credits to buy many different like TMs and even pokemon. He had enough to buy a few TMs and make them permanent. He thought about the weakness of Elekid and Flaaffy at the moment. Elekid was all about Attack and Sp. Atk along with high speed. Flaaffy on the other hand had high Sp. Atk, Health, and Sp. Def but lacks in Speed.

Kaiser looked over the TMs and picked out the ones that most suited them.

Substitute: 2,500 poke dollars

Echoed Voice: 3,000 poke dollars

Light Screen: 3,100 poke dollars

Hidden Power: 3,200 poke dollars

Kaiser looked satisfied at his purchases as he exited the store. He went back to his training spot and released both of his pokemon. Now for the 3 weeks, he is going to train Elekid and Flaaffy before leaving for Fallarbor Town.

Timeskip to 3 weeks later

Kaiser sat down on the ground sweating profusely. He just finished his morning workout. He took out a water bottle from his backpack and chugged it down. Some of the cold water drops onto his face cooling him down. Kaiser put the bottle down and looked across the field. His newest addition was sparring. He saw Electrike fighting Elekid as Electrike used Double Team to create illusionary copies of himself before using Thunder Fang. He made decent progress but it took too long for it to be used. Elekid countered with Brick Break but Electrike midway switched to Bite clamping down on his hand. Elekid shook his hand up and down to get rid of him but Electrike stuck like he was glued on. After a few mins of struggle, Electrike let go and jumped off. Elekid cradled his hand before looking at Electrike with anger in his eyes.

Elekid was able to breakthrough to Veteran Early Stage in a fight between himself and a wild Electrike. Kaiser caught the Electrike after Elekid defeated. The reason he took Electrike with his was because he was an electric type and was almost able to defeat his own bred Elekid. Manectric had a mega evolution form making him have 2 possible mega pokemon on his team. He was bordering on Novice Peak and that evolution made his breakthrough to Veteran Early Stage. Electrike was a Novice Peak but could fight a Veteran. That was a week ago and his pokemon became quite strong.

Flaaffy, Light Pokémon

Attribute: Electric

Ability: Static

Hidden Ability: Plus

Level: Veteran Late Stage (29)


Elekid, Electric Pokémon

Attribute: Electric

Ability: Static

Hidden Ability: Vital Spirit

Level: Veteran Early Stage(24)


Electrike, Lightning Pokémon

Attribute: Electric

Ability: Lightning Rod

Hidden Ability: Minus

Level: Veteran Early Stage(22)


All of his pokemon were able to break through to Veteran Rank making him proud of their hard work. Kaiser went back to Wattson's house where he lived due to Wattson's insistence when he found he lived outside in a tent. Kaiser denied his request at first believing he did too much for him.

"Nonsense, neither I or my wife care about that. We see you as our son, understand. Now come on, my wife is cooking my favorite, Roasted Magikarp." Wattson told him straight with a smile. This response made him almost cry. After all, he was ostracized by his peers and abandoned by his father. He never made friends or had parental love outside of Wattson and his wife and his pokemon. He promised in his heart to become the strongest to make them proud. Kaiser closes the shower as he comes out from the bathroom wearing a towel around his waist.

Kaiser wore black pants with a yellow undershirt. Kaiser brought all of the items including the pokemon egg. Kaiser went outside and began to walk to Fallarbor Town. To get to Fallarbor Town, he had to go through Verdanturf Town. The entire trip to Fallarbor Town from Mauville City and back is about 6 days. Kaiser had bought cooking supplies, pokemon food, and a tent since he was going to be camping out a lot. Kaiser released his pokemon to accompany him on his journey to reach the examination site.