
Elder World Net

ArcticFreeze · Games
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3 Chs


Tuesday came and it was 5pm. I was sitting there wondering if it was actually going to show up. 15 minutes passed, then 30, then 45, then finally, a whopping hour later. I heard a knock on the door.

"Adam Rengue?" the man asked, when I threw the door open.

"Yep, you're an hour late, I stated bluntly.

He visibly cringed, "Sorry sir, we ran into a large traffic problem on the way earlier, I apologise for the inconvenience."

"It's alright, shit happens. I'm more excited that you're here, than upset that you're late." I replied.

"To start this off, I'm required by law to tell you a little bit about how the system works. In order for the system to boot into the game, it requires you to fall asleep in order to input what your brain will receive as dreams. Because of this fact, the game only allows players to play for a maximum of 12 hours a day, resetting at midnight everyday. This is for your health and safety. Of course, we don't expect you to fall asleep naturally. The inside of the chamber radiates radio waves that stimulate the hypothalamus, causing your arousal signals to shutdown and transition to sleep. We estimate a max of 5 minutes to transition to the game world. The system is also equipped with a massage system, in order to further stimulate your body while you play the game."

I nodded, all of these were things that I had read when I signed up. "Alright, let me show you where I want it."

As he proceeded to setup the system in the spot I showed him(luckily I had an empty guest room), I asked him a question: "So do you guys get to try the game or do you just set up?"

"Unfortunately, only the developers, or those that know a developer get access to the beta." he said. "The job pays pretty sweet though, but still, I'd love the opportunity to play the game early."

In high spirits from the system actually showing up, I decided to surprise the man. "How would you like it if I helped you get into the beta?" I asked him

"That would be awesome dude! It isn't a hassle?" he asked

"Not at all," I said "just follow this link and enter this code" I wrote down the link, tore it off the notepad, and presented it to the technician.

"Holy shit, thank you dude," he replied, stunned. "I can't wait to have one of these bad boys in my house!" He exclaimed.

After finishing up, the man left. In high spirits from doing a good deed, I decided to boot up the console. Following the safe use instructions on the side of the seat, I prepared to begin my adventure.