
Elder World Net

ArcticFreeze · Games
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3 Chs

Speak friend and enter

When I opened my eyes, I was hit with a vast array of colours, sounds, and senses. More vivid than anything else I'd ever seen in my life. What do I mean senses you ask? Words could not begin to describe the surface of what I mean, but I shall make an attempt. It was as if I could sense everything around me. The pattern the breeze took across the sky, The animals on every tree, and every hole. I could sense sunlight being swallowed up by plants around me. I could feel the universe as a single organism. For a brief moment, I understood what it meant to coexist.

And in what felt like the same moment, he understood nothing. Imagine losing all feeling in your body, being unable to see, hear, taste, or even smell. You still couldn't possibly come close to the feeling I was experiencing in this moment.

Then, I was myself. "Holy Shit." I said, collapsing to my knees, my shoulders shaking. Yet, even as I spoke the words, I was quickly forgetting what I had just experienced. I could feel the knowledge in my head, but as I was, I didn't have the capacity to understand what I once had.

"Choose a class"

My head snapped to the sound, immediately breaking me out of my haze. A familiar looking male figure had appeared in front of me.

"What? A class?" I replied, startled. As if on cue, a menu appeared in front of me

| Mage: A class that focuses on magic. |

| Fighter: A class focusing on close combat. |

| Rogue: A class focused on sneaky combat. |

| Archer: A class focusing on raged combat |

| Variable: Class created based on gameplay. |

The man spoke again: "All classes switch to variable after round 10. However, choosing a class will align your stats in the recommended format."

I contemplated for a while. I have always been an indecisive person, so letting the system enter my stat points for me was very tempting. Eventually the variable class won me over. The idea of my actions creating my destiny was too cool to pass up.

"I choose the variable class." I told him

"Very well then, choose your spawn location. You can also randomize it, or choose a difficulty and we will decide for you."

"What difficulties?

A menu appeared once again:

| 1) Big Chicken |

| 2) Novice |

| 3) Normal |

| 4) Slightly Difficult |

| 5) Hard |

| 6) Try Hard |

| Rewards increase based on difficulty. |

"I'm going to go with slightly difficult." I said

Who knows what this game has in for me, no sane person would jump headfirst into whatever insane things could be waiting at any higher of a difficult start.

"As a beta tester you get to choose three abilities to help you in this world. You do not get to re-choose later."

I waited for a screen to pop up, but none were revealed. Do I just ask for something? What would make good abilities? I pondered for several minutes thinking of my best choices.

"I want the ability to speak all languages, the ability to teleport wherever I want, and I want to be able to summon creatures, weapons, and tools."

A notification appeared in my vision:

| You have gained the following abilities: |

| Tongues - Speak any humanoid language. |

| Portal - Setup and link portals in areas you have been to before. |

| Binding - You can bind any item or creature to you every 5 levels, allowing you to summon it to yourself. |

Wow. Of course, it was too much to expect him to get game breaking abilities. Especially at the very start of the game.

The figure started to speak again:

"Remember to try creative things out there. You never know what you could achieve."

Suddenly a booming voice called out

"Congratulations on creating your character, and welcome to: Elder World Net"

All the things I could see faded to black.