
Elder Blood Witcher

Most people who die and are confronted with a godlike being like to take the easy route... Not this guy. I have been sitting on this concept for a while and want to see if I can write it, starting with the Witcher then the game Absolver and then onto Darksouls 1. Don't rely on there being consistent updates because its unlikely... If you want to support my work or tip me enough to buy a drink please go here >https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross Also, if you wanna join my Discord, here's the link : https://discord.gg/mG4vG5SUbF My next work, a Fallout Newvegas Fanfic : https://www.webnovel.com/book/steel-waste_18419577106748205 I don't own the cover art and have no idea who does, so don't sue me I guess? I also don't own, the Witcher, Absolver, DarkSouls or any other games, anime, books or movies written about.

Niggross · Video Games
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906 Chs

Dramatic Entrance!

Next out of the portal is Logan, Griggs, Anastacia and Dusk. They don't draw any particular reactions apart from those proficient in magic, Logan giving off a feeling of eccentricity, knowledge and power. All the makings of a powerful magic user.

However, they all feel as if they'd just been punched in the face by the next person that steps through... Solaire and Sieglinde step inside, the former not bothering to restrain his power as he never had the need to before this. Due to this those present who were sensitive to magic all stare at him with blank expression, the power he's giving off is ridiculous... Like Vilgefortz times by ten thousand, it simply isn't comparable. His eye's glow with an eerie gold but the simple smile he gives knocks them offguard.

Sieglinde "Stop smiling or I'll be forced to pull those women off of you." she says through her onion helm. She was beginning to regret walking with Solaire, the reason she had done so was to draw attention away from her armour as people generally mocked it the first time seeing it. Except for those who were knowledgeable of Catarina.

Solaire "With friends there's no reason not to smile Sieglinde!" he says happily but frowns afterwards, "I still wish my sister would have picked me though." he says slightly downtrodden.

Sieglinde "Well you've got my company so stop frowning or I'll take offence to it." she says which has Solaire's mood improving slightly.

The duo stand in-front of the the Chaos Servants and wait for the others to arrive, just as Quelana leads Quelina inside. The latter is nervous at what Reima's friends and family will think of her but is more confident than Quelaag is... Truth be told she's a nervous wreck and is only presenting herself so publicly because Reima is there with her.

Lambert backs away as he sees Quelina's lower body and shouts, "What the fuck!" He's about to draw his sword when an Occult enchanted dagger stabs the wooden stable beside his head...

Reima's voice shouts from the portal, "Lambert you draw that fucking sword I'll ram it up your arse so far you'll be using it as a tooth pick!"


Lambert slowly releases his grip on the swords handle as Quelina notices someone she thinks she knows. She shakes off Quelana's grip and scuttles towards them as they tense up.

Quelina "Uncle Vesemir!" she exclaims with a smile.

Vesemir's face goes from tense, to confused before finally resting at a soft smile he usually only saves for Ciri. "You know me child?" he says, deciding to ignore her lower half and treat her like a young woman until he gets some answers.

Quelina gives a bright smile and nods, "Reima saved me by using techniques you taught him, he's told me all about you while teaching me Alchemy!" she says quickly.

Vesemir "Hmm, Reima's been tutoring students? That's good to hear." he says as he slowly pats her head. "What is you and your.. Friends name?"

Quelana walks over and addresses him, "I'm her sister, Quelana. This is Quelina, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Ermion walks over with a frown and begins, "Forgive me Miss Quelana but your sister appears to have had her nature twisted..."

Quelana "What's that supposed to mean?" she says, not yet taking offence...

Ermion "Hmm, how to explain, think of it like a thread... Normally the threads would be straight, or occasionally twisting around eachother, but... Quelina's is more comparable to a ball o' twine."

Quelana "So? She's happy and healthy so I see no need to try and change her." she states, only now realising that her sisters affliction doesn't really bother her anymore.

Ermion "It's just... I am a Druid, someone who seeks balance. Your sister is all over the place..."

Quelana "Enough, keep your thoughts to yourself. I feel if I hear what you are proposing I'd burn you to a crisp." she says threateningly.

Ermion shows his palms and nods, "My apologies, I just wished to discuss about how this had come about."

Quelana "Talk with Reima if you wish to know, he's the most involved at this point..." she says.

As Quelina and Vesemir and conversing the second to last pair come from the portal... Ciaran and Sif. At this point no one is surprised when Sif prowls out of the portal with Ciaran next to him. Artorias giving off a striking picture when stood next to the great wolf.

Finally Priscilla walks through the portal with Carimir in one hand, Scythe in the other along with the Dragon Slayer GreatBow slung across her back. Her tail and horns heavily imply her inhuman origins however this doesn't matter all that much when Reima steps through with Quelaag holding his hand. Her lower body continues to burn as it looks much more mutated and unnatural than anything else that'd come through before her.

Reima "Is everyone here then?" he says as the portal closes behind him and he walks forwards with.

Geralt "No idea, but I'm hoping you know what that thing is." he points to the Dragon sitting on the nearby mountain

Reima "Ah, him? He's called the Everlasting Dragon... He's a buddy of mine so don't worry about it." he says which makes a few people heave sighs of relief.

Geralt himself feels assured that the Wild Hunt has no chance if that big ass Dragon is going to be assisting them, "So.. Care to introduce us to your friends?" he asks.

Reima nods, "This is Quelaag, she's called the Chaos Witch in her world, though not many are still alive to tell tales of her... This is Priscilla, daughter of Seath the Scaleless Dragon, creator of Sorceries." He points to Quelana and Quelina, "They're Quelana and Quelina, sisters of Quelaag and all daughters of the Witch of Izalith, Mother of Demons."

Reima then gestures towards Sieglinde and Solaire, "Over there is Sieglinde of Catarina, daughter to Siegmeyer, a warrior who's unfortunately no longer with us... This is Solaire, God of Sunlight and terrible Gwent player-"

Solaire "I have only lost one hundred and twenty four games to you my friend! You have just gotten lucky."

Reima shakes his head and moves on while ignoring the looks of disbelief being sent his and his friends way. He points to Rhea and Anastacia and is about to introduce them when the former interrupts him.

Rhea "I am Rhea of Thorolund, faithful worshipper of his Holiness Reima and Solaire."


Reima "Right... This is Anastacia of Astora, a.. Healer if you will." He points at Sif and Ciaran, "This is Ciaran, former Lords Blade and former knight of Gwyn. And this ball of fluff is Sif, yes. He's a Wolf and no, I have no idea why he's so big... Or is able to use a sword." Reima is then about to introduce Dusk but is interupted.

Following in the footsteps of Rhea, Dusk decides to introduce herself to everyone. "I am Dusk, Princess of Oolacile and fiance of Sir Reima."





Man, writing scenes like this is hard ¬_¬, trying to get everyone involved in the correct amounts is almost impossible... Regardless I hope you guys enjoyed it.

If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts