
Eighty-Six: The Exectioner

The executioner, the best of the best, the survivor that lived through battlefields of death, and became the bringer of death. She was highly prized by the millitary of San Magnolia republic despite her being one those "slaughter pigs"as ironic as it can be. Despite she had the iconic silver hair, her bright crimson ruby right and fiery beryl blue left heterochromatic eyes had set her different from others, but it didn't bring bring the usual looks of disdain, au cotraire, it was jealousy and greed that had sparked a fire of hate. The eyes she had were extremely rare, possesing the ability to see into the future. And in the passion of hate, the "pure bloods" sent her to the front lines. She isn't just some diposable person though, and her nickname describes perfectly why. She is vastly different from the other "slaughter pigs". No matter what orders the handler gives, she always secures a 100% success rate. She executes every command like an oiled machine and maintained well, efficiently taking out any Legion she was tasked to. She was the Executioner. And so those silver haired bastards decided honour her performance, that is at least what they told her with contempt. She was going to be transfered to the "Spear-Head" squadron in the 86th area, with a new "toy" they had her pilot, it was a prototype unit. And alike her nickname, they named it after her, The Executioner. Well, not like codename "Vindicator" gives f*ck about what they name it. The only thing she could give a care to is being transfered to the unit "Spear-Head". She got to meet an equally famous/infamous soldier after all. Codename "Under-Taker". It was the reaper Shinei Nouzen himself. Along with the others of the Spear-Head squadron. She could only smile as she stares at the new people she would work with. "I have feeling the next years onwards are going to be frigging fun."

Nakamura_Shun · Anime & Comics
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['Nice to meet you, Under-Taker.']

Birds were quietly flying on the morning horizon as droplets of water from the rain yesterday night softly glides down the window.

Shin, as usual of the morning, went to his desk and picked up his uniform jacket and wore it. He holstered the gun on his leg and stood up.

He picked up one of the many books he took from the old and worn library and closed the open locker, only for it to bounce and open again.

May 12, Stellar Year 2148

"Haah!" Haruto yelled as he threw a wet towel on a bee-like figure and landed it straight on the face with a wet sound.

"Nice, man!" Kino commented as he procceded to continue moping the floor, but suddenly picked up another wet towel. Raiden turned around and spoke. "Get cleaning."

Kino did a 360 spin and threw the towel, only for it to hit Raiden's face. The towel fell on the floor as everybody scrambled from the main room to evade Raiden.

"Ahhhhh!" Their shouts penetrate the wall and reach outside. Kaie softly waters the flowers outside the building and turns to the direction of the noise.

"They're having a good time over there, huh?" She turns around as she hear a soft deistressed scream as Kurena pops out the corner chasing a chicken. "Wait! wait!"


Kurena busts in on the door with Mikuri and Kuroto right behind her, carrying food, while Kurena bursts out with enrgy and shouts, "Eggs!!"

Anju and Daiya who were facing each other, presumably due to carrying a pot, turned around to look at Kurena and the other two.

Anju smiles and lifted up the pot unto the table while Daiya only sighs and bowed his head with tiredness. ."Welcome back." Anju greets.

Kurena was still holding up the egg since earlier was suprised by everyones reaction and she herself acted dumb. "What?" She asks unknowingly.

Theo crosses out an X mark on a drawing of their supposed previous Handler. "Hey, help me!" Lecca spoke as she waved her hand at Theo.

Theo walks away towards her while speaking boredly. "Coming." Kujo finnished drawing up something on the blackboard of the hanger of the juggernauts. "And done!"

Kujo smothers his hands togther in a clapping manner to get rid of the chalk in his hand and noticed Lev and other two people entering in.

"Hey, have fun out there today." Kujo greeted. Lev turned towards him and lectured. "You mean, "have fun out there, sir."

Kujo only gigled as he hurriedly left and went to the other processers. A cat with white paws yawned and slept back into its original position on top of Fido.

Fido was facing Shin, who was reading the novel book from earlier. His hand soflty picks through page by page. "Shin, there you are."

An alluring voice shot out as delicate hands that had hidden scars enveloped Shin from behind. Shin wasn't suprised and just looked back at her face. "Vindicator..."

"Wow, you're still as solid as stone, watashi no shinigami...." The said person commented. "If I had tried this on anyone else, their heart would have palpitated."

She raised her hand touched Shin's unchanging face. "I at least expected a smile from you." She spoke. Shin, in response, smiled warmly at her.

"Here, if you wanted it so bad, you should have just told me to smile. Not hug(seduce) me." Shin spoke as he put down the pocket sized book on the bench.

The scene was getting.... atmospheric. Heterochromatic eyes bore down on red. Their face distance was close, simulating an exciting scene that was filled with expectations.

Too bad the scene ended too soon as the sound metal striking metal rang out and reached their ears. "Members of spearhead, it's breakfast time!"

The two broke out of their trance and stood up straight. "Shin, let's go." Vindicator spoke as the others arrived on the scene.

"Morming!" "I'm comming." "Coming." "Right, right." "Morning!" Everyones voices mixed and gradually became one as the two greeted everyone back.

"Let's eat!" The same word came out of everyone's mouth as they begin to chow down on the food. "There are more omelets." Daiya spoke.

"Give me more!" Kujo spoke as he stood up while raising his spoon up. "Calm down." Daiya spoke. "Can't you chew your food first?" Kaie reminded.

"Is it good, Kuro?" Raiden asked the cat feeding on the omelet in its platter. "Hey, our Handler went crazy, right?" Kino asked the group.

Theo waved his spoon as he spoke. "The one from the last battle? That one's not coming back." "I heard it, "Stop it, stay away!" " Haruto acted out as everyone joined in and laughed.

"Stop it, guys." Kurena reprimanded. Theo sliced up his omelet and spoke. "White pigs always does that." Vindicator let out a 'hmph' and looked away from him. "Why do I feel like it was aimed at me, Theo?"

"Sorry, Vindicator. It wasn't, you're far different from those white pigs." Theo spoke. "Anyways, whoever comes next, the same thing will happen."

"Right?" Haruto confirmed. "But everyone was able to go yesterday right, Shin?" Kaie asked. "Yeah, it's fine." Shin spoke as everyone sighed in relief.

"Well, if we're going to die, we have our executioner to send us, and our reaper to guide us." Kujo spoke as he laid back on the chair and rested his head on his hands.

"What?" Kujo asked the cat with white paws and then stretched out a bowl of soup towards it. The cat raced and jumped at Kujo, making everyone suprised.

The bowl hit the ground as everyone shouted in suprise.


A round was fired and screeched at the aliminum plating of a legion. The legion fired back as the eighty-six-ers shot back at them. "It hurts, dammit!" Kujo shouted through the comms.

Vindicator's eyebrows knit together in rage as she continued to take down legion after legion. The rage the reaper exhibited was fully displayed, though his calm facade.

The same was with everyone. One of them died, and they were angry that it happened. They blame themselves, they kill the legion, the cycle repeats..... it ALWAYS, repeats.

The legion retreated as they suffered too much casualties, their broken remains stay dead as Vindicator slowly took her modified juggernaut towards Kujo's.

"It hurts, dammit. I don't want to die!" Kujo spoke. Vindicato- No, The Executioner exited her juggernaut and loaded her shotgun.

The reaper was at the scene too. Kujo, looked through the hole in his juugernaut towards the Executioner with tired eyes and smiled.

"Vindicator.... No, I should call you executioner." Kujo spoke. "Promise me. Don't forget...." He breathed his last as the Executioner pointed her shot gun at Kujo's head.


A gunshot ecoed out the ruined city as Vindicator's left eye gained a small spot of red in the iris. Kujo's processer lost its green light and confirmed that he was dead.

Shin turned off his and walked towards the juggernaut and chipped away at the tag. Raiden came over and asked. "Was Kujo able to leave?"

Vindicator turned around and looked at Raiden with dead eyes. Simply void of any emotions, indicating that she wasn't in the mood to talk about it.

"He did." Shin spoke as he continued to chip away. Raiden turned towards Shin and asked. "What about your brother's voice?"

"No." Shin replied shortly. "I see." Raiden spoke back and left. Shin pried off the tag as Vindicator continued to glare at the sunset.

"Goddamit!" She uttered in spite, she was unlike the reaper. She didn't like the feeling, but she had to do it, and she couldn't just keep in her boiling rage either.


Daiya, Anju, Hariz, and Touma were cleaning the dining room. "There's no one left now...." Daiya spoke a bit blue of what had happend.


"hhhmmm." Lecca threw a dart and it just bounced off. "You suck!" Haruto spoke. Kino, Kurena, Theo, Myna, Kariya, Kuroto, and Chise were all inside the main room.


While Shin and Vindicator were inside their room. Well, they share the same room, after all. Shin was just scratching away at Kujo's tag, writing his name on it.

Vindicator aproached Shin and hugged him, in some way, comforting Shin. Though she herself needed some comfort so her embrace was always something that gave him warmth in the cruel world, while also giving herself some relief.

The whole of the remaining spearhead squadron perked up as they were suddenly connected to someone. "'Handler one to all Spearhead units.'"

Everyone quited down and stopped what they were doing as they listened to the new voice. "'I am your new Command-and-Control officer.'"

They all looked at Theo as he mouthed: "A woman?" They all nodded as he flipped a new page on his drawing book and began drawing. "'I've contacted you tonight to introduce myself.'"

Vindicator got off Shin as he spoke. "Hello, Handler one. This is spearhead squadron's combat commander, Personal name: Under-Taker. We've recieved word of a new handler. We look forward to working with you."

"'As do I'" handler one responded. "'Nice to meet you, Under-Taker.'"
