
Eighty-Six: The Exectioner

The executioner, the best of the best, the survivor that lived through battlefields of death, and became the bringer of death. She was highly prized by the millitary of San Magnolia republic despite her being one those "slaughter pigs"as ironic as it can be. Despite she had the iconic silver hair, her bright crimson ruby right and fiery beryl blue left heterochromatic eyes had set her different from others, but it didn't bring bring the usual looks of disdain, au cotraire, it was jealousy and greed that had sparked a fire of hate. The eyes she had were extremely rare, possesing the ability to see into the future. And in the passion of hate, the "pure bloods" sent her to the front lines. She isn't just some diposable person though, and her nickname describes perfectly why. She is vastly different from the other "slaughter pigs". No matter what orders the handler gives, she always secures a 100% success rate. She executes every command like an oiled machine and maintained well, efficiently taking out any Legion she was tasked to. She was the Executioner. And so those silver haired bastards decided honour her performance, that is at least what they told her with contempt. She was going to be transfered to the "Spear-Head" squadron in the 86th area, with a new "toy" they had her pilot, it was a prototype unit. And alike her nickname, they named it after her, The Executioner. Well, not like codename "Vindicator" gives f*ck about what they name it. The only thing she could give a care to is being transfered to the unit "Spear-Head". She got to meet an equally famous/infamous soldier after all. Codename "Under-Taker". It was the reaper Shinei Nouzen himself. Along with the others of the Spear-Head squadron. She could only smile as she stares at the new people she would work with. "I have feeling the next years onwards are going to be frigging fun."

Nakamura_Shun · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

The beginning of Death

Vladilena Milize, as usual of the day, entered the San Magnolia Military HQ that was reeking of drunk old men and irresponsible young people. Not that they're aren't any different.

A passing by drunkard raised his bottle and greeted her. "Good morning, major- ouoouh... *vomits*."

Lena did nothing but walk past and ignored the messy corporal and head straight for her destination. Until she overhears the other Majors talking about "pigs".

"Those pigs sure cried off their heads yesterday," She gazed her eyes over and saw old bastards talking and boasting. "It was a pretty crazy fight, at least five of them died."

"Not that any people are on board. Hahahahaha!" They laughed off as if human death was normal to them. Not that they even consider 86'ers as humans.

One of the old men turned around and stared at Lena with mocking eyes. "Hey, everybody! The doll-loving princess is glaring at us!"

"Why do you look so sad, Major Milize?" One of them asked with a tint of I-don't-know-what as her glare worsened. "There just a bunch of busted up drones."

"Listen, you––" "Morning." Just as Lena was about to lecture out, Annette stepped in front of her and cut her off. "Morning, Annette." Lena greeted back.

"You're up early, you normally sleep in." Lena Added. Annette yawned as she explained. "I was working up late at night, not like those morons. And just forget about them!"

"Heh???" Lena asked inaudibly. Annette took Lena's hand and dragged her though Lena was taller. "This isn't the battlefield. We're inside Grand Mur. And the enemy will be gone in 2 years."

"If anything, you're the weirdo for taking things so seriously." They reached the pass way and entered deeper into the building. "I just think that this country's conscience has–"

Annette raised her left hand and waved it while closing her eyes. "Right, right. Milady. I'm not awake enough to listen to your speeches."

And then they overheard something again. "What's that processors problem?!! He's just a part!!" A guy on the escalator complained to his buddy. "That's true!" his buddy answered.

"We're from district one, why do we need to listen to those bitching pigs in district 86?!!" He threw his para-raid on the ground and walked off pissed. Lena stayed quiet but Annette noticed.

"Why do you care so much for the drones, Lena?" Annette asked. Lena turned towards her direction and answered. "They're not just drones."

"I'll try again then. Why do you care so much for the 86?" Annette was tired of Lena being so Saintly. Lena only stared at her hand-watch that blared an emergency.

"The battlefield calls, milady." Annette wakes. Lena hurried towards the control rooms and entered hers. She sat on the seat and put on her para-raid.

"Initiate Id. confirmation. Major Vladilena Milize. Eastern front, combat district 9. Defence line 3 Unit command and control officer."

The computer blared on and displayed enemy positions and friendly lines. "Activate Para-RAID. Synchronization target: Pleiades processor."


"Synchronization complete. Handler one to Pleiades: Glad to be working with you today." Lena greeted. "Pleiades to handler one: Synchronization channel clear." A hoarse voice answered.

"Be careful, the enemy's entering firing range." Lena nodded and spoke but was cut off. "Every time, you're so kind to us inhuman 86. It's very sweet, human lady."


"You're changing my assigned unit, General Karshtal?" Lena asked. The said man nodded his head and spoke. "Yes, one of the unit's handlers is retiring from his post."

"As such, we need a new one is needed immediately." He added. "If they can't leave their post until a successor is decided, does that mean it's a unit defending an important base?" Lena asked for confirmation.

"Yes," the general confirmed. "Defence line 1 in eastern defence line combat district 1. AKA, the spear-head squadron. It's comprised of veterans from all across the eastern theatre. An ace unit you could say. Oh, and the Executioner was also transferred to the unit."

"Executioner?" Lena asked. "Were you living under a rock, Lena? Why don't you know about the famed executioner?" The general asked suprised.

"Anyways, explaining: The Executioner is what every handler that took control of her could say, the best of the best, the veteran of veterans, the ace of aces. And, an unkillable pest."

"The best? That executioner is that great that even they even gave compliments?" Lena was baffled as to how those wasted bastards could even appreciate an 86.

"Of course, boasting an astonishing 100% mission success rate. Know one thing about the Executioner, it's a fact by now. No matter what you throw at it, success will be the only result."

"But... I'm a new Major. I don't think I could handle such a unit." The general took a seat on the table side sofa and answered. "-And you're also the youngest person to ever rank up to Major."

"If you try to be too humble, you'll make many unnecessary enemies of almost everyone, Lena." He added. "I'm sorry, Uncle Jerome."

"I'm sure Vaclav would be proud if he could see his daughter, too." The general spoke while staring at a picture as Lena followed his eyes to see a picture of her father, her, and her uncle.

Lena smiled as she saw it. "How is Margarette?" Her uncle asked. "The same as ever, she wouldn't stop telling me to get married."

"I'm sure." Her uncle responded. "Actually, we can't find anyone willing to take on the role." He brought back the subject up. "They're an ace unit, right?"

Lena headed for the opposite sofa and sat. "Wouldn't it be an honour for a republic soldier to command them?"

The general pointed at the paper. "Well, that is true for the unit itself. Its unit commander's name is Undertaker. There's a story behind it."

"A story?" Lena asks her uncle. "They call it the reaper." Her uncle responded as Lena shows a surprised expression. "It destroys any handler that tries to take it."

"Eh? The processor destroys the handler? Not the other way around?" Lena was surely surprised at this point. "Correct."

"It's not just a ghost story?" Lena was worried of what was happening. "I don't have enough time in my schedule to share ghost stories with my subordinates."

"Almost all handlers for the unit with undertaker in them requests to retire or change units. Some have even committed suicide. It's hard to believe, but they say they're haunted by the "voices of the dead"."

"The dead?" Lena leaned back a little scared. "You're free to refuse, Lena. You work too hard anyway. A handler's job is to monitor the unit, keep their commands to a minimum, and let the local commander take control."

"I'll do it." Lena abruptly stood up and spoke. "I'll give my all at commanding spearhead and being its command-and-control officer." She added.

Her uncle only smiled at her and spoke. "You don't need to do anything more than your job, Lena. Stop trying to interact with the processors."

"It's a commander's job to know her soldiers." Lena refuted. "Well, while I'm lecturing you, let me tell you one more thing. Stop putting the number of fatalities in your report. Officially, there are no humans on the battlefield. So, there are no fatalities. "

"That doesn't mean we can ignore them. What we're doing isn't even supposed to be allowed."

"Lena. You really are just like Vaclav. Alright, right now, I appoint you Vladilena Milize, as handler– that is, Command and Control Officer– for defence line combat district 1, defence line 1. Have the paperwork done by the time you get there. And do your best.ahave te"

Lena stepped forward and straight. "I'll do my best until my final mission."


The executioner, the best of the best, the survivor that lived through battlefields literally bringing death, and became the bringer of death to those she face. Including her teammates that were killed by legion, the dead stays dead unless Legion improves again.

"Well, I only do what I must do." The executioner spoke to herself. Feeling wrong for the sins of those white eyed bastards results to nothing. Suicide missions suck as the weight of the dead only pile up and she couldn't do anything but destroy the legion.

She was highly prized by the military of San Magnolia republic despite her being one those "slaughter pigs" as ironic as it can be. But she isn't just some disposable person, and that is exactly why.

She is vastly different from the other 86. No matter what orders the handler gives, she always secures a 100% mission success rate even with, or without teammates.

<<Pilot {Vindicator}, get ready for a drop, we're approaching designated area in about a minute. >> A robotic voice rang out inside her mind. Vindicator extends her hand forward into the controls of the machine she was in and fiddles with it.

She executes every command like an oiled machine and maintained well, efficiently taking out any Legion she was tasked to. "I am the executioner after all. Can't do anything about that."

And so those silver eyed bastards decided honour her performance, that is at least what they told her with contempt. "Frickers might be onto something, but I'll survive it anyway."

She was going to be transferred to the "Spear-Head" squadron 'again', with a new "toy" they had her pilot, it was a prototype unit with 'better specs' and a built in 'Ai'. God knows what they stapped to the unit that looks similar to the ordinary unit, but far gunned.

Fast, strong, packed with big fast-firing-heavy-hitting guns, her over all style of weapons. Though she doesn't like it that much compared to much heavier hitting guns they could have chose and a few more blades to hack and slash.

And alike her nickname, they named it after her, The Executioner. Well, not like codename "Vindicator" gives a f*ck about what they name it.

"Whatever name they give it, doesn't matter. As long as I survive, live on, and kill the legion. I don't care." She muttered to herself as the machine whirred to life.

"Damn those bastards, they really want to get rid of me." The only possible thing she could thank them for is being transferred to the unit "Spear-Head". She got to meet an equally famous/infamous soldier after all.

But still, area 86 was still a place for death sentence. Getting transfered here means suicide. "Here we go!" She shouted as the hatch of the helicopter-carrier she rode on opened. She approached the exit and jumped off. "Woohoo!" She shouted in excitement.

She extended out the machines arms and legs outwards to create more surface and increase resistance to the air from falling. "What a beautiful view, too bad it'll end soon."

<<Warning, pilot Vindicator. Please release the parachute in quick succession before we both hit the ground splatter. We are entering low altitude height.>>

"Shame, partner." Vindicator spoke as she spun the machine around 360 to reduce the of influence of gravity and force by dispersing it- "Would have like to enjoy the view a bit more." -quickly released the wing-like parachute, slowing her downfall.

The 4-meter-tall machine crashed on the ground gently with a thud and slowly stood up full frame. "Whew, good thing I'm an expert at landings of epic proportions, else I would have splattered."

Vindicator spoke through the speaker as she saw the people who were greeting her. "Looks like the executioner is as flashy as always." The man in the front spoke.

Vindicator powered down the machine and got out while chuckling and refuted his words. "Looks like the reaper is as lame as ever." Death-Match landed on the ground as everyone started laughing.

Codename "Under-Taker". It was the reaper Shinei Nouzen himself. Along with the others of the Spear-Head squadron.

The Laughing-Fox Theota Rikka , Snow-Witch Anju Emma, Wehr-Wolf Raiden Shuga, Gunslinger Kurena Kukumila, Falke Haruto Keats, Black-Dog Daiya Irma, Kirschblüte Kaie Taniya, and the others.

She could only smile as she stares at the new people she would work with. "I have a feeling the next years onwards are going to be frigging fun."


"How many shades of blue do you think there are? Among the thousands of possible colours, I had only seen one in you. Oh, lonely reaper." – The famed executioner, ***** ***********