
Echoes and Shadows

Once upon a time, she knew a boy. He was her friend, who soon became her home. The only escape from the nightmares haunting her. Then, he vanished.. letting her fall back into dark pit. Now, he is back, to keep his promise of protecting her from her nightmares. Little did he know, he became another of her nightmares the very moment he left.

Lazy_semicolon · Urban
Not enough ratings
11 Chs



December 2011.

"God Ali! You are such a lazy bum. You aren't ready yet," Ray grumbled as he entered my room, disturbing the peaceful bubble of my room.

"I don't want to go, "I whined.

"Not this again Ali. Joe is going to kill you if you ditch his birthday party," Ray pointed out making me groan.

"Arghhh! Why am I even friends with you guys," I complained getting up from the comfort of my bed.

"Because we are the best. Now go and get that cute little ass into the shower. I will pick a dress for you," he offered.

"Nothing stupid Ray," I ordered making my way towards the bathroom. 20 minutes later, I was done with my routines and went back into the room to find all my dresses on the floor.

"What the hell Ray. What on earth are you trying to do?" I asked.

"Find you a dress," Ray said in all seriousness.

"And you had to throw all my dresses on the floor to do that. Do you even have an idea of how long it is going to get them back in place?"

"Shit! Sorry. I didn't think of it. I couldn't find anything suitable, so I got... Ummm... frustrated I guess," Ray answered looking genuinely guilty making me release an exasperated sigh. How can I be angry at these guys when they are so cute?

"Alright. But you are going to help me fix it later," I ordered to which he groaned but nodded.

"Did you find anything yet?" I asked.

"No. There is nothing in here. Half your cupboard is filled with Aaron's shirts," Ray complained.

"What? Only the upper shelf belongs to him."

"Oh yeah. And what about all these?" Ray said pointing towards Aaron's shirts on my nightwear shelf.

"They aren't his. They are mine now. He gave them to me. They help me sleep when he is busy with... umm... other things," I answered.

"Other things? Seriously Ali? You can say the word you know. Sex. Fucking...." I smacked him on his head cutting him mid-sentence.

"Ouch! What was that for?" he whined.

"Shut up and get to work Ray."


"I am not."

"Really. When was the last time you kissed someone Ali?" he asked with a serious tone, all playfulness gone.

"How does it matter? I am happy the way I am Ray. If you don't like it, that's your problem. Not mine," I huffed.

"Arghh... Ali. Please don't be upset princess. I was just trying to say that you need to try at least," he said pulling me into a hug.

"I know. But I don't think I am ready for that Ray. You know how long it took the last guy to run away," I said in a small voice.

Towards the end of my junior year, one of the senior guys asked me out. I was reluctant in the beginning, but he was persistent. After a few dates and kisses, he wanted more. I wasn't even ready to spend more than a few hours with him, let alone think about anything more. He got pissed and the next thing I knew, he went away for college. Not even a goodbye.

"He is a jerk Ali. Not every guy is like him. You can't shut off from guys just because of one douche bag," he sounded angry, which was so unlike him.

I know but I also knew that any guy would expect something out of his girlfriend. And I am too damaged to have a serious relationship. I can't even imagine talking about my issues to some random guy.

"I know, "I simply said knowing arguing with Ray over this would get me nowhere.

"Alright then. We are going to find you a guy at the party," he continued making me groan.

"What's the matter Ray? What got into you today? Why won't you let this topic go?"

"I heard that Clay asked you out again."

Oh... he knew. So this is the reason for his persistence.

"Umm so, "I decided to play innocent.

"And you said no again," he said turning back towards the cupboard and looking through my dresses.

"He is one of the good guys Ali. He genuinely likes you. I am not trying to force you into something you aren't ready for, but if you want to give yourself a chance, I think he can be that guy," he stated.

"I will think about it," I answered though I wasn't planning to. I am not ready, and I knew it.

"Well. I think I found it," he said holding an off-shoulder blue dress with a big pretty black belt at the waist. It flared at the waist and ended a little above midthigh. It was cute but too short for my liking.

"I don't think so Ray. It's too short," I expressed my concern.

"The hell it is. It's the cutest dress I have seen till date. I am surprised you didn't wear it before," he said.

"Umm... It wasn't exactly my kind. It's a gift from Maddy, so I couldn't give it away either," I explained.

Maddy, Madeleine is practically the only girlfriend I had in my school. She is a perfect combination of hotness and sweetness. We met during my junior year, and she initially took me under her wing. Even though she had her own set of friends, we were there whenever the other person needed.

"I am not listening to any reasons Ali. You are wearing this and it is final," he ordered in a voice that held no place for arguments making me groan.

Within 15 minutes, I was all dolled up, and we went down to kill some time watching TV before Aaron came to pick us.

A horn blared from the driveway suggesting Aaron's arrival. As usual, we raced to his car shouting our good-byes to Kayla. By the time we reached the car, we were both panting like dogs. However, I won again and so, went to sit beside Aaron poking out my tongue at Ray.

After getting my breath into control, I looked up towards Aaron to find him already staring at me with an indecipherable expression.

"You chose the dress. Didn't you Ray?" Aaron asked in a troubled voice.

"Yes I did," Ray answered smugly.

"So you aren't going to back down?"Aaron's words held unknown tension within them.

"No. I won't. You are an idiot Ron. Not everyone is," Ray answered.

"What's happening guys?" I interrupted.

"Nothing of your concern," Aaron snapped. Wow, rude much.

With that,t he started the car.

Our journey to Mason's place was filled with tense silence. I was angry but questions in my head bugged me more than my anger. Aaron never even raised his voice on me and when he did, it meant something is really bothering him.

Aaron and Ray never had an issue, but the air between them seems to get thicker by every minute. What happened?

Once we reached the destination, I went into his house without waiting for either of the guys. I heard both of them call for me but yeah, take that for giving me the attitude.

"Thea. I am sorry. Please make sure one of the guys is always with you tonight," Aaron said falling in step with me.

"Thanks, but I can take care of myself Aaron," I countered.

"Yes, you can. But not in that dress," he said not bothering to hide his distaste for my dress making my anger go up a notch.

"Fuck you Aaron," I sneered walking away from him. How dare he complain about my dress? Most of the girls my age wear dresses worse than this. Every girl he dates or sleeps with as he call it, wears them nonetheless. What's wrong if I do?

Once inside the party, Joe engulfed me in his characteristic hug and took me all around the party introducing to his friends while Mase kept warning me of 'dangerous' ones while doing so.

"Allie," A voice called from behind me making me turn towards the owner with a big smile.

"Clay," I beamed at him.

"Fancy seeing you pretty girl," he said nodding.

"Joe promised to kill me if I am not here," I answered.

"I owe him one them."


"Because, if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have got a chance to see you looking the way the you do. You look beautiful Ali. That dress... it makes you look like something beyond description," he smiled at me getting closer.

"Umm... Thanks, I guess," I answered getting slightly uncomfortable. I didn't want to lead him into a direction I wouldn't allow myself to go. I liked him, but not in the way he wanted me to.

"Ahh... I think I should go," I said trying to back away.

"Hmm... I am sorry. I forgot compliments make you uncomfortable," he said with a sad smile.

"Oh! It's not like that. I need to find my friends."

"If that is the case, how about you find one in me?" he asked making me frown in confusion.

"Don't look so lost Allie. I know you aren't interested in me. I would have given anything to have you as my girlfriend, but I would give more to get a friend like you. So how about we be just that tonight? Friends? I am sure it is gonna be super hard for me with the way you are looking right now, but I am ready to try. Are you?" The hope in his voice made it impossible to say no. And I have no reason either.

"I would love to," I answered hiding my uncertainty.

Surprisingly, we ended up having a great time. When he didn't try to charm me, Clay was actually very witty. I enjoyed this playful side of him so much that almost an hour passed without my knowledge.

As I checked my phone for the time, I saw that I had almost 30 missed calls from the guys. Shit!

Immediately, I called the number on top of my log list, which happened to be Aaron's.

"Where on earth are you Thea?"He asked as soon as he took the call.

"Umm... near the pool table," I answered.

"What? But I just checked that area. Wait there. I'll be there in a minute.

"With that, the call was cut making me sigh. I am in for a very good drama episode now. Within less than a minute, Aaron stood in front of me. He immediately pulled me into a hug making me feel bad for not letting him know.

"You scared me Muñeca," he said still holding me.

"I am sorry. I wasn't thinking," I said making him nod. Releasing me, he looked around and his eyes narrowed on Clay.

"Oh! You were with him," he stated.

"No. I was with Mase and then saw Clay. We chatted for a while and he brought me to his friends," I explained nervously. I had no idea why I was nervous. Nor did I know why I felt like I had to explain.

"Oh. Alright. Looks like you are having fun. I will be around. Text me when you need something."

With that, he left me standing there with my mouth hanging open. This wasn't him. He never went away from me. And he sounded upset.

I excused myself from Clay and his friends and went to find Aaron. Pushing through drunk bodies, I ran around searching for him.

Finally, I spotted him standing in a balcony.

Just before I could reach him, a pretty blonde wound herself around him. Sophia.

His present girlfriend or fuckbuddy. Whatever it is. Her perfectly manicured fingers trailed along his jaw while her other hand kept running down his chest.

To say she is beautiful would be an understatement. She had a body that belonged to models. A perfect pair of long legs which were on clear display, thanks to her barely-there dress. Her makeup was precisely done making her look older and... perfect.

She is exactly the type of girl Aaron preferred. Blonde, beautiful, athletic and... Perfect.

Their meeting started getting heated up, and that was my cue to leave. Feeling disappointed for some unknown reason; I moved towards the main party to find the other guys.

Soon enough, I found Ray, and he pulled me to the dance floor. After dancing on a song or two, I went back to the bar not feeling like dancing anymore.