
Easily Betrayed

We rejoin Aimee and Namjoon and the wider BTS family a year after the last story ended. (2023) The BTS boys should be promoting a new album and touring before breaking to enlist in the Korean army, but things don't go to plan. We follow them through some troubling times where bonds could be broken and lives devastated. As this is set in the future it will be completely fictional. Some places may be real, others made up.

Laura_Smith_0905 · Celebrities
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83 Chs

Chapter 61

"Aimee, can you hear me? Aimee, open your eyes!" I hear a frantic sounding Yoongi. I feel like I am waking up from a nightmare. My eyes adjust to the sun, and I realise I am on the floor, still outside the stadium. "What happened?" I ask him, trying to sit up but feeling dizzy and like I need to lie down. "I think you fainted" Yoongi says, grabbing his phone from his pocket and ringing someone.

I hear him talking in Korean, sounding quite authoritative and with a little tension in his tone. He hangs up the phone and puts it back into his pocket, and turns to me and says "Ji-Ho is going to get the car and come and get us, and then i'm going to take you home. I think you need something to eat and drink and then a rest. "You can't leave you have rehearsals, I will be fine. Ji-Ho can take care of me" I advise, trying to sit up again. "Rehearsals can wait. Your my wife's best friend and I am not leaving you alone, I am going to take care of you like I know she would want me too". He helps me sit up, comments on the lovely shade of green I am and laughs. I chuckle slightly with him, appreciating his efforts to try and make light of the situation.

He gets me to my feet, and keeps hold of me so I do not fall. I feel really weak, my legs are trembling and my hands are shaking. This does feel like my body telling me I have low blood sugar, I used to get this when I was at school because I would not eat.

This was all because Katy Pritchard called me fat and said my arse was bigger than the moon. It took me such a long time to be happy with my natural curves, and for a while I went through a worrying stage of starving myself.

Katy Pritchard was the most popular girl at school. We had been through junior school together too. She had always been horrible, throwing insults around to everyone not in her click.

I've never really said I had an eating disorder, I know I had an issue, but didn't go to anyone for help, Lori noticed what I was doing and kept on at me about eating and helped me to love myself. I was lucky, because without her and her Mum making sure I ate it could have turned out much worse.  

In a few moments Ji-Ho pulls up in the car and comes and picks me up off of the floor, carrying me like a little girl and putting me in the back seat. Yoongi jumps in next to me and helps me with the seat belt as his phone rings. I hear him say "no, she needs to eat and get some rest so I am taking her home. There is no need for that, I won't be long. Leave him, let him figure out what he wants to do, just do what you can to keep everyone else focused. Ok, bye" and then he hangs up. "Who was that?" I ask. Apparently it was Taehyung checking on me and seeing if he should get everyone else to come home.

Once I am all clipped in, we set off and I close my eyes. The car is so quiet, and the slight rock of it is lulling me to sleep. "Thanks Yoongs for looking after me so well. I will tell Lori she needs to reward you. You are a great friend" I say, stifling back a huge yawn. "You are welcome Aimee, I'm just sorry for the circumstances" he says back patting my hand. I must finally drop off from the exhaustion of everything because the next thing I remember is being lifted up out of the car, carried up to my room and placed onto my bed.

Lori is there but doesn't say anything just helps me under the covers, tucks me in and kisses my forehead. My brain still needs to shut everything off and out for a while so I bury my face in the pillow that smells like him, my stomach flips as I remember again what happened and I drift back off to sleep, a feeling of upset and unease at the forefront of my mind as I do.