
Easily Betrayed

We rejoin Aimee and Namjoon and the wider BTS family a year after the last story ended. (2023) The BTS boys should be promoting a new album and touring before breaking to enlist in the Korean army, but things don't go to plan. We follow them through some troubling times where bonds could be broken and lives devastated. As this is set in the future it will be completely fictional. Some places may be real, others made up.

Laura_Smith_0905 · Celebrities
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83 Chs

Chapter 62

My hair is being played with, I can feel someone twiddling it in between their fingers. My eyes open slightly and the room is still light. I feel heavy, my eyes hurt so I rub them managing to focus better. It's Lori. She is sat beside me, reading a book, engrossed in whatever murder mystery or crime novel it is this time, aimlessly fiddling with my blonde locks. I put both my hands on hers and she turns to look at me. A warm smile fills her face and softly she asks "how did you sleep?"

I move her hand to my mouth and kiss it and sit myself up a little. "Ok I think, I still feel a little woozy". She leans over to the side table and picks up a glass of water. "Can you drink some of this, I think you are dehydrated" she requests. I take the round tumbler and drink as much as I can stomach, which is about half of it. I pass it back and she places it on to the table. "Do you feel hungry?" I shake my head. "You should eat though, how about some toast and a cup of tea?" I love toast, especially if it has loads of butter on it. "Ok" I reply.

She stands up and heads towards the bedroom door, off to the kitchen to do what she does best, look after me. "Lori, what time is it?" She checks her phone and says "it's a little after 3pm". She stays at the door for a minute, almost sensing that I have a few more questions. "Is Jangmi ok? What do you know? Are they still at the venue? Have you spoken to Namjoon?" I fire them all off one by one, my brain now working on overdrive to catch up on the time it has lost.

"Jangmi is fine. Sakura has had the kids all day and is happy to have them for as long as she needs too. I know that Namjoon has been unfaithful but I'm not sure on the details, Yoongs didn't want to say too much, he wanted you to tell me. Yes they are still at the venue, and no I haven't spoken to Namjoon. I talked to Yoongi about half an hour ok, he said Joon has stayed in the green room, won't come out to rehearse, won't speak to anyone, he hasn't eaten, Jin keeps trying to get him to talk and he just won't. I think Seijin might have managed to get him to drink some water".

I look around the room for my hand bag and see it's down the side of the bed. I rummage around and take out my phone, I have a mass of messages. "I will be right back" Lori says leaving me to it and closing the door behind her.

6 missed calls (Namjoon x 4, Jimin x 1 and Taehyung x 1)

16 text messages (Namjoon x 5, Jimin x 2, Jungkook x 3, Taehyung x 2 & Hobi x 4)

1 new voicemail from Namjoon

What do I do first? Read or listen? If I read, whose do I read first? Do I want to see what he has to say for himself? I decide to read everyone's messages but his. I'm not ready for that yet, I certainly don't want to hear his voice at the moment.


-Aimee, I hope you are ok x

-I am so sorry, Namjoon is stupid x

-I'm here for you if you need anything x

-None of us are happy with him x


-I am so mad at him, he has messed up so badly. X

-Here for you, whenever, even if it's just for a cuddle X


-Aimee, I know you won't be ok, no one would be in your situation, you need to know it's ok to be sad. I love you, I will be here for you come rain or shine.

-I have to be honest with you, I punched Namjoon in the face! I was so angry with him for hurting you.

-I have messed up, I am so sorry. I need to talk to you about yesterday. When you are ready. I have to explain. I love you x


-My darling gwihan, I am so so sorry. I feel bad for any part I have played in this. I have pushed Namjoon, I have been awful to him and that has caused problems for you both. I regret this so much. I will always love you, I understand your decision about stepping back from our friendship, but if you ever need me I will be here for you. X

-I hope you are feeling ok. Yoongi said you were not well. Rest. I love you. X

Wow, that's a lot to take in. How is it that after all of that too pick through I just keep hoping that Namjoon's face is ok!