
Earth's IP Game Designer {BOOK I COMPLETED}

John Waters was your average otaku before his death. After finishing the final manga of one piece (a work that has spanned his entire lifetime) in 2050 he transmigrated to "Blue Star". In a world almost the same as ours, the technology tree seems to have missed a few nodes resulting in high-tech Full-Dive VR equipment without the well-developed game industry and Intellectual Property to go along with the technology. Along with John comes the "Earth's IP" system and with the backing of the "will of the multiverse" he will embark on the journey to bring enlightenment to this high-tech, yet, "un-enlightened backward world" called Blue Star. Of course, I don't own anything but the MC. Thanks to the original creators of all of the amazing IP that will span this entire web novel. Releases will be 3 - 4 chapters a week. #system #naruto #ATLA #SAO #Videogames #Onepiece #Pokemon #assasins creed #skyrim #Fate Cover Image came from State of the art text-to-image AI generator called Stable Diffusion.

Moonwolf1235 · Anime & Comics
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195 Chs

Crew or Imposter?

As Stan was looking through the computer and understanding his new job as 'host', person after person started to appear in different colored outfits. They were wearing 'Bubble-suits' that resembled the chemical protective coverall suits 'hazmat' teams commonly wear...

"Hey man, are you have the 'host' position that the help section talks about?..."

Stan looked at the approaching male, he resembled a typical caucasian with blonde hair and blue eyes, he was handsome...

"Oh sorry is there something on my face? Hey, stream, why didn't you tell me I had something on my face?..." the blonde spoke again, conveying to Stan that he was streaming comically.

The guy's antics made Stan smile and warm up slightly to the young man...

"Hi...yes I am the host...I was about to start the game..."

"Oh sweet! " the boy responded, "can you explain some of the settings to give my viewers a sneak peek? I'd appreciate it..."


The two talked for a bit and it wasn't until the lobby was full and people were restless that they both separated, a small level of trust formed between them as friendly acquaintances.

"Everyone understands the rules right? Bossman here is gonna start when we're ready " said the blonde-haired man while gesturing towards Stan, earning nods from the crew who finished reading through the gameplay instructions...they had vigilant eyes wondering who the imposter would be...


Standing in a conference room with a big red button in the middle, the suited individuals all glanced around as they read their roles and began to make plans...

"Alright, how about this...whoever is imposter just come on out and we can just look around for this first game, no need to worry...being thrown into the lava after being voted out was probably just bull-crap said to ensure compliance with the game rules..."

Although the guy speaking acted confident, he was still wary, and before he could continue his speech a girl in a pink suit interrupted...

"HA! How do we know it's not you ehh?... I'm the head of the 'true crime' club at my university and you sir, because of that statement, now smell like fish to me...FISH!"

The room was silent and awkward which only ended when the man responded to the blatant accusation..."no, no, no...you got it all wrong...I just wanna explore peacefully, I'm a crewmate I swear it!"

The skeptical girl in the pink suit was getting more paranoid by the second, she's seen too much...TOO MUCH! "None of you can be trusted, and you dude are the most suspicious...Crewmate huh!? ....CREWMATE HUH!?...hmmm.....HMMMMMM!"

The girl kept speaking skeptically while backing out of the room slowly, eyes jumping frantically...as she reached the door she bolted out of the room.

The rest of the people were creeped out by the girl and silence reigned before the streaming blonde-head spoke "Well, that was extremely sus but she's got my trust...I don't think that's the way a murderer would act...alright guys, good luck have fun!"

They all went their own ways looking for their 'tasks' while steering clear of anyone they deem suspicious...


Stan was left alone in the conference room...he was sweating bullets as he didn't know what to do...the glaring red letters on his screen made him panic....he didn't want to kill, but death by lava would suck horribly...' maybe if I just dive head first it would be instant death?....aww, why did I let Athena talk me into this!?'