
Earth's IP Game Designer {BOOK I COMPLETED}

John Waters was your average otaku before his death. After finishing the final manga of one piece (a work that has spanned his entire lifetime) in 2050 he transmigrated to "Blue Star". In a world almost the same as ours, the technology tree seems to have missed a few nodes resulting in high-tech Full-Dive VR equipment without the well-developed game industry and Intellectual Property to go along with the technology. Along with John comes the "Earth's IP" system and with the backing of the "will of the multiverse" he will embark on the journey to bring enlightenment to this high-tech, yet, "un-enlightened backward world" called Blue Star. Of course, I don't own anything but the MC. Thanks to the original creators of all of the amazing IP that will span this entire web novel. Releases will be 3 - 4 chapters a week. #system #naruto #ATLA #SAO #Videogames #Onepiece #Pokemon #assasins creed #skyrim #Fate Cover Image came from State of the art text-to-image AI generator called Stable Diffusion.

Moonwolf1235 · Anime & Comics
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195 Chs

Causing Trauma 1

Each member of the ten players spawned within the meeting room. They looked around quickly, eyeing each other with the hopes of getting the slightest hint from their expression....now was the best time to tell, since they were just told of their roles...

Many an appointed imposter gave themselves away with smiles and giggles, and even a few crewmates who liked their role were killed for the same reasons... laughers get tappers...as they say.


I looked at the glowing red "Imposter" that appeared in my vision, I quickly reigned in any emotion or any outward indication that I was happy...

'It is only my first game and I landed the big role, I will look around the airship and watch for stragglers...maybe even stick with the charismatic man for an alibi...'

I, with the rest of the players, made our way West, outside the meeting room which led to the ladder...it took us down to the platform connecting the "floating platform" and the West side of the ship.

I followed behind the man I spoke at length within the lobby for a few turns and eventually, he stopped in the cockpit and looked at me with a critical eye before saying..."are you the imposter? Why are you following me?..."

I knew of his past experience so I had to sell it right from the start so I sunk deeper into my role before responding...

"What? Why do you say that? I don't have any idea where I'm going....it's my first game..."

"That means nothing..." he said sternly while watching me closely. "I don't exclude anyone of being the imposter...woman, man, or baby..."

I had no idea he was this suspicious of people..."well, how do I prove I'm a crewmate? You can't very well send me off to fend for myself can you? I'm new to the game and would be dead in seconds..." I said, showing the most pitiful puppy-dog face I could...

"That doe...." he stopped mid refusal, before breathing a *sigh*...


I look at the pitiful woman, I knew it was very unlikely that she was the imposter...even more so that she could be this good at playing that role. There were only two scenarios as to why she hasn't played Among Us yet...one is that she is a brand new Diver who just received access to Mr. Oscar's multiverse, or she has been diving for many years into one or two higher-level worlds, paying no attention to the easy-ranked ones...

The most likely was obviously the former, which means she could never be this good at the imposter role...

But I still couldn't bring myself to trust her. However, before I shot her down and told her to stay away from me...my chat sent a barrage of messages telling me to help the beautiful lady on her first match...

[Netizen 69]: I swear on all that is holy and the great creator Raven himself, if you dare abandon the se%y piece of a$$ then I will never watch your stream again! The lovely maiden needs a man like me to help but since I'm not there, you will be my proxy!

[Netizen 657]: Agreed with the dude above on all counts, this lovely lady needs our help and we cannot abandon her....she's defiantly not the imposter!


Unbeknownst to the player in black, if he would have watched his stream chat just a little longer before focusing solely on the game and teaming with Chastain, he would have seen a message that would have sent chills up his back...



I closed my stream chat after reading two of the usual watchers' messages telling me to team with the beautiful lady...


"Look, I will trust you...there is little chance that you are the imposter and even if you were, I doubt you could pull the wool over my eyes being as inexperienced at this sort of subterfuge as you likely are...watch my back while I check admin, we need to understand where everyone is before starting our task..."