

Love is sweet and unique like the flavor in candy, sometimes sweet sometimes sour. Sometimes, something that looks good will look bad. Vice versa, it is the same with matters of the heart. Sometimes, giving in is sweeter than being with someone you love. However, with an acidic groove. The sweet and sour side is like a unique unity, like a complicated storyline. But, made an impression on the heart. Two separate earphone cables, reconnect. The sweet taste that accompanies the sour taste that will not move gloomy. Because, the sweet one will be loyal to make the sweet groove on the sour. Isn't this a unique and fair epilogue? When the smile comes off and the shackles of disappointment both embrace at the end of the story.

Nursari_ · Teen
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5 Chs


Today is the last day of MOS in SMA LANGIT. For Adel, events like this really make him afraid.  People will surely laugh at me if they know how strange my voice sounds, Adel thought, looking at the crowd of students who had gathered in the field like him and Fathan.

 "Why are you scared?" asked Fathan as he watched Adel staring at the crowd.  Adel then nodded quickly without even turning towards Fathan.

 "Hey, there I am," Fathan teased as he removed some of the hair that almost covered Adel's eyes.  Adel gave a small pinch to Fathan's arm, who was teasing him.

 "Uh, cute fierce," Fathan chirped with glee.

 "All the students please gather to the field and form a neat line," the voice from the loudspeaker made the two of us immediately join forces.  Adel tries not to speak up because it will be something that will make his school life change like when he was in junior high school.  "Del ...." Fathan whispered.


 "I'm in a hurry, you are okay with you here for a moment," said Fathan with a expression on his face holding back the urge to relieve himself which had to be resolved immediately.

 Fathan is going to the toilet, which means I am alone here.  But if I hold on to him I'm so limp, thought Adel.

 With great compulsion Adel nodded slowly, after receiving a nod from Adel, Fathan immediately took a quick step towards the committee and then asked permission to complete what had to be done.

 After Fathan's death, Adel could only look at his watch, hoping that Fathan would return soon.  But the situation seemed to be not on his side, an announcement was heard from the loudspeaker, "Everyone, please listen carefully to you, we will divide into 4 groups to face the school student council officers who will interview you. You are divided according to alphabet, OK?"

 H-how about this ... it's me if I get caught I'm not mute.  Not!  not that bad, but it would be even worse if they all knew my voice.  Adel's mind was trembling.

 "Alphabet AF with our Student Council Chairperson, Agra. Abjad GL together with the Student Council Deputy Chairperson, Melan. Your MR Alphabet with the Student Council Secretary, Ferdian. And finally the SZ alphabet with the Student Council Treasurer, Layla. All right, please go to the room we have provided because it is in  there the student council officials are waiting for you. "  The sound of the loudspeaker stopped, the students rushed to the room according to their alphabet.

 "Sorry it's been a long time, Del."

 Adel did not answer at all he just froze.  "Del? What's wrong with you?"

 Adel immediately took a book and pen from his bag then wrote down what happened, after seeing Adel's explanation.  Fathan then laughed and then smiled openly, "Calm down there I am, let's go. And it's good that we are in the same room, right?"  light Fathan calmed down.

 Adel, who had been gloomy, finally smiled and then followed Fathan's steps to the A-F alphabet room. They would be interviewed directly with the Student Council Chairperson at this school.  When they arrived there, it turned out that there were only 24 children with the alphabet A-F if they were added together.  Unlike the announcement made earlier the Student Council President was not in the room.

 "Hey, where's the Ketos?"  asked Fathan, who looked impatient to one of the male students who were in front of us.

 "We went to the toilet for a while, he said," he said.

 "I see," replied Fathan indifferently.  Adel handed a small piece of paper to Fathan, "What are you doing?"  said Fathan who looked confused.  Adel smiled as if he said just open it.  Fathan then opened the paper and it said 'be patient' Fathan suddenly smiled slightly.

 "It's really sweet," said Fathan, immediately grabbing Adel's cheek and pinching him lightly.

 "Sorry to wait."  A voice from behind the door made all the occupants of the room turn their heads.  That figure was none other than Agra, the Student Council President at LANGIT High School.  His name is so famous even among Alumni because of his achievements and also his handsome face.

 "Tch, handsome, I'm better off, right, Del," muttered Fathan angrily.

 "Del? Yes, you've been daydreaming," said Fathan, gently nudging Adel's hand.


 "It's okay, focus on it. Oh, the Ketos hasn't just arrived yet," whispered Fathan in a mocking tone.

 One by one the names of the students were called in alphabetical order and sat directly opposite Agra to conduct the interview.

 It's okay Del, you can do it!  Fathan said that if my name was called I only had to write it on paper that I was mute.  Inner Adel tried to encourage himself.

 "Hey."  A voice that sounded very close was in front of him but it was not Fathan's.  Adel slowly lifted his face, Agra in front of him, his sharp alluring eyes looked directly into Adel's.

 "You whose name is Adela Rafa?"

 Adel nodded slowly as he kept wondering why his name wasn't called but instead Agra approached him.  "Yes, let's go ahead with the interview," said Agra briefly, turning around immediately.

 "Why try everything, can you be summoned, what is the purpose of trying it," said Fathan from who succeeded in stopping Agra's steps.

 "Noisy," Agra sneered.

 "Woy what do you mean huh!"  exclaimed Fathan annoyed as soon as he got up from his seat.

 "Don't be arrogant because you are the school owner's son," Agra whispered then continued his steps.

 "Damn it!"  chided Fathan.  Adel swiftly held Fathan's hand and shook his head slowly trying to reduce Fathan's anger.  Fathan finally calmed down and then sat back in his place, after Fathan calmed down again.  Adel immediately approached Agra and sat on the chair that had been provided.

 "Home address," said Agra after Adel sat down.  Hearing Agra's words, Adel immediately wrote in a book then handed it over to Agra.  For a moment Agra stared confusedly at Adel who was staring at him innocently.

 "Why is it written?"  Agra asked, staring intently at Adel.

 Adel wrote another word in the notebook then thrust it in front of Agra, seeing the writing in front of which Agra raised an eyebrow at Adel in amazement.

 "Dumb? Are you ... mute?"

 Adel nodded quickly, "Huh? Sure," said Agra with full emphasis on the word sure that he said.  Adel then nodded again trying not to raise the slightest suspicion in front of Agra.

 "Stand up," Agra ordered coldly and then Adel agreed, who immediately stood up.  Agra then pulled Adel's hand away from the table so they could stand face to face.  Seeing this, Fathan immediately approached the two of them.

 "What do you want," interrupted Fathan.

 "I asked again, are you really mute?"  asked Agra.

 "Heh you really mean it, he is really mute, you know!"  said Fathan.

 "Oh," replied Agra who immediately stepped on Adel's feet, making Adel scream out loud in pain.

 After shouting Adel immediately covered his mouth with both hands, the children who were still in the room were dumbfounded when they heard Adel's strange voice.

 "Damn it!"  shouted Fathan, immediately sending a fist to Agra's face.  Adel could no longer cry sobs because the disgrace that no one else wanted to know was finally uncovered.

 "Why is your voice weird? Cute face but voices like men aged 40 years."

 "Hahah crazy could it be you are not a girl?"

 "Amused when I heard earlier, oh my god if I know I recorded it earlier."

 "Ha ... ha ... ha ... ha."

 Whispers and ridicule rang out from the cruel mouths of those who were shocked to hear Adel's voice.  Adel could not bear to hear the insults anymore, he ran out of the room crying.  "Adel!"  exclaimed Fathan, immediately chasing Adel who came out.  Meanwhile, Agra could only be silent staring at the departure of the two, especially the figure of Adel.
