

Love is sweet and unique like the flavor in candy, sometimes sweet sometimes sour. Sometimes, something that looks good will look bad. Vice versa, it is the same with matters of the heart. Sometimes, giving in is sweeter than being with someone you love. However, with an acidic groove. The sweet and sour side is like a unique unity, like a complicated storyline. But, made an impression on the heart. Two separate earphone cables, reconnect. The sweet taste that accompanies the sour taste that will not move gloomy. Because, the sweet one will be loyal to make the sweet groove on the sour. Isn't this a unique and fair epilogue? When the smile comes off and the shackles of disappointment both embrace at the end of the story.

Nursari_ · Teen
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5 Chs


"The shortcomings will look great in the eyes of those who see them big and belittling."

 🎧Agra Mahardika🎧


 "Adel!  Gosh, it's a really fast run, "Fathan grumbled.  Fathan's steps now slowed down after seeing Adel who was hugging his legs while crying in an empty building not far behind the school.

 "Del, sorry, I was late to prevent this from happening," said Fathan as he walked over to Adel and then sat next to him.

 "Failed ... everyone already knows my strange voice," murmured Adel sobbing.

 "Calm down Del, don't you cry, I will try to make sure they won't make fun of you," comforted Fathan.

 "You mean, Than?"


 Elsewhere, Agra's room.

 "That girl named Adel ..." softly Agra quietly but her words stopped when she saw a red hairpin lying not far from her.  Agra then picked up the hairpin, without thinking Agra immediately stepped out looking for the whereabouts of the hairpin owner.

 Agra has found Adel who was crying with Fathan but he was reluctant to come closer, Agra decided to pay attention first.

 "Listen, Del, I have no problem with your voice being different.  To me it's cool, I laughed at first.  But I promise I will take care of you, I promise, "Fathan said firmly.

 "Why?"  collapse Adel.

 Fathan was stunned for a moment to hear Adel's answer and then grabbed Adel's cheeks with both hands, "Because you are 'special' Del," said Fathan.

 Agra, who had been standing still and only watching, finally decided to return.  But his face seemed to say something else, a look of annoyance radiated on his handsome face.


 "I don't want to go to school!"  cried Adel while pouting her tiny lips towards her mother who was standing in front of her with her hands on her hips.

 Mama then sat on the edge of her daughter's bed, sighing heavily, "Oh, so you don't want to go to school?  right, "said Mama again.  Adel suddenly nodded quickly at the narrative from his mother.

 "Well, then Mama doesn't want to either," said Mama.  Adel opened the blanket and sat facing his mother, "You mean?"

 Mama folded her arms across her chest, "Yes ... don't want to be Adel's mom again," said Mama, who got an unexpected response from Adel.  Adel suddenly cried and hugged his mother, "Mama is talking like that ... don't break up our relationship Ma, Adel is sorry," said Adel gloomily.

 Mama chuckled softly as she gently stroked her daughter's head, "Yes, no, you are Mama's favorite child.  So you have to be a successful person, you have to be of use to many people. "

 "But Mom, it seems impossible ..."

 "Impossible how?"

 "Because yesterday I did ..." Before Adel could not continue his words, Fathan's cheerful voice, which was heard from the front of his house, made him and his mother fall silent.

 "Del!  Let's go with Adel, "shouted Fathan happily.

 "Who is Del ... hem, girlfriend," Mama whispered half teasingly.

 "Uh, Mama, no.  My friend Ma, his name is Fathan. "

 "You know?  mistaken for a girlfriend. "

 "Uh Mama, have you delivered me to Fathan first.  I want to take a shower and get ready, "asked Adel.  A few minutes later, Adel was ready and approached Mama and Fathan on the porch of his house.  After saying goodbye, the two of them went to school,

 "Eh Del, today we're just cleaning the class and class distribution!  I hope we are in the same class, "said Fathan, trying to break the ice.  Adel nodded slowly, "Yes, I hope so too, thank you, I'm not ashamed to be friends with me."

 "Um, this is Del.  I'm sorry I asked you this ... your voice, "before Fathan continued his words, Adel immediately interrupted him," Congenital from birth, "said Adel quickly.

 The atmosphere became awkward again between the two of them, Fathan scratched his nape which did not itch at all.  Fathan finally dared to touch Adel's shoulder to stop the girl's steps. Adel gasped and stared at Fathan in confusion.

 "Eh, what's wrong, Than?"

 "Listen, Del, no matter what you are.  Whether you sound weird like that or whatever, I promise I'll always be there beside you, "said Fathan.  Hearing Fathan's words just now made Adel cry, this also gave Fathan a shock.

 "Why did Del cry?  I said something was wrong, "said Fathan, confused.

 Adel suddenly shook his head softly with a smile, "No, I'm moved.  Thank you."

 Fathan then let out a sigh of relief because it was not a big problem, the two of them arrived at the school.  However, yesterday's incident had a chain effect that spread rapidly throughout the school community.

 Adel bowed slowly, Fathan immediately grabbed Adel's hand and then hurriedly took her to class.

 "Don't listen to Del," comforted Fathan, smiling.  Adel nodded slowly as he wiped his remaining tears.

 For Adel, the presence of Fathan, who was in his class, was a gift, at least no one in the class dared to ridicule him because Fathan was the son of the owner of this school.

 The learning hours also took place with the activities of introducing fellow students in the class and the homeroom teacher. Their homeroom teacher was an English teacher, Ms. Nabila, who was known for her kindness.  Hearing Fathan's explanation before Bu Nabila entered made Adel's heart relieved, Fathan had also met Mrs. Nabila the previous day to explain about me.

 The introduction, which went very smoothly until recess time arrived, the students immediately rushed out to the school canteen.  However, Adel just sat on his bench looking at those who cheerfully went to the Canteen bustlingly.

 "Not to the canteen, Del?"  asked Fathan, who had been standing up from his place earlier.

 Adel shook his head slowly, "I'm still full, you wrote," said Adel softly.

 "Uh ... really?  Yes, I went to the canteen first.  What will I bring you later?  do you want bread? "  offered Fathan, smiling.

 Adel immediately waved his hand forward, "No, I can buy it later."

 "Ah, you can't refuse gifts from people, you know!"  replied Fathan, who immediately stepped outside with a grin which made it clear that Adel could not refuse.

 Adel sighed softly and then slowly put his head on the table, "Thank God, thanks to Fathan, now I'm not too afraid of school," Adel whispered as he closed his eyes slowly.

 "Missed."  A voice sounded soft and melodious near Adel, Adel opened his eyes slowly.  His eyes were rounded in disbelief in front of him. Agra was already staring at him with a flat gaze, without prompting Adel to immediately turn his face away.

 Seeing Adel's reaction, Agra rolled her eyes lazily and then said, "If someone talks to him, instead of being ignored," said Agra.

 Adel woke up and then looked down slowly, "S-sorry Sis, I didn't mean that," said Adel haltingly.  A smile was etched faintly on Agra's face, with her hand stretched out in front of Adel.  Agra opened her palm, Adel, who had been confused, was stunned.

 "Clip my hair!"  cried Adel but he immediately covered his mouth with his hand.

 "Just talking, don't be detained.  I'm left behind, "said Agra.

 Adel took his hair clip, "Thanks Sis," said Adel softly.

 After hearing Adel's narrative, Agra immediately turned around intending to walk away but her steps were suddenly held back because of the feelings she had been harboring since yesterday.

 "And also ... sorry about yesterday, I stepped on your feet too hard," Agra whispered softly.  "The shortcomings will appear great in the eyes of those who see them are big and belittling."  After saying that, her figure vanished leaving the classroom.

 Adel was silent for a moment after Agra's image completely disappeared from his class.

 His apologetic voice is really different, is he really sorry?  Sis Agra doesn't laugh about my voice either, thought Adel.

