

Love is sweet and unique like the flavor in candy, sometimes sweet sometimes sour. Sometimes, something that looks good will look bad. Vice versa, it is the same with matters of the heart. Sometimes, giving in is sweeter than being with someone you love. However, with an acidic groove. The sweet and sour side is like a unique unity, like a complicated storyline. But, made an impression on the heart. Two separate earphone cables, reconnect. The sweet taste that accompanies the sour taste that will not move gloomy. Because, the sweet one will be loyal to make the sweet groove on the sour. Isn't this a unique and fair epilogue? When the smile comes off and the shackles of disappointment both embrace at the end of the story.

Nursari_ · Teen
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5 Chs


The warm sunlight creeps slowly from the vents and between the window curtains, gently touching the skin of a 15-year-old who is still lying on his bed.

 "Del, wake up already morning.  Today you are still MOS, right? " said Mama gently stroking Putri's only hair.

 Adel wriggled lazily like a cat while yawning wide, he then sat down to face his mother.  Her hair is disheveled and her eyes are still not fully open, making her look annoyed and then sending a small pinch to her daughter's cheek.

 "Come on, let's wake up Del, it's too late," said her mother and then immediately got out of her place and out of Adel's room.

 Now that Adel is fully awake, he looks sadly at his high school uniform which is hanging neatly in front of the wardrobe.

 "Surely what happened during junior high school will happen again," murmured Adel immediately got up and grabbed his bath towel.  A few moments later Adel was ready with all his school supplies, he quickly descended one by one the stairs of his house.

 Without sitting at the dining table, her little hands quickly grabbed a sandwich and a glass of milk.  His mother, who saw this, then gawked, "Del didn't sit down yet, why?  I'm really in a hurry, "said her mother and only responded with a nod from Adel, who had now vanished in the door.

 The distance to the school and home is not far, so for Adel walking is better, after all Adel thinks he can do morning exercise as well.  Unlike his previous house which was located far from the school, since moving house he and his family have not bothered thinking about transportation costs.  Apart from being located near, there are other reasons why Adel wants to move because he deliberately avoids the children who often bully him and Adel hopes that in this new environment and the new school there will be people who want to accept him as he is.

 "Hopefully they can accept my shortcomings," Adel whispered as he kicked a small rock that was right in front of him.  But unbeknownst to him, the stone fell on the butt of a boy who was not far in front of him.  Because of his daydreaming excitement and looking down at Adel, he didn't realize that he was almost at school.

 "Heh what do you mean kicking a rock in my ass?  Tch, you flirtatious girl, "she insulted him with a mocking look.

 "N-that's not it, I accidentally," said Adel.

 "Hahahah, what the heck?  why is your voice so strange?  hahaha, you are dubber huh?  or how is your voice so weird?  Haha ... "he scoffed, laughing.

 Adel bowed softly, "This is my real voice," said Adel briefly.

 "Hahah… seriously?  Gosh it's so cute!  It's crazy to want to feel numb, my cheeks are laughing, "he continued again.

 I see, I haven't even entered school yet, I've become a laughing stock.  It's always like this, in my life Dika is the only other person who doesn't laugh at my voice after my family.  Inner Adel frowned.

 Suddenly, a hand stretched out in front of Adel, who was still bowed shyly.  Then slowly Adel looked up to find out who owned that hand, "I'm Fathan, you?  I think we are new students, right, "said Fathan, who was none other than the guy who laughed at Adel just now.

 "Adel, Adela Rafa."

 Both of them entered the school, the MOS period which gradually took 3 days to pass by Adel with the help of Fathan, the boy he met for the first time on the second day of MOS.  During MOS Fathan was the one who helped Adel and avoided the slightest possibility that someone could make Adel talk.  "But later it will be more complicated," said Adel gloomily.

 "How complicated?"  asked Fathan in surprise.

 "Later I will even be mistaken for a mute student,"

 "Yes, that's the plan,"

 "Evil!"  said Adel annoyed.

 "Don't be cranky, right, so no one teases you."

 "But what about the school?"

 "That's easy, my papa is the owner of this school.  So ... I already called my Papuan Secretary, "explained Fathan.


 Fathan nodded quickly to confirm Adel's doubts.  "Thank you very much, Than.  I'm sorry I bothered you, even though it's our first time meeting, "said Adel touched.

 "It's not a problem for a girl as cute as you," said Fathan.

 Instantly Adel's face flushed red, "Cute?  but so-sou- "

 "Sound?"  cut Fathan quickly, a smile etched on his cute face.  "Your voice is unique, with a cute face and small body and your unique voice is 'special' Del," said Fathan.
