
DxD: Well im...Zeus?

So yeah. Rebeon as a female Zeus in dxd. What could go wrong! Did I mention I look like female Gilgamesh for some reason? All rights go to their owners.

Bats3245 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 4

Metis PoV


Hello~ My name is Metis! I am an Oceanid, otherwise known as one of the children of the titan Oceanus and his sister Tethys. Life is pretty easy here with me and my 3000 sisters.

As long as we did what our father said nothing would ever go wrong! We lived in a paradise.....or that is what I thought..

One day as me and my sisters were doing as usual, our village was attacked. If the five giants crashing through our houses wasn't enough as a hint to what was happening, the very fact they had found us was.

The Oceanids live in a pocket dimension separate from Gaia (A/N: Referring to earth, not the person.) simply called the Oceanid dimension. Here we are safe as no one can enter other than us and our father. The fact that they are here means he has forsaken us...

It was sudden and brutal. There was no reason for Oceanids to train or get strong. We had everything we needed handed to us. And that fact was thrown into our faces as soon as we were attacked.

"Here! Lets go boys! Oceanus promised us we could do whatever we want as long as we got rid of these nuisances in the end!" Was the sound that alerted us of their arrival. Five titans appeared at the front of our village.

The tallest one was the one giving out the orders. And just because he was the tallest one didnt mean the others were small. Each and every one of them were well over ten feet and packed full of muscles.

"Well then lets get started!" He happily called out. And then it started.

They all jumped forward swinging their massive arms faster than I could see. The destruction they caused was massive. In under 30 minutes they had ruined the town we had spent our lives building. Houses on fire, bridges falling, even our temple we use to pray was torn down.

And that wasnt even the worst part. The cries of my sisters filled the town. I know naught of what was happening to them but it could not be good.

And finally one of them had turned their sights on me. "Heh? What do we have here. Such a cute one you are. How about we play for awhile!" He said with a disgusting smile.

He slowly started walking towards me. Backing up I hit the wall behind me. "P-Please! Leave me alone!" I cried out.

"Now where would the fun in that be!"

With tears spilling out of my eyes I brushed pat him and cried out. "Please God. Please save me.."

With the sound of thunder red filled my vison. Cutting through all the noise was a singular voice. "Lightning Shot!" Then she appeared. With golden hair cascading down like a waterfall, Crimson eyes holding unfiltered rage. She was wearing golden armor on her legs and arms, and a tight black shirt showing off her stomach and the red tattoos on it. (A/N: Cover of the novel)

"Ah.." It was a goddess.

Zeus PoV

End of Metis flashback:

Prying Metis off of me was harder then one would think. I don't know why she is so infatuated with me but she was. Honestly looking back it was pure luck I one shot that titan.

I can feel he is roughly as strong as me. Which is ashaming. I worked my but off and I am just a step away from reaching ultimate class! At such a young age too! I know I am a god but we don't just start off as planet busters! I mostly focused on skill in my training so I still dont have the raw power as an Ultimate-Class.

And yet that no name titan was as strong as me! Sigh.. I should take it as a lesson that since we are still in the "Age of Titans". This shows me that I need to get a lot stronger if I wanna beat Cronos.

Honestly this has to be an AU because their aint no freaking way Kuroka was an Ultimate-Class. Currently things here are much stronger than in the anime. It is much harder to climb up the ranks as well. (A/N: While I want Zeus to be a a badass throwing around planet blowing attacks like a boss, it will take a while.)

"Metis!" I called out getting her attention.

"How strong are the other titans compared to the one I felled?" If they all have the similar strength as him this could be challenging.

"Hmmm! I think they were a little bit stronger actually!" She said with a smile.

I swear this woman will be the death of me. "Alright then we are gonna need a plan. Otherwise this could get tricky." I mused.

Fighting them one on one would be the best case. The worst would be an all out barrage.

"Ah! I think it is a little late." Metis pointed out behind me.

Turning around I saw four pissed off titans with murder in their eyes. "Well crap..."

I quickly casted an illusion spell on Metis and pushed her back. " Metis get as far away as you can. I cant protect you and fight against them too." I got no reply but I knew she had heard me.

Readying my spear I once again called on my dwindling mana to cast what would be my last reinforcement to myself, as well as beckoned my divinity to shroud me like a cloak.

"Lets do this!" I called out.


Against popular belief in a fight between one vs many, the many dont actually wait and attack one at a time like in a movie. No, they all rushed me at the same time. Swinging whatever their choice of weaponry was.

Whether that be their fist or a sword. Honestly their coordination was horrendous though. Ducking under one of their haymakers lead them to punching the other in the face. Giving a small snicker I focused back on the fight.

Giving a quick glance around to locate them all. One to both my left and right and two behind me. Quickly charging to the one on my left I threw out a flurry of thrusts. He wore no armor nor carried a sword so a brawler I presumed. Meaning damage was inevitable.

One thrust to all vital locations head, heart, lungs, and liver. However they were a faint which left my spear buried in his knee.

"AH! You bitch!" He yelled out.

Taking this chance another titan used this chance to attack. Quickly ducking under a swipe from a sword I yanked my spear out and jumped back. This left me in the crosshairs of the other two. Throwing up one of my arms to defend a strike from an axe, I knew the gauntlets Gaia had given me would hold up, I called upon my divinity to bathe him in red lighting.

Using the other as a spring board I once again jumped away. This fight is going nowhere. Looking in front of me, the titans once again regrouped. Scorched, cut, and bleeding they still stood tall. What they lacked in skill they more than made up with their tenacity.

Honestly I don't think any of them have ever swung their weapons for improvement. Their balance was skewed they often overreached and yet their natural strength still let them stand at the peak. I see why Gaia warned me of being careful. If even the weakest of titans are this strong. It just leaves me wondering how strong Atlas and Cronos will truly be.

(A/N: Think of these titans as soldiers of the army. Where the generals would be stronger and then the leader would be the strongest. Essentially they are not the "Weakest" titans just the average soldiers.)

"Whew.." Breathing out I got myself ready. I couldn't keep this up for much longer. During this fight I noticed many flaws that I haven't before. Mainly in my use of my magic and divinity. Specifically at how bad I am at using them together. I hesitate at which to use in most situations. Should I throw a lightning bolt or a spell?

I need a way to combine them into one. My magic is calm and easy to control but it doesn't have the "Umph" my divinity has. However vice versa my divinity is much stronger but harder to control. Although I have fixed this during my training it means nothing when I try to mix them together.

It is like oil and water. I need away to balance them to fuse them into one singular attack. Reaching down into myself I called upon a budding divinity I had gained in this fight. It was not Lighting or thunder or any other sky related divinity. It was "Justice". A divinity I had gained from saving the Oceanids, not for fame or glory but because it was the right thing to do.

Wrapping that concept around my spear boosted it against the "Unjust" titans. Immediately I felt it buck and lash out trying to attack the titans. Reeling it in I focused on the idea that had blossomed.

If my divinity had more raw power, but was harder to control then I would use it as the "Engine". Then I would use my magic as the "Vehicle" to control it. Wrapping my mana around my divinity I shaped it like a case to hold and control my divinity.

Reaching an equilibrium my spear flared with might. It cracked but still held strong. Hoisting it over my shoulder my muscles flexed as I poured every last drop of strength into this one attack.

"Spread out your arms and welcome your fate! For one who hurts another for fun is no longer humane! Welcome my strongest attack Severance, the Lance of Hope!" I announced as I flinged my spear with the rest of my strength.

It was if the world itself rejoiced with the amount of light it gave off. The Titans could do nothing in the fate of their absolute demise. It was as if everything in front of the attack simply vanished without a trace. Leaving a ravine as far as the eye could see.

Alas my spear could not handle the burden and crumbled away into the wind.

"Haha!" Falling on her back Zeus laughed aloud. For this one fight had pushed her into the Ultimate-Class.

What she didn't know however was that this one attack had changed her very fate. In the future No longer would people think off the "Master Bolt" as her strongest weapon.

Where the Norse leader had an ultimate attack named Gunnir, and the Christian God had the True Loginus, the Greeks had Severance.

The Lance of Hope.

Sorry guys but my posts will be delayed until I get more time. I will keep posting when I can but I am slammed busy between work and college. Alright have a good day!

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