
DxD: Well im...Zeus?

So yeah. Rebeon as a female Zeus in dxd. What could go wrong! Did I mention I look like female Gilgamesh for some reason? All rights go to their owners.

Bats3245 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

Zeus PoV

*5 year time Skip*

In the next 5 years Gaia focused on teaching me more magic and having better control over my divinity.

I myself tried recreating some of the lightning moves I saw from various anime. I ain't no Laxus Dreyar or Sinbad yet but just give me some time. Ill be slinging around lightning like the best in no time.

Gaia also had me train my control to suppress my divinity to the point as if I was a mortal so we could surprise Cronos. And me and Daphne continued to hone our spear skills with regular sparing matches. Overall It was a fun time. Oh yeah I am 10 now! Whoop! Whoop!

*5 year time skip*

In my next 5 years Gaia seeked to broaden my horizons. In an effort to show me the wider world and boost my fighting capabilities, she sent me out to hunt some of the weaker titans. Different from the myth in my original world that there were only the original 12 titans, here there are thousands.

But just because I was hunting the weaker ones doesn't mean you should underestimate them, cause even the weaker ones were well within the High-Class.

Gaia actually shed some light on the whole class system for me.

[Low-Class: Easily defeat multiple armed humans or blow up a house.

Middle-Class: Could defeat multiple Low-Class beings with training. Could destroy an entire block.

High-Class: Could defeat multiple Middle-Class beings with ease. Could destroy an entire city.

Ultimate-Class: Could defeat countless High-Class beings as long as they have stamina. Could destroy a country.

Super-Class: At this stage those who are not also at the Super-Class could not even harm you. Could sink a continent/destroy the world. Super-Class is finicky. The power difference between the lower and higher ranks in the Super-Class was like the difference between Low to High-Class.

Finally would be Great red and Ophis, who are in there own class, who have enough energy to destroy the milky way galaxy. Scary world I live in.]

Anyway back to the fighting against the titans.


"Now then Zeus remember. Titans are cruel. They are horrendous. They are awful. Do not be surprised by what you see and do NOT let down your guard. Are we clear?" Gaia spoke as I was getting everything ready for my trip. storing all of the supplies in the ring Gaia had given me a on my 13th birthday.

"Yeah, Yeah I know. Don't look down on the big bad titans." I said offhandly not evening paying attention to her. Something I would come to regret.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come as well?" Daphne questioned worriedly. Turning to look at her I walked up and wrapped her in my arms. At which she gave out a cute squeal.

"Haaha! Worry not! I am close to reaching the Ultimate-Class. As long as I am careful I will be okay." Looking up into my eyes Daphne gave a firm nod before she leaned forward and gave me a kiss on the lips. (A/N: Worry not! Zeus is 15 now! Even older including her past life.)

"Chuu~" " W-Wait! Daphne!" Giving in to her we began trading kisses back and forth. However I refused to lose! Probing her lips with my tongue I tried seeking entry. Daphne realizing what I was going for slightly opened her lips giving me entry. "Mhmmmh~"

Slowly our chaste pure kiss was turning into a steamy make out session. Reaching my hands up one went and tangled itself in her hair, while the other grabbed her waist and pulled her closer. It felt so good. So right. Honestly I could have done this all day. Actually I would have if not for..

"Ekhem.. How long do you two plan to go on?" Gaia questioned.

Suddenly gaining realization of our surroundings me and Daphne split up. Not before I gave her a look that stated that we needed to talk about what we where when I got back from my mission. "Ah sorry didn't see you there." I turned to Gaia and lied through my teeth.

"E-Excuse me lady Gaia ." Daphne stuttered out through her blush, while nodding to me agreeing to talk latter. Gaia merely rolled her eyes.

"Oh please the sexual tension between you two was obvious for all to see. Heck some of the Nymphs even placed bet's!" Walking up to me Gaia pulled me into a hug.

"Please promise me you will be careful Zeus." She pleaded me.

"Hmph! I promise. Besides what is the worst that could happen?"


"I am going to die!" I yelled out. 14 days! I have been wondering around in this stupid forest for 14 days!

You will know when you see it Gaia told me. Well I don't see it! Sigh I guess I should explain what I am doing. Gaia got a distress signal from the Oceanid's. The Oceanids were the Nymphs who were born from the union between the titan Oceanus and his sister Tethys. Even though they were also a type of Nymph they refused to live in the separate dimension that Gaia ruled. As such their fate was in the Titan's hands

The fact that they asked Gaia for help must mean that something is going wrong. So here I am wondering around in a forest looking for the Oceanids.

"God why is it..so....hot?" Feeling the sudden increase in temperature I looked up to the sky as if to find an answer. However there I saw way off into the distance smoke billowing into the air and fire raging up to the heavens.

Not even stopping to think I casted reinforcement upon my body and wrapped my lightning around me to imitate a rather famous technique. "Godspeed..." I called out as I vanished from my spot leaving only a streak of red lightning.

Arriving at the town as fast as I could I stood dumbfounded at the sight. There were multiple titans wreaking havoc, and the Oceanids could only helplessly run away.

I-If only I was faster! If only I didn't wander around treating this as a game.. No I can still help some! Turning to look at the closest one I saw him chasing down one of the better looking Oceanids with a lecherous look. Tears spilled out of her eyes as she was cornered and the titan started to unravel his undergarments.

Pulling my spear from my ring I once again launched my self forward. It was a simple steel one that Daphne had given me at some point, however it was more than enough. Reinforcing it to the limit and then adding a couple of simple spells like "Greater Strength" and "Paralysis". I also called upon my divinity to wrap around the spear head.

This was going to be one of my strongest attacks to date! The energy I had built up running, my spear being boosted to the max, and my divinity spilling out aching to be used.

I charged forward before the titan could react and ended it with an all to familiar move. One that had been forged through my spouts with Daphne.

"Lightning Shot!" I called out. Hitting in the side of the head. A lightning beam pierced through his head and right through the middle of the town.


He only had enough time give a confused grunt before my blow completely destroyed his head along with half of his body. Splitting what was left of this ruined town in two.

"...ugh?" His body fell forward and started spewing ichor on the ground.

"Pew!" Spitting on the vermin I turned and looked at the Oceanid it was planning on defiling. "Hey are you alright?" Upon closer look she was a real beauty. Long blond hair and beautiful blue eyes with legs for days!

Turning to look up at me she started to cry and shake her head. "N-No..." she whimpered.

Squatting down next to her I started to pat her back. "Hey, hey. It will be alright I will protect you." Suddenly she threw herself into my arms and started to snuggle her head into my breasts. "N-No one will want to marry me anymore! I was almost taken by one that wasn't my husband!" She cried out.

Placing my hand on her head I started to gently pat her. "Come on now. That is nonsense. You are a beautiful young woman anyone would be lucky to have you."

Shifting her head, that was still on my boobs, she looked up to me with watery eyes. "Really?" She questioned. "Really. Really." My hands slide up and down her back trying to make her comfortable.

"By the way my name is Zeus! What is yours" I asked with a smile.

"Hmm? Oh I am Metis!" She said with a smile radiating her pureness.

However I could only focus on the name "....well shucks." I gave a wry smile. Hearing me she gave me a confused look. "What is it?"

"Nothing. Nothing is wrong." I answered. If you didn't know Metis is Zeus's first wife. She is also Athena's mother. The only problem is that the original Zeus tricked and ate her.

I looked down at the beautiful girl in question herself. Feeling me look at her she tilted her head to the side and gave me a look as if she was asking what I wanted. Gah! Sooooo cute! I swear I will kick the Og's ass for eating such a cute girl!

Hearing the sounds of fire and the screams of Oceanids I gave Metis a look. " Metis could you please let me up? I want to save the rest of the Oceanids." Giving me a knowing smile she slowly rose up and smiled down at me.

"Alright! Good luck Zeus-Chan! We were attacked by 5 titans and since you already got one that only leaves 4!'

Standing up myself I listened to Metis. Yeah lets hurry up and get this done. W-Wait! Zeus-Chan!? I am Zeus! Future King of the Gods! I will not be addressed by Chan!? I gave her a glare that died very very quickly at the closed eye smile she gave me. (A/N: King of Gods sounds a lot cooler to me than Queen of gods. Lol.)

F-Fine I will let it go this time!

Here we gooo! This Flashback took longer than I planned so I cut it into two. It will finsih next chapter.

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