
DxD: The Reincarnated Gamer

So you believe in ghosts and other strange occurrences? That there are many different kinds of races, as well as beings such as angels, devils, and dragons? And that a good number of these entities live alongside humans and cohabit with them? In addition to that, one of these people in particular stood out; what was his name? Altair. This universe would become the arena for his rantings and his jokes if he had his way. Nothing should matter to someone like him, or at the very least, it shouldn't matter at all. _____ like the fanfic and want to read ahead or just want to support you can join my patreo_n to read ahead by 10 chapters patr-eon.com/Rias_gremory174

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Chapter 48

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Rias, I want to know if you felt that. A solemn expression on Sona's face as she addressed the brunette in front of her with a comment.

''Yes...'' Rias responded while trembling slightly, stating that the mana she was sensing was insane and that it appeared that this mana simply increased as more time went.

"Tsubaki, are you able to locate him?" Sona addressed her question to a young lady who wore spectacles and had brown eyes, parted bangs, and long, straight black hair that went down to her legs. She not only wears the school uniform that the girls at Kuoh Academy are required to wear, but she also wears blue semi-rimmed spectacles with square lenses.

"I can't determine who this being is or exactly where it is; all I can tell you is that this sister was a few kilometres away from here," she said. Tsubaki responded while focusing on her sensory abilities, but she couldn't help but feel aggravated by the fact that she was unable to obtain any information that was of any use to her.

It appeared as though something was interfering with her ability to use her sensors.

Rias inquired of the brunette who was standing next to her, Akeno, as to whether or not she had any success.

''No Buchou.'' At the end of his speech, Akeno was denied and he let out a long, heavy sigh.

As if Altair weren't already enough, now an even more formidable entity has shown up... That is what they believed.



"Did you feel that, partner?" is a question often heard in conversation. A deep voice offered a comment.

"Yes, Albion, this particular individual is not just any random person." remarked a really good-looking young man with light grey hair and blue eyes. He is decked out in a dark green V-neck shirt and a black leather jacket with a high collar over the top of it. In addition to that, he has on black leather pants that have three stripes around the right calf of the right leg, black shoes with black buckles, and burgundy jeans that have a silver chain dangling from them.

The same young man retained a smile on his face the entire time, as if he had discovered something that was extremely entertaining.

"So, you felt it too," said a tall man who appears to be in his twenties and has an average physique, black hair with a golden fringe, and a black goatee. "So, you felt it too," he said. Additionally, he has twelve black feathered wings that have grown on his back. His outerwear consists of a lengthy brown coat with a V-neck and a broad, open collar that opens at the hem. Additionally, the long coat had two black belts around the waist and four black bands on each arm, with two of the bands at the wrists and the other two around the elbows. The belts were tied in a figure eight pattern. In addition to that, he has on a pair of grey slacks and brown shoes.

The young man nodded his head in agreement while saying, "Yes," as he responded.

"Be careful, Vali; this individual does not give off the impression of being someone who ought to be underestimated." The individual said in a solemn tone when he was facing Vali.

''Don't worry Azazel...'' Vali smiled faintly as she continued to glance in the general direction of the source of the mana leak and uttered the phrase.



''Hm?'' Jeanne cast her gaze in a certain direction on the window of the bedroom with some degree of scepticism.

She had experienced a tremendous quantity of mana...

"Have you taken note? While Artoria was asking Jeanne a question, Jeanne seemed to be looking out the bedroom window, so Artoria opened the door to the bedroom.

"Yes... Things are about to get a lot more interesting..." Jeanne made a remark with a grin on her face as she was no longer staring out the window.

Artoria remarked, "That's true," while laughing quietly to herself.

They were able to identify the person responsible for this without any difficulty, despite the mana having a slight variation.

When Altair gets back to his house, it's likely that he'll have to defend himself in front of these ladies.



During this time, Altair was still doing all in his power to stop the massive loss of mana that he was experiencing, but his MP was falling at an astonishing rate.

''Shit!'' He pondered the question while keeping one of his eyelids shut due to the extreme discomfort he was experiencing at that precise moment. It appeared as though nothing he tried would work no matter what he did.

[His ability has advanced to the next level]

[His ability has advanced to the next level]

[His skill levels up] [His skill levels up] [His skill levels up] [His skill levels up]

[His skill levelled up] [His skill levelled up] [His skill levelled up] [His skill levelled up]

[His skill levelled up] [His skill levelled up] [His skill levelled up] [His skill levelled up]

[His talent has reached its highest possible degree]

''What?'' Altair reacted with astonishment when he heard this favourable information.

[The prerequisites for the next stage of the ability's development have been satisfied]

[The ability must be at its highest possible level]

[Condition met]

[The ability's INT score must be higher than 500 points]

[Condition met]

[Every one of the requirements has been fulfilled with success]

[The skill known formerly as Mana Control has been renamed the Mana Manipulation skill]

[Mana Manipulation: The user is able to create mana, shape mana, and manipulate mana. Mana is an impersonal source of external and internal energy that exists in people, places, and objects, and it may be transmuted by the user into magical powers that provide exceptional results in practise and combat.] [Mana Manipulation] [Mana Manipulation: The user is able to create mana, shape mana

After realising that his talent had progressed, Altair's pupils drew wider as he expressed his astonishment. However, he did not have any time to reflect on the situation. Therefore, it was not easy for him to assume a meditative posture.

He had to put in a tremendous amount of effort before he was finally able to concentrate because the mana was flowing erratically through his body. And as he concentrated more, he became aware of a strange feeling...

The enchantment that pervaded everything... In the specks of sand... In the breeze that blew around him... In the glow of the night... There were flecks of mana present in each and every one of them...

But what he didn't realise was that his comprehension of the idea of mana was at an unfathomably astounding level.

He started drawing all of the mana that had gotten out of control back into his body by making use of his newly learned skill, Mana Manipulation.

Altair was aware that he was putting himself in a dangerous situation by doing this because once his body was no longer able to handle this large quantity of mana, he would most likely pass away, and his passing would not be at all a pleasant experience.

After that, he made an effort to clear his head... He should relax his body... And third, he should forget about the world that is around him...



''It feels like we're close...''

The voice that said this belonged to an alligator that had a humanoid form, but the scariest thing was not that there was an alligator with a humanoid form; the scariest thing was that it appeared that this alligator's body was decomposing, as if it had been dead for a long time. This alligator's humanoid form was not the scariest thing.


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